Justice is a world without police

A guilty verdict for a murderous cop is not a ‘victory’. It’s time to abolish the police, says Lauren Pemberton-Nelson

Vaccine nationalism

As various Covid-19 vaccines continue to be rolled out in the Global North, Remi Joseph-Salisbury explores how nationalist vaccine programmes exacerbate global inequalities

Unionists of the left

Sophie Long uncovers the progressive unionism overshadowed by Northern Ireland's right-wing mainstream

The Bastard State

A hundred years on from partition, Pádraig Ó Meiscill diagnoses the many ills of past and present Northern Ireland

Terrible films about the Troubles

Taking a cinematic tour of predictable plots and improbable accents, Stephen Hackett finds himself asking: hasn’t Ulster suffered enough?

A protest banner reading Defend the right to Protest

‘Global Britain’, aggressive imperialism and draconian policing

Belligerent abroad and oppressive at home, the government's rhetoric is being gradually cemented into law. Protest is the only response, writes Rohan Rice

Syringe with label reading 'vaccination'

Simon Hedges is jabbing away

Our 'Award Winning' columnist tries to trick his father into getting the vaccine, saying it will protect him from 'cancel culture'

Low traffic neighbourhoods: Making fairer, safer, cities

Low traffic neighbourhoods are part of building a fairer city, argues Rachel Aldred

Review – Misbehaving

A new edited volume emphasises that the personal is political and highlights the power of spectacular direct action, says Alice Robson

Review – Work Won’t Love You Back

Subtitled 'how devotion to our jobs keeps us exploited, exhausted and alone', Sarah Jaffe's book explores one of neoliberalism's most insidious sleights of hand, writes Marzena Zukowska

As mayor, I’ll fight to fix London’s broken housing system

Londoners need a mayor who will fight for housing reform and rent controls, argues Green Party candidate Sian Berry

Free, safe, legal, local

Emma Campbell describes the long fight for reproductive rights in Northern Ireland

lllustration of a bow tie

My pandemic year in the rearview

Our 'sensible' columnist Simon Hedges found himself a job during lockdown – as his father's butler

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