1982, Who’s Who in the Pits

➤ Harry Cool’s Guide to the New Glitterati

First published in News Sounds New Styles, April 1982

HARRY COOL WRITES: They’ve been called the Pits Kids, the New Glitterati, the Jellytot Set (none is older than 12). For two exciting weeks, the new “alternative” faces with their new “alternative” hairstyles have held the gossip writers in thrall. So of the hard-posing, hard-drinking Pits Kids, just who will amount to more than a pile of non-returnable empties? NSNS sorts out the Pepsis from the Cokes and puts names to the Faces to watch…

Blitz Club, Blitz Kids, theblitzkids, the Blitz, cult with no name, Billy’s, Gossips, posers, i-D, The Face, spoof, clubbing, Soho, New Sounds New Styles, Swinging 80s, Steve Strange, Perry Haines, Visage, Spandau Ballet, Steve Dagger, Chris Sullivan, Steve Lewis, Gaz Mayall, Stephen Jones, Stephen Linard, Melissa Caplan, Harry Cool,

Click on picture to read the full page from New Sounds New Styles

➢ Elsewhere at Shapersofthe80s – New Sounds New Styles: Will it all be over by next week?

➢ Elsewhere at Shapersofthe80s – Harry Cool on the new bigshots at the bar



TAGS – New Sounds New Styles, magazines, New Romantics, Blitz Club, Blitz Kids, theblitzkids, the Blitz, cult with no name, Billy’s, Gossips, posers, i-D, The Face, spoof, clubbing, Soho, New Sounds New Styles, Swinging 80s, Steve Strange, Perry Haines, Visage, Spandau Ballet, Steve Dagger, Chris Sullivan, Steve Lewis, Gaz Mayall, Rik Mayall, Stephen Jones, Stephen Linard, Melissa Caplan