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ᗪavid Spencer
lecturing in comms, phd was 'On the rhetorical function of fictional worlds', fool for Parisian swing
Joined August 2010

ᗪavid Spencer’s Tweets

tomorrow, tutes are focused on agenda-setting and framing.. an election ought to be a gift for that tute. so, class, what are the burning issues of the day, to be addressed with bold programmes, being staked out as priorities by parties keen to differentiate themselves in 2022..
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Police have arrested veteran journalist, political commentator and journalism teacher Allan Au 區家麟 after searching his home this morning - source says the arrest is related to the StandNews case
Some Wechat conversations go viral overnight, like this community one from Shanghai at the start of the lockdown when some resident suggested they should eat the "black guy from the 7th floor," not knowing he could see it.("Don't eat me," he responded.) Tshirt followed, sold out.
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this is the eighth or ninth time an election's rolled around and I've heard people hoping lots of first preference votes for Greens that then end up in Labor's hands by virtue of second preference will give Labor pause on its ever less humane and equitable policies.
this politician and his party could not be more committed to coal and gas. growth in production - new projects - growth in exports, regardless of exacerbating climate change. none of the below contradicts this at all.
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“The cheapest form of energy is renewable energy…Let’s make more things in Australia using cheap, clean energy”. Spot on @AlboMP
best antidote to a small group potentially holding balance of power in Parliament is not to have an always far more powerful, and democratically limiting, duopoly.
most of my concerns about a platform like Twitter potentially hiding wartime propaganda could be addressed by siloing it somewhere it can be accessed as an archive one crucial consideration is that propaganda from conflicts becomes a very important part of the historical record
BBC news covering the Aus election just described the ALP as the 'left of centre Labor Party', even the ABC's 'Vote Compass' doesn't go that far.
Dubious milestones. Oz has reported >5 million Covid cases, #20 in the world. Once the gold standard NSW has reported >2 m cases (24% of popn), highest in Oz then Vic (21%), Tas (20%), Qld (16%). But Vic has had most deaths: 415/m popn, NSW 308/m. 7 day aver now NSW 19K, Vic 11K.
still think Labor could have won in 2019 on a platform of fast energy transition, a humane approach to refugees, and a Republic with a Treaty (if that was within the realms of possibility for them, notwithstanding ideology and interests). that goes doubly this time.
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myself and 2 million or so other people ~won't vote formally for the House of Representatives (always higher than the Senate non-vote), some of us as it just seems to endorse more fossil fuels, etc., and then that number wont be factored at all again into analysis of the result.
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Aus PM calling an election seems imminent but expecting it'll make a smaller dent this time in news appearing in the twitter feed. on the day most will vote for fossil fuels again, not being able to do otherwise, whatever their view on fossil fuels, resulting in more fossil fuels
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after inconsistent walks due to rain, has that look again that might signal doubt about prioritising being a good boy.
Not #Ukraine, but beyond the glare of satellite news cameras, #Myanmar’s military junta is slowly, methodologically, burning villages and killing civilians. These atrocities in Sagaing Region also demand a robust international response. #EndImpunity
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Residents who fled a village in Sagaing Region after an April 5 junta raid dare not return as regime troops are still deployed in the village. Two locals were killed and over 200 homes destroyed in the raid. (Photo: CJ) #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
sometimes the adblocker drops out, a reminder that underneath it there are 'promoted tweets' and that twitter's only like it was because of the combination of an adblocker and a plugin that forces a chronological timeline without likes or replies or 'who to follow' etc.