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British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab with his Australian counterpart Marise Payne at his residence in London on Wednesday.

Australia pressured to step up climate action during G7 talks

First from Washington DC and now from London, Australia faces friendly but firm diplomatic pressure to commit to more ambitious climate targets.

  • by Nick O'Malley

Opinion & Perspectives

Scott Morrison learning all the wrong lessons from travel ban backlash

David Crowe
David Crowe

The Prime Minister chose to blame the media rather than accept responsibility for his government’s poor handling of the emergency declaration.

Faithful Morrison says one thing but does another

John Hewson
John Hewson

The Prime Minister has made a couple of speeches in the past month in which he has focused on his faith and beliefs. But his declarations sit at odds with his own behaviour.

The Australian government cannot treat its own citizens as pariahs

Helen Irving

The travel ban on Australians returning from India is a breach of the constitution that should worry all Australians.



COVID-19 supplies for India being loaded into a Qantas plane earlier this week.

Repatriation flights from India to resume on May 15, Prime Minister says

More than 1000 people expected to return through Darwin’s Howard Springs facility by the end of June.

  • by Rachel Clun
Jenna Patterson highlighted the inequality of paid parental leave when a mother earns over the threshold with her question to the Q+A panel. 

How a quirk in the system stopped Jenna’s family getting paid parental leave

A new parent is usually entitled to up to 18 weeks of paid parental leave, but qualification is based on the mother’s income.

  • by Nick Bonyhady

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