April 23, 2021

IT SUCKS TO HAVE A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF THE POWERFUL THINK WORDS SHAPE REALITY:  Report: Politico Tells Reporters to Not Call the Border Situation a Crisis.

FINALLY! A WAY FOR MICHELLE OBAMA TO GET HER HUSBAND’S ATTENTION:  ‘World’s first’ weed-scented perfume makes 4/20 debut.

BEHOLD! MY SHOCKED FACE:  Derek Chauvin Trial Tainted By Threats Of Violence Calling Into Question Whether Any Minneapolis Jury Could Be Impartial

DID THEY ALSO ASK BIDEN TO PROVIDE EVERYBODY A UNICORN?   Dozen states urge Biden to end gas-powered vehicle sales by 2035.

NORMALLY IT IS THE NAVY DEBUNKING THE UFO EXPERT:   UFO expert debunks Navy footage of mysterious pyramid-shaped objects.

But under the Junta there is no normalcy.

BECAUSE NATURAL STUPIDITY ISN’T ENOUGH. IT NEEDS ENHANCEMENT THROUGH WEED: Snoop Dogg implies he smoked weed with Obama in new song.

KNOW YOUR PLACE, PEASANT:  Sign at George Floyd Square gives list of special orders for white visitors.

I don’t intend to visit. I guess a particularly kind of soft headed person does. But I’d like them to know the place for that list. As an American, I want to inform the they should take that list, fold it all in corners and put it where the sun don’t shine.

April 22, 2021

MY NEW YORK POST COLUMN: Will the Times apologize for lying about Officer Sicknick’s death?

Spoiler: No. Also, who killed Ashli Babbitt?


MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: Deep State Mouthpiece Retaliates Against Staffer Who Uncovered Russia Collusion Hoax. “David Ignatius has been used for decades as a conduit for anonymous intelligence officials to spew their claims, no matter how erroneous, partial, or unsubstantiated those claims are. And he doesn’t mind being so used.”

Well, the rewards are great, and the penalties are few.

OPEN THREAD: What are you doing to make things better?

FASTER, PLEASE: Telescope lasers could give humanity an edge in war against space junk.

Related: Here’s a piece that Rob Merges and I wrote on space debris a while back.


THE BIG STORY IS THAT THERE ARE STILL RULES THAT APPLY TO DEMOCRATS: Clyburn facing potential $5,000 metal detector fine: The House Majority Whip could be the first Democrat fined for violating the new security rules.

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: Florida Man Will Wear Grim Reaper Outfit to Scare People Away from Beaches (and Raise Money for Dems).

Naturally, he quickly became a mascot of Dem house organ CNN: CNN’s promotion of idiot ‘Grim Reaper’ attorney ends in embarrassment.

Called it.

CNN’s embrace of attorney Daniel Uhlfelder has ended in embarrassment, exactly as predicted. CNN and other newsrooms hyped the attorney last year when he dressed as the Grim Reaper and scolded unsuspecting Florida beachgoers for supposed COVID-19 social distancing violations. CNN devoted both an on-air report and social media posts to promoting Uhlfelder, treating him as a heroic figure rather than as a habitual, attention-seeking clown who had earlier joined a Black Lives Matter protest without any regard for social distancing protocols.

Now, though, an appeals court has recommended that the Florida Bar take disciplinary action against Uhlfelder. The recommendation comes in response to the attorney’s attempt to appeal a ruling against his idiotic case demanding that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis close the beaches amid the pandemic, Florida Politics reports.

Uhlfelder and his lawyers “knew or should have known that their ‘demands’ that the Governor ‘close the beaches’ were not validly asserted below (in the circuit court) or on appeal,” the 1st District Court of Appeal panel said in an order written by Judge Brad Thomas and Judge Adam Tanenbaum.

It adds, “There was no good-faith legal argument to support a claim for such relief in the trial court, and there was certainly no good faith basis to argue legal error on appeal. [Uhlfelder] and his counsel undoubtedly used this court merely as a stage from which to act out their version of political theater. This was unprofessional and an abuse of the judicial process.”

The order also came close to imposing financial sanctions on Uhlfelder and his legal team. However, it stopped just short of that.

Judge Susan Kelsey said in her concurring opinion that she “would also impose significant monetary sanctions.”

Fast-forward to earlier this month, and CNN now admits, “Even for people who have been fully vaccinated, ‘nothing is going to be 100% safe, just like nothing is going to be 100% risk,’ said CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. However, beaches ‘are much safer than other settings because they are outdoors.’”


SPACE: Mars helicopter Ingenuity makes second, longer flight.

REDNECK NATION: Dershowitz: Maxine Waters Used KKK Tactics to Intimidate Chauvin Jury.

Lawyer and liberal pundit Alan Dershowitz accused Rep. Maxine Waters of using KKK tactics to intimidate jurors in the Derek Chauvin murder trial.

“The Klan would march outside of courthouses and threaten all kinds of reprisals if the jury ever dared convict a white person or acquit a black person,” Dershowitz said in an interview on Newsmax.

Waters traveled to Minnesota and announced that if the jury didn’t reach the verdict she and the crowd of protesters wanted, they would get “more confrontational.”

“We’ve got to stay in the streets, and we’ve got to demand justice. I am hopeful that we will get a verdict that says, ‘guilty, guilty, guilty,’ and if we don’t, we cannot go away. We’ve got to get more confrontational,” she said.

Dershowitz believes that her comments should have resulted in a mistrial.

Or at the very least, grounds for appeal, as Judge Cahill noted: “I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

(Classical reference in headline.)

SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Myanmar Protests Show an AR-15 Will Protect a Lot More Freedom than a Slingshot.


For a dozen years, you eschewed the public eye, although you occasionally raised funds for the party and some of its candidates. You were the old soldier who faded away.

You remained silent as Obama pushed his inexplicably complicated and unnecessary Obamacare. Your silence on Benghazi was heard by some of us. We respected your right to just give up on politics and never speak again.

But now, after twice refusing to support President Donald John Trump, here you come to piss on his policies and his supporters.

I can understand your refusal to support the man who beat your brother Jeb! Blood is thicker than water. But that does not excuse you, because your silly silence emboldened Democrats. You should have taken the high road and accepted defeat. Instead, you sold President Trump out to build your esteem among those who called you Hitler as well.

Remember? . . . Mister Bush, once you were the leader of a great nation. Now you oppose everything we thought you stood for.

In retrospect, it seems that Bush didn’t mind the contempt with which lefties treated him, because he knew the contempt was really aimed at his voters, for whom he apparently had contempt too.

FLASHBACK: Happy Groundhog Day! “Happy Groundhog Day Earth Day everybody! You can see how it is possible to confuse the two, since Earth Day is the same every year—we’re doomed unless you hand over complete power to the government to manage people and resources.”

QED: On Earth Day 1970, CBS’s Walter Cronkite Panicked: ‘Act or Die!’

More Earth Day predictions from 1970 here.

BAD NEWS FOR PEOPLE WHERE I LIVE, THE ALLERGY CAPITAL OF THE WORLD: Chronic sinusitis may affect brain health, study says.

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: How Did CBS Celebrate “Earth Day?” Declaring Humans Aren’t Needed.

CBS News’ ratings have been declining for years; evidently the network has decided that they don’t need viewers at all. Curiously though, after declaring that humans are no longer needed, they’re unwilling to demonstrate their ultimate commitment to that notion.

STILL GOOD-LOOKING: 2021 Karma GS-6 Fixes the Fisker Karma.

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Seven Causes You Won’t Hear Championed During the Oscars. “They’re inconvenient to the industry. Some reflect poorly on President Joe Biden. Others make Hollywood denizens look like hypocrites of the highest order. The causes reveal the ideological limitations of an industry that purports to be modern-day truth tellers but acts like a Democratic Super PAC.”


The bill would also establish a relief fund for landlords who aren’t getting rental income. To be eligible for the fund landlords must agree to a five-year rent freeze and not bar tenants with criminal convictions.

What Pressley doesn’t mention in the lengthy press release is that she and her husband are landlords — or used to be.

They have two units on Blake Street where they live. They bought the condo for $615,000 two years ago, and rented out one of the units for $2,500 a month, according to the Washington Free Beacon. According to her financial disclosure form, she received $15,000 in rental income in 2019. As a member of the House, Pressley earns a healthy $174,000 a year.

It’s unclear whether Pressley is still renting out the unit and collected income during the pandemic because she won’t respond to questions.

The Herald has repeatedly tried to get a response from her spokesman but has been unsuccessful.

So it’s hard to tell whether Pressley is being hypocritical or just arrogant.

Embrace the healing power of “and.”

LET’S ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO GO BACK TO CALLING IT “INDEPENDENCE DAY,” SHALL WE? Joe Biden Needs a Dose of Reality—No One Needs His Permission to Celebrate the 4th of July.

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? The FDA is Considering a Cigarette Regulation that Could Have 2 Deadly Consequences. Mandating lower nicotine content in cigarettes would likely have unintended consequences that far outweigh any benefit—and could even prove lethal.

UPDATE FOR MEN’S SHAVING SOAP AT HELEN’S PAGE: “We are swamped and cannot take any more orders!” The store says that they will be able to take orders again next week.

GOOD: Armed Civilian Saves Walmart Security Guard.

The civilian, who is licensed to carry a gun, was shopping at a Walmart in Beech Grove, Ind., when he noticed a scuffle between the guard and the suspect. The guard tried to apprehend the suspect for shoplifting but could not restrain him. The guard then called police to assist, but before they could arrive, the suspect drew a gun and pointed it at him.

That’s when the good Samaritan drew his own gun and fired three shots at the suspect, which caused him to turn away from the security guard and flee the area. The suspect didn’t get far: Another bystander tackled him as he tried to escape.

Well, with people wanting to defund the police, we’ll need more of this.


LIVE AT 3:30PM EASTERN: ‘Five O’Clock Somewhere’ Live Chat with Kruiser, Preston, VodkaPundit.

PUSH BACK HARDER: Colorado counties pushing back against Biden’s extreme plan to lock up 30% of U.S. land. “To conserve 30% of the land alone (not including the same amount of U.S. territorial waters) would require the rewilding of an area twice the size of Texas, according to proponents.”

“Rewilding” is the opposite of “civilizing,” and is pretty much the Left’s goal for everything.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Maxine Waters Used KKK Tactics to Intimidate Chauvin Jury.

PROGRESS: Stem cell therapy promotes recovery from stroke and dementia in mice.

GETTING WHAT THEY VOTED FOR, GOOD AND HARD: Hey ‘Evangelicals for Biden,’ check this out. “The Biden Admin just filed an appeal seeking to force religious doctors and hospitals to perform potentially harmful gender-transition procedures against their conscience and professional medical judgment.”

A STEP TOWARD COLONIZATION: NASA rover Perseverance produces oxygen on Mars.

VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR DAILY INSANITY WRAP: The Panicked State of Our Terrible, Communist-Influenced Media.

Insanity Wrap needs to know: Which is worse, that so many reporters are panicmongers because they’re panicked themselves, or that so many of their editors and employers are taking money from Beijing to spout the Party line?

Answer: We’re gonna drink our way through that one and get back to you.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • Journalist has toddler with COVID, loses mind
  • The universe mocks your liberal privilege
  • Save the Earth, break other people’s stuff

Bonus Sanity: College kids turn against BLM when told where the money went.

And so much more at the link, you’d have to be crazy to miss it.

SOUNDS LIKE YOU’VE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD WITH THAT ONE: Astronaut Kate Rubins: Fresh food in space is rare, desired.

OF COURSE, MOST COVID CASES ARE LIMITED AND MILD: CDC: Limited, mild COVID-19 cases seen among vaccinated people. My own case of Covid was limited and mild, and I wasn’t vaccinated. I assume if I get it again, it will also be limited and mild.

I’d like to see a really detailed comparison of reinfections among people who have had Covid versus infections among people who have been vaccinated.


IT’S COME TO THIS: Oscars Attendees Must Wear Masks… But Only Off-Camera.

But okay, here’s my question: How does a virus know when a camera is pointed at you and when it isn’t?

How is this filming protocol supposed to work, scientifically speaking? If two actors are in the same shot together, breathing the same air, what is the benefit of making them put on masks as soon as the scene is over? Does the virus just wait off-camera until they’re done?

And if Hollywood celebrities don’t need to wear masks while they’re on the clock, or sitting in the audience at the Oscars, why do the rest of us need to wear masks? Does a virus get star-struck? Does it say, “Oh no, I’d better not infect this guy, he’s Leonardo Di Caprio”?

Well yes. As America’s Newspaper of Record has reported: In Show Of Solidarity, COVID-19 Vows Not To Infect Anyone Protesting Inequality.

THIS WILL END WELL: Mass. Liberals Launch Woke Witch Hunt Against Local Businesses That Support Police.


Instead of admitting error in jumping to conclusions — that this incident was somehow linked to Derek Chauvin being found guilty of the murder of George Floyd — Twitter activists, cable news hosts and even the White House doubled down on the tale of a racist police officer sticking his gun where it didn’t belong. Bree Newsome, the activist famous for scaling a flag pole and tearing down a Confederate flag tweeted, ‘Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. We do not need police to address these situations  by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.’

Valerie Jarrett, a former Obama adviser, echoed this sentiment by tweeting, ‘A Black teenage girl named Ma’Khia Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability.  Fight for justice.’ While appearing on CNN, former head of the NAACP Cornell Brooks declared it a schoolyard fight:

‘What if it were your daughter, what if it were your child, a member of your family, your neighbor in a — essentially in a teenage fight, a schoolyard fight?’

Attorney Ben Crump tweeted, ‘As we breathed a collective sigh of relief today, a community in Columbus felt the sting of another police shooting as @ColumbusPolice killed an unarmed 15yo Black girl named Makiyah Bryant. Another Child lost! Another hashtag.’

The New York Times later printed Mr Crump’s tweet, editing out his claim that the girl was unarmed. The Times has not explained why they edited a published tweet without editorial comment.

The incident made it all the way to the White House, where press secretary Jen Psaki insinuated that this was another police shooting driven by race, stating, ‘black women and girls, like black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence.’ The footage and 911 call, wherein a woman begs for help because she is being attacked by someone with a knife, released by Columbus officials and the mayor have been deemed inconvenient to the left. The activists speaking out are sending a message that police had no business breaking up or stopping an armed altercation between two black teenagers. Most likely, had the police not been there to stop a girl from being stabbed to death, this incident would have been ignored by the media and the Biden White House. This would have been another faceless tragedy in a Democrat-controlled city among poor urban communities — and would have gone the way of gun violence in Chicago, which is never to be used as an example when it comes to gun or street violence. We are meant to look the other way because even bringing it up is allegedly structural racism at work.

Oh, and speaking of the Windy City, this is not a Babylon Bee headline: Chicago Mayor: Police should get permission before chasing anyone.





(Classical allusion in headline.)

INDEED: There’s No Way Americans Can Trust The Jury’s Chauvin Verdict.

Given the circumstances of the trial, however, it’s extremely hard to believe the jury was solely concerned with either truth or justice. It’s extremely hard, if not impossible, for any thinking person not to have a reasonable doubt about the outcome.

We know the judge in the case refused to sequester jurors from media coverage and outside influences during the trial, and that the pressure conveyed to them was beyond intense. It was made perfectly clear to them that the nation would be engulfed in flames if they expressed they did in fact have a reasonable doubt over whether Floyd’s death was Chauvin’s fault.

The entire bloody year of 2020, in which unprecedented and murderous riots swept the nation, was premised on the incident that led to this trial. At least 30 people died amid waves of riots that widely used Floyd’s death as the pretext. The Floyd riots have caused the most high-dollar damage in U.S. history, an estimated $2 billion.

Read the whole thing.


At one time, the doomsayers claimed there wasn’t enough food to feed everyone, that India and China would suffer scenes of unimaginable tragedy with people dying in the streets of starvation. Then came the green revolution and China and India are now exporting food. The concern over overpopulation morphed into a concern that we were running out of oil. That prediction proved to be even sillier than mass starvation.

Why is it the doomsayers are never called out for being so spectacularly wrong? In the past, their errors didn’t cost trillions of dollars and millions of jobs. But what if they’re wrong about climate change? Not that the climate doesn’t change or isn’t changing now but these specific, terrifying predictions of doom—life if we don’t stop using fossil fuels we’re all going to die—are being used to justify all kinds of mischief by governments.

And if climate change is such a rock-solid certainty, why are opposing scientific views squelched? This fear that contrary views are somehow dangerous and need to be censored is more terrifying to me than anything the climate can do to me. If we are going to allow double-digit trillions of dollars to be sucked out of the economy, costing jobs, lives, and people’s peace of mind, you would think climate change advocates would welcome the debate.

Rick Moran’s article is just for our VIP members; please use the discount code LOYALTY if you’ve been thinking of becoming a supporter.


“Earth Day” Turns 50. Half a century later, a look back at the forecasters who got the future wrong—and one who got it right.

● “Earth Day” Founder And Notorious “Unicorn Killer” Ira Einhorn Has Died In Prison At Age 79.

● On the eve of 2011’s “Earth Day,” NBC stumbled into this headline and subhead to describe Einhorn: Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend. Ira Einhorn preached against Vietnam War and violence, but had dark side.


The first Earth Day celebration was conceived by then-U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson and held in 1970 as a “symbol of environmental responsibility and stewardship.” In the spirit of the time, it was a touchy-feely, consciousness-raising, New Age experience, and most activities were organized at the grassroots level*.

Sadly, today’s Earth Day shares something with the current political environment: It reeks of divisiveness.

Earth Day has devolved into an occasion for environmental Cassandras to prophesy apocalypse, dish antitechnology dirt, and proselytize for a “woke” agenda. Passion and zeal routinely trump science, and provability takes a back seat to plausibility.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to return “Earth Day” to its roots, considering that for the radical enviro-left, nothing has changed since 1970: Earth Day predictions of 1970. The reason you shouldn’t believe Earth Day predictions of [2021].

Also 51 years on, to paraphrase the late Kathy Shaidle on Trump as Hitler, I’m already on (at least) my fourth apocalypse:

* Though it was thoroughly endorsed and promoted by that Jurassic Democratic Party operative with a byline, Walter Cronkite.

(Bumped. Classical reference in headline.)

ANSWERS TO THE IMPORTANT QUESTION: Is Chinese President Xi Jinping Too Fat to Lead?

Like most communists, Xi rarely practices what he preaches. During a hospital visit last month, for example, the Chinese leader said health was the most important indicator of people’s happiness. If the Chinese people had a choice, which they don’t, they might prefer to get their health advice from a man of less formidable girth, such as former American president Donald J. Trump.

Yes, it’s satire — or is it??

IT IS UNWISE TO BRING UP INCONVENIENT FACTS, COMRADE: Twitter Suspended GOP Commentator Steve Cortes For Citing Study He Got From Govt Website.

BIDEN CELEBRATES TRUMP VACCINE VICTORY! Biden Says Goal Of 200 Million COVID-19 Vaccinations In 100 Days Has Been Met.

I remember when Trump promised this, he got the “without evidence” and “experts skeptical” treatment. But now it’s a big achievement for Biden!

WE NEEDED A SUPREME COURT TO TELL US THAT?: On this day in 2014, the Supreme Court decided by a margin of only 6-2 that Michigan voters are permitted under the Constitution to insist the State of Michigan NOT discriminate on the basis of race. The name of the case was Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration and Immigration Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary. The respondent’s name—the acronym for which is “BAMN”–should tell you everything you need to know about its modus operandi.

Here’s some background on the Schuette case with a little bit on BAMN and its origins in the Revolutionary Workers League.

HEATHER MAC DONALD: A Troubled Rule of Law. The pervasive sense that cities would burn if Derek Chauvin were not convicted raises questions about whether the jury’s verdict was reached dispassionately. And the false narrative about a racist criminal-justice system will continue victimizing thousands of law-abiding blacks in vulnerable urban neighborhoods who yearn for more police protection.

SPOILER: THEY WON’T. Portland’s Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things.

BUT OF COURSE: Democratic Socialists at AOC’s alma mater are still protesting for free laundry.

SHUT UP, YOU HATE-MONGERING CHINESE TOOL: LeBron James says tweet about police shooting ‘being used to create more hate.’

LeBron’s sponsorship deals: “James is expected to sign a multi-year deal to promote the Mountain Dew brand for the snacks and beverage giant, sources confirmed to Forbes. It joins AT&T, Beats, Nike, Walmart, Rimowa, GMC and Blaze Pizza in his endorsement portfolio.”

SIXTH CIRCUIT PANEL WHITESPLAINS IMMIGRATION POLICY, draws sharp response from Judge-of-color Amul Thapar. “I have my doubts about the wisdom of courts opining on hot-button political issues or the motives of citizens who hold one position or another in those debates. And as someone who is neither blond-haired nor blue-eyed and who has benefited directly from the kindness of the American people, I believe that the American Dream is alive and well for persons of all stripes.”

NEW BOOKS AT HELEN’S PAGE: I have noticed many new books up at my page that look like fun. Here is one that looks interesting: Hamlet’s 2020 Vision: A recasting of Hamlet as the tragedy of the 2020 election and this one too: What Our Helmets Let Us See which is a short satire about politics. I like the creativity of the authors at Helen’s Page. Go support them.


OK, OK, cheap shot, I guess. Toronto authorities also show off the more modern weapons they seize.

For once, the Twitter comments on these posts are actually kinda worth reading…

THESE IMAGES ARE QUITE STRIKING: Huge superyacht squeezes down narrow Dutch canals. A friend comments that this is proof the Netherlands should operate the Suez Canal.

IT ISN’T A BLUFF IF IT GETS PUTIN EASTERN UKRAINE EVEN WITHOUT A WAR: Is Russian Military Buildup on Ukraine Border a Bluff?

UGH: India Hits Global Record for Daily New Covid-19 Cases: Health officials say they have detected the presence of several highly infectious coronavirus variants. “India reported more than 314,000 new coronavirus cases, the world’s biggest ever single-day jump of new infections, as the country struggled to keep a surge of infections from overwhelming its healthcare system. Hospitals in New Delhi and other hard-hit cities have been turning away patients and running low on oxygen, beds and other medical supplies.”


Good for the Biden Administration for committing to ferreting out the racism in the Democratic Party!

The whole “City X last had a Republican mayor in [year]” thing has become kind of an all-purpose giggle line for righties (myself included).

But seriously here: Except for a weird one-day thing, Minneapolis has had nothing but Democratic mayors dating back to the early sixties. The City Council (per Wiki), which governs the PD, has 12 Democrats and one Green (and that’s it). The Chief (nominated by the mayor, approved by the City Council) is a Black man who has held the post since 2017, and whom you’d have to guess is not a Republican (not because he’s Black, but because he got the job). And I’d guess you’d have to go way back in time to find a Chief who wasn’t Democrat-leaning.

So who hires these cops? Who trains them? Who disciplines them? Who provides their rules of engagement? It’s Democrats all the way down.

Yes, and they need to be held responsible.

UPDATE: Via a friend:

THE END OF CIVIL SOCIETY: Fired for donating to Kyle Rittenhouse? “In other words, Lt. William Kelly was fired for having an opinion. Again… where is it written in the Norfolk PD rules that officers can’t have opinions?”

You can have an opinion. In fact, you must have an opinion. But it must be the opinion that the Party wants you to have, comrade.

YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY THAT:  “No sign that George Floyd was killed because of his race.”


In: BLM protesters rally for ‘victim,’ leave after learning he was white.

CHANGE: Florida House Overwhelmingly Approves Consumer Privacy Bill. “ Florida, the country’s third most populous state, would be the latest to enact consumer protections against Big Data’s ability to harvest personal information about how people conduct their day-to-day lives, including where they shop and eat, what they read and what they share online.”

IT SEEMS TO MOSTLY EXIST IN AMERICA’S MOST ELITE INSTITUTIONS: Michael Barone: The ebbing of ‘the misperception that bigotry is everywhere.’


How will future historians explain this? From 2001 to 2014, majorities of Americans, including supermajorities of blacks and non-Hispanic whites, told Gallup pollsters that “race relations” were either very or somewhat good.

Then, after the election and reelection of the first American president of African descent, in each case with majorities of popular as well as electoral votes, perceptions suddenly plunged.

Only around 50% of non-Hispanic whites rated race relations as good in 2015, 2019, and 2020. And the percentage of blacks taking that view fell to 51% in 2015, before Donald Trump’s election as president, and then 40% in 2019 and 36% in 2020.

The short explanation is that August 2014 saw the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement amid protests about the police killing in Ferguson, Missouri, of an 18-year-old black man who had just robbed a convenience store and attempted to seize a policeman’s gun.

How will future historians explain this? From 2001 to 2014, majorities of Americans, including supermajorities of blacks and non-Hispanic whites, told Gallup pollsters that “race relations” were either very or somewhat good.

Then, after the election and reelection of the first American president of African descent, in each case with majorities of popular as well as electoral votes, perceptions suddenly plunged.

Only around 50% of non-Hispanic whites rated race relations as good in 2015, 2019, and 2020. And the percentage of blacks taking that view fell to 51% in 2015, before Donald Trump’s election as president, and then 40% in 2019 and 36% in 2020.

The short explanation is that August 2014 saw the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement amid protests about the police killing in Ferguson, Missouri, of an 18-year-old black man who had just robbed a convenience store and attempted to seize a policeman’s gun.

Floyd’s death generated enormous publicity and a sizable increase in support for the Black Lives Matter movement among whites (to 43% in Civius polling) as well as black people (to 69%). But that support was accompanied by widespread misperceptions of the magnitude of the problem of police shootings of black people. As Canadian political scientist Eric Kaufmann points out, a Quadratics survey in fall 2020 found that eight in 10 black people believe black men are more likely to be killed by police than die in an auto accident. So did 53% of white Biden voters. Only 15% of white Trump voters shared this illusion.

Actually, thousands of black men die in auto accidents annually, whereas far fewer than 100, according to the Washington Post, are killed by police. Similar questions showed similarly wide divergences from reality are apparent on other racially charged questions, and indeed ordinary people often have enormous misperceptions of many statistical relationships.

This misperception exists because people on the left want it to exist, and people in the press want to help.

CHRISTOPHER RUFO: The Shaky Foundations of LA’s Housing ‘Entitlement’ for the Homeless.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Trump’s Biggest Failure Was In Not Gutting the FBI. “An avowed leftist unloads over a hundred rounds aimed at a gathering of Republicans and the FBI thinks his motive was that he was just looking for a way to off himself. A citizen not in law enforcement who’s only watched cop shows on television knows that this doesn’t fit the ‘suicide by cop’ definition.”

And what happened on January 6 was no “insurrection,” but whatever definition helps push the Left’s narrative is the correct definition.

WHY IS ACADEMIA SO FULL OF HATE AND DISCRIMINATION? A New Systemic Racism? Hiring at some of the country’s elite institutions paints a troubling picture. “Maybe white high schoolers overlooked Princeton this year. But we think there’s a greater likelihood that the university is treating white applicants the way Harvard treats Asians—and that, aware of the way hiring works at the country’s elite institutions, today’s ambitious high schoolers are rushing to discover long lost indigenous ancestors. The understanding of smart young people today that there are material benefits to identifying as a minority should be enough to give the lie to claims of systemic racism—at least against minorities.”

SETI AT HOME, REDEFINED: Alien Artifacts on Earth and in Our Solar System is Possible, NASA Reports.

For over five decades, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence has almost exclusively focused on monitoring the sky for signals that could represent a distant advanced alien civilization. However, for as many years, scientists have quietly discussed the possibility that evidence for advanced alien life could be closer than we realize in the form of relics or artifacts.

Largely thanks to technological advances, in recent years, a handful of scientists have slowly started coming forward and saying that the hunt for nearby alien relics is something that merits serious consideration.

After the last year, it would take Klaatu descending the ramp of a flying saucer in Washington to shock most people.

UM: Chris Christie allies: Are you ready for President Chris Christie?

I’ll, er, cross that bridge when I come to it.

CIVIL RIGHTS: “Good for the Biden Administration for committing to ferreting out the racism in the Democratic Party!” “So who hires these cops? Who trains them? Who disciplines them? Who provides their rules of engagement? It’s Democrats all the way down.”

CANCEL CULTURE IS ALL IN YOUR MIND: Va. Police Department Fires Cop Over Donation to Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Fund.


From C. V. Walter:   Bound to the Alien Engineer.

Mindy’s best friend Molly was a maintenance technician on the Bradbury 12. When Molly went missing, Mindy started looking for answers but all she found were more questions. They were supposed to meet up at Geniuscon, a science fiction convention that attracts people from every walk of life, and she knows Molly’s son Aidan is going to be there. Determined to get in touch with her friend, Mindy tracks down Aidan and meets some of his new friends, the guys cosplaying as big, blue aliens.

The first time he heard her voice, Alvola knew Mindy was the one. It didn’t matter that he couldn’t understand the language or touch her skin, the sound of her voice made his body sing. Determined to meet his mate, Alvola volunteers for the mission to Earth to pick up Aidan and meet with the scientists and engineers that will be their first official contacts with humanity. When Alvola actually meets Mindy in person, his mission becomes to keep her by his side, no matter the cost.

IT DOES SEEM THAT WAY, DOESN’T IT? A Lot More Demand For Racism Than Supply.

THEY DON’T MEAN SQUISHY. THEY MEAN SQUISHED:  Neutron stars may not be as squishy as some scientists thought.

THOSE OF YOU WHO KNOW MY OBSESSION WITH THE GREAT SNAIL WAR:  DAILY ART FIX: Inkulinati Is a Serious Strategy Game Created with Absurd, Hilarious Medieval Art.

Know I must check this out….

I SHOULD HAVE LINKED THIS EARLIER:  March 19: Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

To forget is to invite repeat.

AND WHAT HE SAID:  Gun Control Stupidity.

WHAT THE MAN SAYS:  Again with the “Not True Marxism”.

YEP. THAT’S WHAT IT’S FOR:  Critical Race Theory Promotes Discrimination And Racism.

DUH:   Corporate Media *is*, Indeed, Our Enemy.

I HATE TO SAY THIS BUT IT’S TIME TO DOXX BACK:  Norfolk Officer Doxxed and Fired After Donating “Anonymously” To Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund.

WHAT WOULD THE LEFT DO WITHOUT AN ENEMIES’ LIST? Democrat Drops Bill to Reveal California Recall Petition Signers.

NO. THEY ARE PUTTING US ON A PATH TO CIVIL WAR:  Supreme Court’s failures are putting America on a path to tyranny.

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