Liz Green


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The Haul Away! Tour Commenceth…

In classic Green style this picture is either very late, or just in time… depending on your view of the glass.

I am headed off on a mini tour of the UK soon (tomorrow) to launch the good ship Haul Away!

I will visit the following places either

a) on my own,

b) with some or all of my wonderful band in tow

or c) with the quite excellent Woodpigeon.

Or all of the above. See Circles or Triangles for details.

You can find ticket links here -

or here -

Or just turn up on the door and pay earth pounds like the old days.

Onwards ->


23rd April @ Ace Hotel, LONDON

24th April @ The Grain Barge, BRISTOL

25th April @ Westgarth Social Club, MIDDLESBROUGH (supporting Woodpigeon)

26th April @ First Chop Brewery, SALFORD

27th April 12:00pm @ Sam & Sofia’s Garden, SHEFFIELD (supporting Woodpigeon)

27th April 7:30pm @ The Basement, YORK (w/ Woodpigeon)

30th April @ The Cookie, LEICESTER (w/ Woodpigeon)

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Here we go again.


It’s June. Must be time for my biannual post on here.

And also time for a wee solo tour of the UK. I’ve just finished recording my second album. Yesterday actually. And in a few minutes i’m off to start mixing it. Or producer Liam is going to start mixing it. And i’m going to sit very quietly on a wooden bench at the back of a room and pretend i know what’s going on. Anyway. More about that next year.

I’m going to play some new songs, and some old songs, and some piano songs, and possibly one or two on Duncan’s 100 year old banjo. If you want to come along - then read my palms to see if i’m coming to a town near you. Or if i’m passing by you on my way to somewhere else, and you know of a nice spot with a piano and some friendly ears - then get in touch and we’ll see if we can’t make that happen too…

Here’s the dates (legibly)

14th June - Edinburgh @ House Show (with the very excellent Rob St. John)

15th June - Durham @ Old Cinema Laundrette

19th June - Liverpool @ The Caledonia (with the very wonderful MIkey Kenney)

22nd June - Manchester @ The International Anthony Burgess Foundation (with the frankly brilliant Stephen Burch aka. The Great Park)

23rd June - London @ The Vortex (also with The Great Park. Ace.)

24th June - Norwich @ The Bicycle Shop

27th June - Margate @ The Tom Thumb Theatre

28th June - Brighton @ The Emporium

Ticket links and suchlike should be up here in the next few days:

In the meantime check out these guys:

The Great Park

Rob St. John

Mikey Kenney

Be good.

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It’s the 2nd of November, Which means it’s my 30th birthday. And in Mexico… Dia De Los Muertos, The Day Of The Dead. And as a Day Of The Dead / Birthday treat to you, I’d like to introduce the video for my song Luis. 

It was made by the wonderful Tamzin Forster using 7 sheets of white paper, a craft knife and infinite amounts of patience.

If you don’t know the story behind Luis, It was inspired by an “And Finally…” story i read in  The Metro. I have lost the original clipping but it went something like; “In Mexico a local man, Luis (i forget his surname) has gained notoriety by attending every funeral in his hometown for the past 20 years.”  It just stuck in my mind. And I felt he deserved more than a couple of sentences. So i wrote him a song. 

There’s something in it somewhere about the fine line between being morbidly obsessed by death, and being able to celebrate it. But i’m not a scholar. I just write the songs. I hope you like it.


More work by Tamzin Forster :

More about the Dia De Los Muertos :

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So in a week or so I’m off on tour again. Here’s two creepy eye plants i drew to share the facts. 

In Italy I’ll be solo, with a bag, a guitar and the Italian railway system. I’ve not travelled on my own for a while so i’m especially looking forward to the solitude of long train journeys. And going to many places i’ve never been before. Italy is largely uncharted territory for me. If you know someone in or around these places do tell them to come and say hello. Then i’ll have a stranger-friend to drink the wine with.

(I will update the eye-flyer with the Mantova venue as soon as i know. And i think there will be a gig on the 31st too - somewhere in North Italy, i’ll let you know when i find out)

In France I’ll be reunited with my band in Strasbourg on the 2nd November, which just happens to be my 30th birthday. I did try and book it off over one and a half years ago. But i took both Gus (saxophone) and Sam (double bass) on 8 hour tour drives for their birthdays, so i suppose i deserve it. It’ll be a fun night. I might make some costumes and cake. Give the whole thing a sense of occasion. The 2nd Novemeber is Dia De Los Muertos (the Mexican Day of the Dead) so i’m thinking skeletons and sugar skulls.

We have a secret show somewhere in Paris between the 4th and the 6th… Ask around and you might beable to find out where it is and a way in. It’s so secret i don’t know myself. The rest of that time you’ll most likely find me skulking round Pere Lachaise doing some drawings. There’s nothing quite like a graveyard in Autumn. Come say hello.

*End of broadcast*

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Some more Creepy Eye Plants.

After that phase where all i drew was human hands. And that phase where i only drew bird men. I think all i’m going to be drawing for a while is eye foliage. 


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Sam Sleeping. West Germany, Berlin. 13.03.12
This might be my most favourite picture i’ve ever taken. Not at all staged. He fell asleep. Just like that. If pictures could talk, you would hear the snoring.

Sam Sleeping. West Germany, Berlin. 13.03.12

This might be my most favourite picture i’ve ever taken. Not at all staged. He fell asleep. Just like that. If pictures could talk, you would hear the snoring.

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Today we drove from Manchester to Frankfurt. We left at 11:00am British Time and arrived at 01.05am German Time. That’s what? 13 hours 5 minutes? I’m not sure if that’s good or not.
So far this year i have spent more time not in Britain than in...

Today we drove from Manchester to Frankfurt. We left at 11:00am British Time and arrived at 01.05am German Time. That’s what? 13 hours 5 minutes? I’m not sure if that’s good or not. 

So far this year i have spent more time not in Britain than in Britain. And i have to say. That I love everywhere I go. I really do. I love their own little quirks and complications and beauties. 

But the old adage is true - that there really is no place like home. And on my last re-entry into UK. On the Paris to Manchester flight 11/02/12. I had the joy of capturing these photos (despite the efforts of a particularly diligent stewardess). Of dear old England. Covered in snow. 

Here’s my favourite. But if you want to see more, one click on the photo will let you do just that.



That click may also lead you to discover some less cinematic, but no less joyful, photos from mine and Team Me’s January trip round Europa.

You’ll be looking at Mr. Gus Fairbairn, Mr. Samuel Buckley, Mr. Biff Roxby, Goblin Queen Miss Hannah Miller…and Nathan. Tour Manager. Bus driver. Crisis averter. And keeper of the superglue.

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A Tour, A Tour!

Certain kind and informative folk have let me know they cannot see gigs on my website (which is most definitely a work-in-progress) or on facespace (which i have no idea/no intention about trying to correct).

And i have been most neglectful of this blog.

So i thought i would start off the new year.
With a new list of gigs.

Loads of ‘em.

Bring it on.


(with Hannah Miller of the Moulettes playing support and cello…and Sam Buckley on double bass, Gus Fairbairn on saxophone & Biff Roxby on trombone)

19.01.2012 Zurich (CH) - Gonzo Club

20.01.2012 Düdingen (CH) - Bad Bonn

21.01.2012 Basel (CH) - Parterre

23.01.2012 Faenza (I) - Clandestino

24.01.2012 Milano (I) - Rocket

26.01.2012 Brussels (B) - Botanique

27.01.2012 Amsterdam (NL) - Paradiso

28.01.2012 Berlin (D) - Roter Salon


(with Team Me = Sam Buckley - double bass, Gus Fairbairn - saxophone, Biff Roxby - trombone, Chris Lydon - tuba & Phill Howley - drums)

07.02.2012 Paris (F) - Le Point Ephemere

March (and a bit of the end of February)

(with Alabaster dePlume playing support and Sam Buckley and Gus Fairbairn resuming band/good company duties)

28.02.2012 Frankfurt (D) - Brotfabrik

29.02.2012 Nürnberg (D) - MUZ

01.03.2012 Dachau (D) - Kultur-Schranne

02.03.2012 Linz (A) - Posthof

03.03.2012 Baden (CH) - Royal

04.03.2012 Genf (CH) - Cordes Avides

05.03.2012 Bern (CH) - La Cappella

06.03.2012 Dresden (D) - Societätstheater

07.03.2012 Leipzig (D) - Kafic

08.03.2012 Hannover (D) - Feinkostlampe

09.03.2012 Hamburg (D) - Turmzimmer @ Uebel & Gefährlich

10.03.2012 Copenhagen (DK) - Fingerbøllet

13.03.2012 Berlin (D) - West Germany

14.03.2012 Schorndorf (D) - Manufaktur

15.03.2012 Mannheim (D) - Mowhawk

16.03.2012 Cologne (D) - King Georg

17.03.2012 Saarbrücken (D) - Sparte 4

I hope to see you soon. It’s been a long time since i saw you last. And i miss you. Let’s have a glass of wine and talk about it.


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I was packing up my shadow puppets into a travel bag, ready for their day trip, when this card slipped out from in amongst them.
There is no better antidote to the 9:35 train to London than the discovery of a forgotten note from a good friend.
It was...

I was packing up my shadow puppets into a travel bag, ready for their day trip, when this card slipped out from in amongst them.

There is no better antidote to the 9:35 train to London than the discovery of a forgotten note from a good friend.

It was the best gig introduction I think I ever had…

Liz’s heart is a moon Her arms are batteries Her brain is an old musical Never released, lost in a fire, Remembered at dinner by the stars who sung it. Her fingers are the fire Muttering behind the grate Her feet are ghosts Her shoes are haunted Her legs are home Her mouth is a tome Her teeth believe Her face is a prow Her songs are now

~ Stanley Wilfrid Merttens