The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

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Russia’s president menaces his people and neighbours

The West should raise the cost of his malign behaviour


Vladimir Putin is growing ever more repressive as he loses support

United States

Biden’s earth summit may not restore America’s climate credibility

Co-operation from the president’s adversaries in Congress and from Beijing may not be forthcoming

Finance & economics

Sanctions are now a central tool of governments’ foreign policy

The more they are used, however, the less effective they become


At last, German voters will get a proper choice in a national election

The ruling Christian Democrats and the Greens offer distinct visions and contrasting personalities

Graphic detail

Americans support ending the war in Afghanistan

More than a third of adults believe the war cannot be won


The reasons behind the covid-19 spike in India

Also on The Intelligence: the worrying death of Chad’s president and a deep dive on the sea-cucumber trade


Huawei and other non-carmakers invade Auto Shanghai

The live trade show is back—with a new guest list

Daily briefing

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Readers’ favourites

United States

Derek Chauvin is found guilty of murder

Police officers who kill while doing their work are rarely charged with crimes, let alone convicted

United States

How Joe Biden is reshaping America’s global role

His foreign policy isn’t Donald Trump’s. Nor is it Barack Obama’s


Chaguan: China is betting that the West is in irreversible decline

The country’s leaders see their moment, and are seizing it

Graphic detail

Better days lie ahead for the underachievers of English football

Long trophy droughts like Tottenham’s do not predict future disappointment


Sound reasoning on current affairs, business and finance, science and technology, and global issues.

Special report: The future of work

A bright future for the world of work

Workers the world over have had a torrid year. But the future is bright, argues Callum Williams

Labour markets are working, but also changing

Labour markets have coped with covid-19 better than expected. But they have changed

The biggest losers from covid-19

Covid-19 is a disease of the poor and the powerless

The rise of working from home

The shift to a hybrid world of work will have a big impact on managers

Robots threaten jobs less than fearmongers claim

Recessions and pandemics accelerate automation. Yet warnings of a jobless future are overblown

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