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Handmade Dil Se

More than 160 lakh households are involved in handloom and the art and crafts sector. However, the custodians of this legacy are now in dire straits. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have caused havoc in the lives of rural artisans and weavers.


Handmade Dil Se is Habba’s attempt to bring back the demand for handmade in India and revive the livelihoods of artisans and weavers. Habba has curated surprise hampers from across India for you. The art hampers feature carefully curated art forms across Textiles (handwoven, and hand embroidered), Wooden, Metal, Earthy and Hand Painted handicrafts from across India. You can choose the art forms you want to support and buy these exquisite surprise hampers for yourself and your loved ones. 

 “I have several unsold paitkar paintings. I spent months fearing I would have to give up this indigenous art form to survive this global pandemic,” says award-winning painter.

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Vijay Chitrakar from Jharkhand.

“Every day was a struggle as my orders dried up and I felt like I was drowning in debt. The festival of lights certainly ended my dark days. Through this project, I earned up to Rs 2,000 daily and I was able to pay off my debt within a month. However, my income has not yet been stable as I need to sell more of these toys in these uncertain times,”

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Mubarak from Karnataka.

“Lambadi embroidery has helped us stay back in our hamlets instead of migrating for work. We have no landholdings to take up farming and my husband is a mason. He has been unemployed since March. Lockdown has affected our sales as there are no buyers. I really hope through this initiative we are able to get back on our feet again,”

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Thaikulam from Tamil Nadu

Kamala Bamne from Madhya Pradesh’s Bagli Tehsil is no ordinary woman. With no education degree or credible experience, she banked on her hard work to bring her life back on track after losing her husband in 2016

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Kamala Bamne from Madhya Pradesh.

Our Aspiration

Our aspiration is to bring back the demand for handmade in India. We invite you to celebrate your Diwali, Eid and Christmas by buying handmade in India.
Your decision to buy handmade in India will help several families of artisans and weavers to earn their livelihood while continuing their craft.
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