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Navalny vs Assange, or the geopolitics of selective outrage

Assange is being made an example of in retribution for the heavy blows he struck against imperialist interests. The same interests mandate support for Navalny, who offers himself up as a tool for realising their designs on Russia.

With astonishing speed, the US media has swung into action churning out a growing deluge of propaganda with lurid horror stories of life in the detention camps in Xinjiang, calls for the US to boycott the Winter Olympics in Beijing, and demands for tougher measures against China.

Peter Symonds

The numbers show that closing schools for spring break immediately blunted the skyrocketing trajectory of the pandemic in Michigan. At the same time, keeping factories, workplaces, nursing homes and restaurants open resulted in a continued increase in the spread of COVID-19 in those settings.

Zac Corrigan
From global pandemic to global class struggle
2021 International May Day Online Rally

An online rally with speakers from throughout the world, streamed live from wsws.org/mayday.


Young UK worker speaks to WSWS about delivering for Amazon

“I don’t believe employers should treat employees so poorly that people are getting two, three, four, sometimes five jobs just to have the same standard of living as someone with one job only a few decades ago”.

Peter Reydt

IG Metall agrees to a cut in real wages at Volkswagen

To defend their jobs and standard of living, workers must free themselves from the control of the trade unions. There is no alternative for workers outside of building independent rank-and-file committees.

Gustav Kemper

Britain looks to establish digital currency

As with virtually every other economic question, the introduction of a central bank digital currency is being analysed and discussed within the framework of a conflict with China.

Nick Beams

Cryptocurrency bubble accelerates as Coinbase goes public

This week’s public launch of Grab Holdings, valued at $40 billion, and that of the cryptocurrency trader Coinbase, valued at around $85 billion, are the latest expressions of the speculative bubble fuelled by cheap money.

Nick Beams

SEG (New Zealand) meeting: Ten years after the Pike River mine disaster

This meeting will discuss the political lessons of the 2010 Pike River mine disaster, which killed 29 people, and the fight against the Ardern government’s decision to end the underground investigation and stop those responsible from facing justice.

Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand)

Australia announces withdrawal from Afghanistan

Prime Minister Scott Morrison presented the decades-long occupation as a mission to bring “freedom,” and refused to comment on the war crimes perpetrated by Australian troops against the Afghan people.

Oscar Grenfell

Fleet Foxes’ Shore: Swimming in the right direction

Shore is the fourth full-length album from the folk-rock band Fleet Foxes. It was released six months into the global pandemic and was one of the stronger popular music albums of 2020.

Matthew Brennan

Biden extends Trump anti-Chinese TikTok policy

The Biden administration is weighing its options for continuing the anti-Chinese propaganda campaign launched by the Trump White House regarding the purported threat to national security posed by the Beijing-based social media platform TikTok.

Kevin Reed

This week in history: April 19-25

25 years ago: Stalinist-led coalition in ItalyOn April 21, 1996, general elections in Italy brought the rebranded Italian Stalinists into government for the first time in nearly 50 years. Reflecting the confidence which big business placed in the post-Stalinists, the Milan stock exchange soared 4 percent the day after the vote.

This week in history: April 12-18

25 years ago: Israel kills Lebanese civilians in Qana Massacre On April 18, 1996, over 100 Lebanese civilians were killed after Israel shelled the United Nations compound in Qana. The shelling, known as the Qana Massacre, was part of a broader attack, Operation Grapes of Wrath, launched against Lebanon by Israel, ostensibly in retaliation for previous terrorist attacks.

150 years since the birth of Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg, who was born on 5 March, 1871, was among the most important revolutionary Marxists of the 20th century, and her work contains vital lessons for today.

Peter Schwarz

Julian Assange mural unveiled in Berlin

The Captain Borderline mural is a powerful reminder of the real issues involved in the persecution of Assange, and of the real forces being deployed against him.

Paul Bond
WSWS Online Meeting
150 years since the Paris Commune

A discussion about the first time in history that the working class took power.

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The US war in Afghanistan: A historic crime

Biden’s announcement of the nominal end of the war in Afghanistan provides an occasion for drawing a balance sheet of a savage military operation which has produced incalculable suffering for the people of Afghanistan, squandered vast resources and brutalized American society.

Patrick Martin
150 years since the birth of Rosa Luxemburg

The meeting examined Luxemburg’s role as a Marxist theoretician and political leader, and discussed the significance of her legacy to the contemporary struggle to build a Marxist leadership.

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UK bus drivers continue strikes in Manchester and at London United over pay and conditions; one-day national stoppage of lorry drivers in Netherlands for pay rise and improved conditions; thousands of doctors strike in Sudan against lack of COVID safety and pay

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

UK bus drivers continue strikes in Manchester and London United against fire and rehire, pay and conditions; one-day national stoppage of lorry drivers in Netherlands over pay and increased workload; thousands of doctors strike in Sudan against lack of PPE and unpaid wages

UK bus drivers’ 24-hour strike at London United while French drivers at same company walk out; strikes in Belgium by childcare workers, prison officers and social workers; resident doctors across Nigeria strike over salary arrears.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

UK bus drivers 24-hour strike at London United while French drivers at same company walk out over pay and privatisation; strikes in Belgium by childcare workers over Covid safety, prison officers and social workers over workload; resident doctors across Nigeria strike since April 8 over salary arrears

Socialist publisher Mehring Books launches Australian website

Mehring Books Australia will feature works by the great socialist fighters and theoreticians of the 19th and 20th centuries, including Leon Trotsky, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Georgi Plekhanov and Rosa Luxemburg.

For more information

Columbia graduate worker strike at a crossroads

The bargaining committee is employing many well-known mechanisms to try to browbeat the students into accepting a sellout proposal.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US)

Suez Canal blocked by grounded ship

If, as now expected, it takes weeks to move the ship, the Ever Given, international shipping and global supply chains will be severely disrupted.

Jean Shaoul
One year of the coronavirus pandemic

March 11 marks one year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. We are republishing below statements and articles from the WSWS analyzing the response to the pandemic and calling for emergency measures to contain it.

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Sylvia Ageloff and the assassination of Leon Trotsky
With David North and Eric London

North and London discussed the significance of the latest revelations of the the Security and the Fourth International investigation into Trotsky’s assassination.

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150 years since the birth of Rosa Luxemburg

The meeting examined Luxemburg’s role as a Marxist theoretician and political leader, and discussed the significance of her legacy to the contemporary struggle to build a Marxist leadership.

Peter Schwarz, Ulrich Rippert, David North, Johannes Stern

WSWS online Q&A; with David North and Eric London

Sylvia Ageloff and the assassination of Leon Trotsky

David North and Eric London speak on the significance of the latest revelations, in the context of the decades-long Security and the Fourth International investigation by the ICFI into Trotsky’s assassination by Stalin’s GPU.

David North, Eric London

The Trump coup and the rise of fascism: Where is America going?

This essay is based on the transcript of the remarks made by David North, the chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), in opening an online discussion held January 17 on the significance of the fascist assault on the Capitol in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021.

David North

The Crisis Elections: 1860 & 2020

An online meeting with historians James Oakes, Richard Carwardine and Tom Mackaman. Moderated by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North.

Life instead of profits! Socialism instead of capitalist barbarism!

Support the SGP’s campaign for the German federal election!

Workers in every country around the world confront the same problems and can only oppose exploitation, militarism and fascism by uniting. This is why the SGP’s election campaign is not restricted to Germany, but addresses itself to workers throughout Europe!

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei
Ten years since the Egyptian Revolution

To mark the anniversary of the 2011 revolution in Egypt, we present a selection of key statements and analyses produced by the WSWS in the course of the events of that year and their aftermath.

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A video statement by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North
Welcoming the relaunch of the World Socialist Web Site

The WSWS has been relaunched with an entirely new design and with vastly enhanced functionality.

From the Marxist Library
Thirty years since the reunification of Germany
To mark the 30th anniversary of the German reunification, the WSWS is presenting a special exhibit of documents and statements produced by the International Committee of the Fourth International amidst the crisis of Stalinism in the former GDR.

Navalny vs Assange, or the geopolitics of selective outrage

Assange is being made an example of in retribution for the heavy blows he struck against imperialist interests. The same interests mandate support for Navalny, who offers himself up as a tool for realising their designs on Russia.

Thomas Scripps

The US war in Afghanistan: A historic crime

Biden’s announcement of the nominal end of the war in Afghanistan provides an occasion for drawing a balance sheet of a savage military operation which has produced incalculable suffering for the people of Afghanistan, squandered vast resources and brutalized American society.

Patrick Martin

The Kill Chain: A new era of world war

The Kill Chain exposes US imperialism’s advanced war preparations against China, with Silicon Valley playing a critical role.

Shuvu Batta