
Well-known Russian anti-fascist, Alexey Gaskarov, arrested

On sunday, the 28th of April 2013, a well-known Russian anti-fascist, Alexey Gaskarov, was arrested in Moscow. He is a member of the Coordination Council of Russian opposition. The investigation committee of the Russian Federation has accused him of having pacticipated in riots and violence against representative of authorities on the 6th of May 2012, when OMON (Russian riot police) attacked a peaceful demonstration.

Petr Silaev: Audiencia Nacional has refused my extradiction to Russia


Today I received the final decision of the National Court of Spain on my case - the extradition request of the Russian police is rejected. What surprised me well was that they added a profound explanation on their decision - including parts very humiliating to the Russian side.

Russia: anarchist texts added to banned extremist list for the first time

In November 2012, Russian Federation's list of extremist materials has had 64 new entries added, and anarchist materials were included for the first time ever. New entries Nos. 1513 - 1518 are links to website, which contain calls for radical direct-action acts and advice on how to carry them out.

Police places pressure on relatives and friends of jailed Russian antifascists. Your support is needed

Antifascists Alexey Sutuga and Alexey Olesinov have already been in the"Butyrka" prison in Moscow for more than half a year. Investigator Y. Egorov, who is conducting the investigation, is expected to modify the criminal case into a more serious one. The current criminal case was instituted in April 2012 following section 213 part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (hooliganism motivated by political enmity, performed by an organised group). Now it will be modified following section 30 part 2 and section 105 (these two sections together are called "murderous

Russia: Parents of arrested anti-fascist Alen Volikov threatened with violence by police

Anti-fascist Alen Volikov, who is under arrest at Moscow's Butyrka pre-trial detention centre, was visited by police operatives on November 13, and subjected to psychological pressure to make him admit his guilt. Volikov's lawyer Farid Murtazin reported that the operatives made threats of violence against his family members. The officers said that they would not leave Volikov's parents alone, and would set Federal Security Service (FSB) officers on them.

Moscow court holds first hearing in "antifascist extremist community" case

After two weeks ago the case against Nizhny Novgorod antifascists (the Antifa-RASH case) was sent back to prosecutor's office "to remove doubts, irregularities and obstacles" by a court, which is not likely to hear that case again, the case against Moscow-based antifascist Igor Kharchenko may set a precedent. The case, which is being heard by Moscow's Zamoskvoretsky district court, includes charges under Article 282, Part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (participation in extremist community). 

Anarchist Alexandra Dukhanina charged with attacking police

Main investigations directorate of the Investigations Committee of the Russian Federation has announced that Alexandra Dukhanina, 19, under house arrest until March 6, 2013, was been issued with definitive charges over her alleged participation in May 6 clashes during a rally in Moscow's Bolotnaya square. Dukhanina is suspected of using force against police officers who were guarding public order during the event, Investigations Committee said.

Russia: Antifascist Alen Volikov detained in Moscow in a probe into a 2011 brawl

At about 10.30 p.m. on November 6, antifascist Alen Volikov, 23, and his girlfriend were walking out of a shop in Moscow when police operatives, who drove up in three cars, ran over to them. According to the woman, they presented criminal police IDs and explained the detention by the fact that Volikov is on a federal wanted list.  

A victory in Nizhni Novgorod of Russia - case against anti-fascists was returned to investigation

18th of October, news service transmitted that judge refused to sentence defendants of the so called "Antifa-RASH" case in Nizhni Novgorod. Judge Olga Koloverova demanded police to reinvestigate the case, in order to exclude contradictions, which are currently obvious.

Through the Looking-Glass and through the hell

In August, Pyotr Silayev was arrested in Granada, Spain by anti-terrorist special forces. He was then moved to Madrid, where the Audiencia Nacional was to make a decision about his extradiction to Russia. All this based on charges stemming from a demonstration organized by anti-fascists and enviromentalists against the city administration of Khimki, Moscow region. He was released after 8 days, but he is still stuck in Spain, pending the decision of his extradiction to Russia.

A letter from Alexey Sutuga

Hello everyone!
Yet another period of our remand imprisonment is approaching its end, but I am certain, that we will be kept locked up a few months more, even without any developments whatsoever in the fabricated criminal case against us.  
You already know the details of our arrest and the violations connected to it, but now I want to share with you my thoughts regarding the political context surrounding our case.

Right-wingers bashed in "march of the millions" in Moscow (photos and video)

In "March of the millions" in Moscow 15th, nationalists attempted to invade tribune, scanning their slogans. They were met with a hail of bottles, small stones and sticks. Former leader of "Movement Against Illegal Immigration" Aleksandr Potkin was got hit with a stick, his supporters lost flags and scarfs.

Alexey Polikhovich - third anarchist, remanded for 6th of May riots in Moscow

27th of July, Basmanniy district court of Moscow remanded Alexey Polikhovich for one month. He is 16th suspect for participating to rioting in Bolotnaya square 6th of May 2012, in day of inauguration of Vladimir Putin. He was third arrested anarchist - Aleksandra Dukhanina has been in a house arrest since 29th of May, Stepan Zimin has been in remand prison since 9th of July. Alexey Polikhovich was arrested in the evening of 25th of July, his house was searched and his computer was confiscated.

Russian Anti-fascists are facing charges for making a movie

(This is a partial English translation of a program, aired in Dozhd TV channel 17th of August, which is embedded below.)
Center of Counteraction Against Extremism ("E-Center") in the city of Vladimir did not liked amateur movie "Russian anti-racist skinheads", and they opened a criminal case against makers of the film. According to them, film incited hatred against "social group of skinheads and nationalists".

Invitation to general meeting of the Autonomous Action

The 11th general meeting of Autonomous Action will take place from 20th to 25th of August 2012 European part of Russia. Autonomous Action is the largest libertarian communist organization of the xUSSR. Our website is We invite representatives of libertarian and anarchist organizations and individuals as guests. We will discuss internal organization issues and action, conduct theoretical workshops and self-defense trainings.

10 και 17 Ιουνίου θα πραγματοποιηθεί ημέρες ενωμένη δράση για την υποστήριξη την Αλέξη Sutugi, Αλέξη Olesinova και όλα τα καταπιεσμένα αντιφασιστών.

Την άνοιξη του 2012, αντι-φασιστικό κίνημα στη Ρωσία έχει υποστεί μια νέα καταπίεση. Το πρόσχημα για την καταστολή ήταν το περιστατικό στην Μόσχα κλαμπ "Αέρα", όπου η 17η Δεκεμβρίου δεν υπήρχε σύγκρουση μεταξύ των επισκεπτών  punk hardcore συναυλία και την προστασία του συλλόγου. Οι φρουροί ήταν ακροδεξιών απόψεων και προκαλούν τους επισκέπτες.  Λόγω της εμφάνισης συγκρούσεων διακόπηκε πρόωρα, αλλά οι φρουροί προσπάθησαν να διαρκέσει μερικά επισκέπτες ως ομήρους, υποσχόμενος τιμωρία τους από τους φίλους τους, ποδόσφαιρο χούλιγκαν-εθνικιστές. Επισκέπτες αντιστάθηκαν, φρουροί άνοιξαν πυρ από ένα τραυματικό όπλα, αλλά στο τέλος έχουν εξουδετερωθεί. Άλεξ Olesin συνελήφθη το βράδυ της 12ης Φεβρουαρίου στην Αγία Πετρούπολη, Αλεξέι Sutuga συνελήφθη το βράδυ της 17ης Απριλίου στη Μόσχα.Προς το παρόν, δύο είναι υπό κράτηση στη Μόσχα.

Author columns

Курдистан против политических репрессий в России
Авраам Гильен

18th March, 2018 (election day in Russia) anarchists all over the world have become the main force who expressed the protest against Putin's political machine. It was supporters of direct self-management who stood up most active in russian election day. A great wave of actions of solidarity...

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Logo Roter Stern

I find myself in a former police van with football fans, punk-rock and political discussions about the upcoming elections in Austria. Мy friend and I hadn’t gotten seats in the fan bus and guys agreed to give us a ride in the ex cop wagon. We drive through the towns and villages of Saxony to...

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