Tuesday, April 13, 2021

New Forms


                                Check out Matthew Ingram's cool new street art project.

                                 A short film about it entitled Forms can be watched here

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Gods of the Hammer

!An exciting addition to the small body of gabber literature! 

Sbrang Gabba Gang: Gabber Reconstruction of the Universe, by Riccardo Balli

By an Italian but in English, written in a style that resembles the LOUD energy of a S.Wells sluiced through the unforgiving yet gleeful anti-humanism of a Biba Kopf, this monograph maps Italian Futurism onto gabba, and vice versa. So it's an intellectual entertainment - penned by one who knows viscerally whereof he speaks... who's sweated and stomped in the four-to-floor forge 'till the crack of dawn, and beyond...  been battered by drop-hammer bassdrum and blasted by hoover-noise...  soaked up the sensations and survived to make sense of the senselessness. 


You can get the book here or here or here 

Check out the praxis (deejaying, producing, running a label) to the theory at Balli's Bologna-based operation  sonicbelligeranza.com 

Some of Balli's previous publications


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

K vs K mindclash

My boy Kieran Press-Reynolds with news of a Repeater Radio meeting-of-minds tomorrow: 

"This Friday, I'm talking with Kit Mackintosh about his book Neon Screams: How Drill, Trap and Bashment Made Music New Again - discussing dancehall, squeak rap, conspiracy theologies, ad-lib posthumanism and more. After, we're doing a 2-hour mix-off live — it's going to be a ton of fun."

Start time: 8 pm UK / 4pm East Coast / 1 pm West Coast - Friday March 26 2021.  

You can also catch Kieran's latest Ctrl Alt Repeat show  - "Astral Squeaks: How Hyperspeed Squeals and Alien Whispers Became Rap's Final Frontier" - featuring tunes from 645AR, meat computer, Lazy God, Cartier God, Axxturel, sellasouls, islurwhenitalk, Yameii Online, lungskull, kmoe, Wxlfcrxw etc  -  archived at Mixcloud