Historical Texts

Anarchism is not mysticism; it is not a discourse on beauty; it is not a cry of despair… It carries within itself the truth, the heroism and the aspirations of the masses, and it is today the only social doctrine which the masses can count on in their struggle… Anarchism must go to the masses and merge with them”.

Piotr Arshinov, 1923,
History of the Makhnovist Movement, 1918-1921


The Problem of Organisation and the Notion of Synthesis, Delo Truda (March, 1926)

Organisational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft), Delo Truda (June, 1926)

Supplement To The Organisational Platform (Questions And Answers), Delo Truda (November, 1926)

Reply To The Platform (Synthesist), Several Russian Anarchists (1927)

Reply To Anarchism’s Confusionists, Delo Truda (August, 1927)

Organisation and Party, Maria Isidine (March & April 1928)

Elements Old And New In Anarchism: A Reply To Maria Isidine, Peter Arshinov (November-December, 1928)

About A Project For Anarchist Organisation, Luigi Fabbri (date unknown)