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Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Abyssmals - "Gospels, Hymns and Other Trash!"

Rescued from a cult and saved by love and rock'n'roll. Read all about it here!

1) For the viewers of this blog who would not know you, What would you tell about you and your musical background to introduce yourself? Can you also introduce the other members of The Abyssmals who participated in the recordings? 

JARPON: The Abyssmals are a five-piece garage psych band from the Schenectady, NY formed in October 2016. The band consists of Bob Forget on guitar/vocals, Boris Cahrenger On bass/vocals, Nick Nigro on drums, Muffy Reyes on keys/percussion/vocals, and me (Jarpon Reyes) on guitar/lead vocals. The group initially formed around a collection of demos (The Abyssmals S/T) I started recording in Spring of 2016 and released that September.  Up until that point everyone was in separate bands that were in the process of ending so it took a bit to get together. Once everyone was assembled, the songs began to take on a new life with everybody bringing their own personality and musicality to them. While there’s definitely a cross section of psych music for us, everyone integrated their own distinct musical sensibilities, styles, and sounds. Personally, the Velvet Underground are my faves, but the stuff that most informs my writing for The Abyssmals is mixture of early Mod/British Invasion, 50’s rock, 60’s surf rock, Nuggets-era psych, 70’s punk, and a little 80’s post-punk.  The Animals, The Monks, Los Saicos, The Stooges and ? and The Mysterians were big vibe inspiration behind the whole idea when I started writing. More modern psych and garage bands like BJM, Black Angels, Black Lips I also love and can be traced in our songs. Also artists like Elvis, Roy Orbison and more currently, Angel Olsen. My dad was a big karaoke guy and I grew up on American oldies radio so I’ve got a major soft spot for dramatic crooning and melodic, vintage pop.

BOB: I grew up listening to a lot of British Rock, started with The Beatles, The Who and The Stones.
I eventually shifted into Brit Pop, Shoegaze, Psychedelic, New Wave stuff like Oasis, Blur, Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Happy Mondays and The Stone Roses. I also enjoy several American artists, The Velvet Underground, The Black Angels and Brian Jonestown Massacre.

BORIS: Hello, I’m Boris and I play bass. My own personal music background goes way back to high school, where I played euphonium for 4 years or so. After that, I went into a pawn shop and purchased a Squier p-bass without even playing it beforehand and never looked back. I’m a huge fan of Motown and Stax artists, and also passionate over rock and roll.

MUFFY: I'm pretty much a tempestuous fan of music so it depends on my mood what I'm really digging. The most impactful artists for me musically though are Blondie and The B-52's. For performance style and aesthetics, the B-52’s still reign on high with that, but I also really love 60's flight attendant outfits, Cher in her Bob Mackie days and any and all drag queens.

2) About your debut full length album "Gospels, Hymns and Other Trash!",  what can you tell about the recording process? Was this a "live" in the studio recording or a track by track recording with lots of overdubs?

JARPON: We recorded in the basement of our friend, Shane Williams’ house.  He was essentially the engineer and I mixed it. Our friend, Troy Pohl mastered it. Side note: Our song, ‘Mansion of Happenings’ is actually about Shane’s house.  When Muffy and I moved to New York in 2016, the first show I went to I ran into Bob and Shane and also met Boris. I’d known Bob and Shane because my old band in Boston, Peachpit, played some weekend tours with Bob and Shane’s old band, Linear North, back in 2014.  That night Shane invited me over to jam with them all at his house the next morning. I hadn’t played with people in months since my old band broke up so jamming with them was great and inspiring. I immediately went home and wrote ‘Death Row Messiah’ and ‘Mansion of Happenings’ the next day and kind of sparked the idea of a band. As for the recording process, we did the majority of the instrumentation live. Bob did a few guitar overdubs. All the vocals were recorded separately at me and Muffy’s house as was most of the organ, percussion, synth and random bells and whistles. I cut together all the weird audio samples. The first bit at the beginning of the record is a mix of a John Lennon clip and Rod Steiger’s Twilight Zone intro monologue.  The sax before ‘For All of Time’ is a recording of our friends’ son mimicking Ornette Coleman.  Other than that, most of what is heard happened in one room together over the course of 2 or 3 days. I’d never mixed a bulk of work like this before so it definitely was a massive undertaking for me and also a huge learning experience.  I probably went through 6 mixes for each song.  I love recording and mixing just as much as performing, but I think for the next record I just want to watch and learn while someone else takes the wheel.

NICK: Recording live takes at Shane's house was a blast and I think the live feeling definitely came
out in the final product. It was an awesome experience to watch the mixes evolve over time.

3) Do you use the nowadays digital recording technology or do you only work with analog machines in analog studios? 

JARPON: Yeah, we used all the newfangled digital stuff. It’s what was available, haha. I also feel like as long as you have a sense of vision about what you want, you’ll get there somehow. I do know we’d love to do some analog recording though. Hint, hint if anyone is reading this wants to record us.

4) How would you describe the music you're playing? 

JARPON: I used to use the label, “Butt Psych” for kicks before, but most folks stick us with “Garage Psych” or some variation of that. We’ve gotten a pretty good mix of bands people have compared us to or hear in our songs. The Cramps, Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Velvet Underground, Beatles, Stones, Black Angels, The Pretty Things, The B-52’s, The Warlocks, The Allah-Lah’s, Dick Dale and even Tommy James and the Shondells have all been mentioned. Our sound gets likened to Quentin Tarantino soundtracks with some frequency as well. I’m ok with it. All of that’s in there and more, I think. Muffy was quoted in another interview as characterizing us as an “inter-dimensional trash prom”. I like that one.

MUFFY: It's true! I feel like we're the cool band that a school got to play at their prom back in the 50's -- but in an another post apocalyptic dimension where the world had ended but yet we as humans are still here.

NICK: It's definitely a mix of what everyone is bringing to the table. At it's core, it nods to vintage rock and roll with some twists and turns thrown in the mix.

BORIS: I tend to keep it simple and tell people we’re 60’s style psych/garage rock with energy, attitude, and style.

BOB: A lot of people throw us in the Psychedelic Garage category but we all bring our musical backgrounds to the table and it just ends up being The Abyssmals!

5) What is your favorite topic/topic that comes easily when you write a new song?

JARPON: There are definitely some themes I end up swimming with a lot. Those would be belief/disillusionment, obsession/addiction and escapism. That may sound kind of grim or heavy, but I like to present them in a tongue-in-cheek way.  I very rarely begin writing a song with a topic in mind though. Usually it begins with some chords, then a melody, then I pull words out of the melody.  The topic of the song will springboard off the first line I come up with so I put a lot of emphasis on having a solid first lyric. Overall though, I try not to think too hard about it. I don’t write very personally or confessional with Abyssmals songs really. It makes it a little more fun that way.

BOB: I normally don't write any lyrics, but when I do it's usually about escaping, struggles in life, space and water. Other times when i'm working on a song I try to create a mood with different guitar lines and effects. Then there's the acoustic guitar approach where I'll be strumming away on something and then i'll just record a quick demo and build off of that.

6) Do you have a new video on youtube  featuring a track from the new LP?? 

JARPON: No new video yet. That’s something we’ll be working on.  I made a video for the ‘Death Row Messiah’ demo I did, but we’ve got some ideas for stuff off of G.H.A.O.T. I guess it’s technically past due for our “promotional” time, but we’re mostly concerned with just making something fun and cool, timelines be damned.

7) What can concert goers expect at a The Abyssmals gig? Are you playin' any famous cover songs during the gig? 

JARPON: Concert goers can expect to escape the realm of earthly burdens and fall head on into the abyss. No taxes, no mortgage, no debt to pay. Just straight freedom of freakishness. They can expect to be entertained. As for covers, we’ve done a few.  ‘Hold Tight’ by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich, which is a good, classic Nuggets tune. We also did ‘Reverberation’ by 13th Floor Elevators at our album release show, which was shortly before Roky Erickson passed. Probably the most famous one we’ve done is ‘Helter Skelter’. That’s always a bash.

8) Are there any bands in The USA today you consider yourself close to musically speaking?

JARPON: Actually, when I first heard the band, The Nude Party, I immediately felt like we had some kindred sonic sensibilities. I absolutely love that band too.

MUFFY: When I listen to Black Lips, I definitely think we can play a bill with them, they have that stanky southern rock while we have a cheerfully despondent, post-industrial America sound.

BORIS: It’s hard for me to say who we are close to, but we have been told that we sound like The Brian Jonestown Massacre and The Black Angels, which is cool to hear people say, as they are definitely big influences.

NICK: As far as more other well known bands go, Thee Oh Sees and Ty Segall match the heavier side of our sound. We also had the good fortune to play with the bands New Aura (Boston, MA), and Psychotic Reaction (Norman, OK) who have a similar feel.

9) To what kind of music did you listen to as teenagers? What were your favorite bands as a teenager? Name 3 bands that you consider still have an influence on your own work today.

JARPON: As a teenager I started off mostly listening to 90’s alt-rock bands that would have been on MTV’s 120 minutes (even though that was off the air by the time I started high school).  It really wasn’t until my late-teens/early 20’s that I started finding my own tastes.  I started getting heavily into The Beatles’ full discography around 16 or 17 and obviously that was huge.  But also right around then I started listening to Elliott Smith and that deeply affected me. It was the first time I’d heard an artist and felt like their music was speaking directly to me. His music made me fully realize I wanted to write songs above anything else. And not necessarily songs that sounded like Elliott Smith but just good songs in general, regardless of genre or style. But as far as bands from my past years of musical discovery that currently influence the Abyssmals’ songs - I’d say the the Velvets, The Beatles, and a dead tie between The Stooges and The Buzzcocks .

BOB: The Beatles, Oasis and The Who were my favorites as a teenager but then I started pushing towards the psychedelic, shoegaze stuff later on. I always loved the songwriting of Lennon/McCartney and Noel Gallagher but I found my strengths were in the lead guitar/guitarist role. Nick McCabe from the Verve was always a huge inspiration for me when it came to the guitar same with Kevin Shields from My Bloody Valentine, they both had a big impact on me when it came to finding new sounds.

BORIS: For me, the first band that I really got exposed to and loved as a teenager was Tool. I was blown away by the rhythm of their songs and the riffs. I also loved Rage Against The Machine, Chili Peppers and in my late teens I got really into The Beatles. Three bands/artists that still have an influence on me today (off the top of my head) are Stevie Wonder, David Bowie and Television. I can go on and on with artists though!

NICK: I grew up with a lot of 60’s rock, folk, and Motown in my house. As I got older I found my
way into punk rock, grunge, hip-hop and indie/alternative rock. If I were to pick 3 bands from early on I'd say David Bowie, John Lennon/Plastic Ono band and Velvet Underground have had a lasting impact on me.

MUFFY: I was in a cult as a youth so I was not allowed to listen to any music outside of American top 40 radio.  It was only until I was rescued about the age of 25 that I was able to diversify my tastes.

10) What are the plans for the rest of 2019 as far as The Abyssmals are concerned?

JARPON: The rest of 2019 we’ll be playing as many awesome shows as possible, working on new material, and ideally getting ‘Gospels, Hymns and Other Trash!’ on vinyl and available to our ravenous fan base for the holidays.

11) Anything you wanna add?

JARPON: Firstly, on behalf of all of us, thank you so much for your listening, interest, and time Eric!  Secondly, I thank anyone who takes the time to read this and listen to our songs. Lastly, to any bands, labels, bookers out in EU who may read this or listen to us: we want to play with you, we want to play for you, we want to release with you!!! Hit us up at


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reese McHenry - "No Dados"

Hailing from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Reese McHenry is a singer, songwriter and guitar player. Her sophomore album "NO DADOS" was released some months ago on Suah Sounds. On this latest album she is backed by a badass rock'n'roll band that delivers some really powerful music. But what sets Reese McHenry apart is not only her brilliant songwriting but also her forceful voice that somehow will remind you of Janis Joplin. 

Purchase this record, it's absolutely brilliant from start to finish.

1) For the viewers of this blog who would not know you, What would you tell about you and your musical background to introduce yourself? Can you also introduce the other guys who participated in the recordings? Are they part of your "live" backing band now?

My name is Reese McHenry. I’m a female singer, songwriter and guitar player. I taught myself how to play guitar in my early 20's to write songs. Songwriting isn’t something I do as much as something I am. The record No Dados was recorded in August 2018 in 6 days at Fidelitorium in Kernersville, NC by producer/engineer Missy Thangs.

The people who played on the recording are Mike Wallace, Guitar. Thomas McNeely, bass. Chip Steiner, drums. Trevor Reece, guitar.

Mike and Thomas are still in the band with me, now with Thomas playing drums. We have Mark Connor playing bass and sometimes he plays guitar and we have bassist Kaitlin Grady with us. When we play as a 5 piece I don’t normally play guitar.

2) About your sophomore full length album "No Dados",  what can you tell about the recording process? Was this a "live" in the studio recording or a track by track recording with lots of overdubs?

I like everything to be live, in the same room, looking at each other. I’d love to do the vocals live but it’s not worked in the past. We have vocal overdubs and some guitar overdubs, but not much.

3) Do you use the nowadays digital recording technology or do you only work with analog machines in analog studios?

We use digital. It doesn’t always sound as good but it much easier and less expensive.

4) How would you describe the music you're playing? Do you call it "Garage rock" or do you consider there is much more to it?

I would call it garage rock-ish with a powerful, pointed singer.

5) What is your favorite topic/topic that comes easily when you write a new song?

I really like the idea of working out the difficulties and beauty of human relationships. I struggle to maintain healthy relationships and I am forever assessing and processing. Songwriting is perfect for that.

6)  Do you have a new video on youtube  featuring a track from the new LP?? 

Yes. It’s called Bye Bye Baby.

7) What can concert goers expect at a Reese McHenry gig? Are you playin' any famous cover songs during the gig? 

We have been doing “if it makes you happy” by Sheryl Crow lately. At our show, one can expect a rock and roll show with great energy and camaraderie on stage.

8) Are there any bands in The USA today you consider yourself close to musically speaking?

I think we share space with heavier 60s influenced  rock bands, like Shannon and The Clams, thee Coat Hangers, The Advertisers, Brenda, Dim Delights and The Muckers,

9) To what kind of music did you listen to as a teenager? What were your favorite bands as a teenager? Name 3 bands that you consider still have an influence on your own work today.

I loved 60s “girl group” doo wop, a Lesley Gore, The Shirelles, The Ronettes, Rosie and the Originals. Any Garage Rock from that era. I also loved Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue, Ratt and Black Sabbath as a teen. I think the 60s bands still have a huge hand in my songwriting.
3 band that have an influence today would be: The Ronettes, Nirvana and The Oblivians

10) What are the plans for the rest of 2019 as far as you're concerned?

We’re doing a tour to NYC and back in October, I’m going out to California solo on November. Our goal is to work on the new songs I’ve written to start recording in February. I want to tour internationally more than anything.

11) Anything you wanna add?

I am happy and terribly thankful to be able to play in this band and we will continue to record and tour until we all get tired of it. So, forever, probably.


Friday, September 13, 2019

Gyasi - Androgyne

In the woods of West Virginia, in an isolated hollow, a young boy thought he was a peacock. When he realized, much to his dismay, that he was not a peacock, he picked up a guitar. "Androgyne" is the debut full length of Gyasi (pronounced "Jossy"), the new face of Glam Rock. And it's brilliant.

1) For the viewers of this blog who would not know you, What would you tell about you and your musical background to introduce yourself? Can you also introduce the other guys who participated in the recordings? Are they part of your "live" backing band?

Well, I’ve been playing music since I was 4. I grew up on a farm in a hollow in the mountains of rural West Virginia, an only child, with 265 acres of woodland with chickens, horses, pet peacocks and a whole world of imaginary characters I would create in my head. My parents taught me to live very close to the land, and also introduced me to the great world of music that came out of the 60's and 70's as well as the folk and blues music that sparked it. The family next door were immigrants from Russia, intellectuals who fled the suffocating Soviet existence and brought with them an incredible record collection and a wealth of knowledge and philosophy that shaped me in many ways as I grew up. There is a bit of a revolving cast of musicians with the group. None of the players on this record are actually part of my current touring band. Ammed Solomon and Gaelen Mitchell played most of the drums, and Dylan Whitlow played bass on one tune. Otherwise it’s mostly me on all the instruments.

2) About your debut full length album "Androgyne",  what can you tell about the recording process? Was this a "live" in the studio recording or a track by track recording with lots of overdubs? 

The bulk of the songs were recorded with just me and a drummer, either Ammed Solomon or Gaelen Mitchell, done very live, sometimes improvised for the base tracks. Then I would build parts on top of that initial guitar/drums foundation. On Bring Your Love I played all the instruments including the drums. Dylan Whitlow, an incredible musician in the band Blackfoot Gypsies, played bass on Young Love. That one is almost entirely live. The more live the better for me. As long as there is a strong performance captured initially, it’s easy to build on. With this record there was never very many overdubs. I think Wilde Childe has the most. The more you can hear the musicians interacting the better.

3) Do you use the nowadays digital recording technology or do you only work with analog machines in analog studios?

This record I did at my home studio on an 8 track tape machine. Most songs were initially recorded on tape and then finished in Logic on the computer. 8 tracks was usually not quite enough for me to finish out a song, but I would basically treat the computer like a tape machine without much editing or manipulation.

4) How would you describe the music you're playing? Do you call it "glam" or do you consider there is much more to it?

I suppose both. The presentation is certainly glam and the essence is glam, but there is definitely much more to it. My favorite glam artists (David Bowie, Marc Bolan, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop) all had a whole world within their music that went well beyond any simple classification. I suppose if there’s any term that fits all of it, it’s rock n roll. I am very influenced by so many kinds of music, but it sort of gets filtered through a glam rock presentation but there is much more there, and there will certainly be evolution to come as well with the next music I’m writing.

5) What is your favorite topic/topic that comes easily when you write a new song?

Hmm, I don’t know. It’s different every day. All depends on the mystery of the moment I suppose. All the subconscious things that I pick up on tend to come out in songs, and it can be hard to predict what it will be. I suppose in looking at my songs I tend to write about certain types of characters, often characters seeking enlightenment through self destruction or rebellion, but it varies a lot.

6)  Do you have a new video on youtube  featuring a track from the new LP?? 

Yes. Tongue Tied, Nightcrawl, and Blackstrap all have videos on youtube.

7) What can concert goers expect at a Gyasi gig? Are you playin' any famous cover songs during the gig? 

My goal for the live show is spontaneity. We almost never play the same set and the songs always change night to night. It’s high energy rock n roll that’s designed for the escape in to the present. I think that’s what audiences are hungry for, and it’s what I’m hungry for. To share the moment together with the audience. We rarely do covers. Sometimes we’ll do Waiting for the Man by Lou Reed. We’ve done some old blues tunes and Moonage Daydream. When we play longer sets sometimes they’ll come out but in general we’ve been focusing on the original material.

8) Are there any bands in The USA today you consider yourself close to musically speaking?

Mmm in the US, not a whole lot. There are certainly elements that we have in common with other bands, but as a whole thing there aren’t many that come to mind. I mean, I love Starcrawler, and I suppose we are similar to them in some ways but at the same time quite different. Also the Lemon Twigs are awesome. I like how much they are always changing their sound and presentation.

9) To what kind of music did you listen to as teenagers? What were your favorite bands as a teenager? Name 3 bands that you consider still have an influence on your own work today.

As a teenager, I was totally obsessed with every nuance of Led Zeppelin. I spent years learning every thing I could of their music. Also The White Stripes. The Rolling Stones were also huge for me at that time. At the same time, though, I was hugely into a lot of old blues music like Robert Johnson and Big Bill Broonzy, and also Django Reinhardt was someone I studied extensively. Hard to narrow it to 3.

I would say all those I mentioned still influence me but I would definitely add Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, and David Bowie to the list. My songwriting and lyrical influence came in my late teens and early 20's when I really got into those three artists.

10) What are the plans for the rest of 2019 as far as you're concerned?

Well I’m finishing the next record now, and we have some dates coming up in the next few months. Some small touring and some cool local shows. Most of our booking and plans are going toward the spring though, as December and January are very slow for the music business.

11) Anything you wanna add?

I believe that covered it. Thanks! Cheers,