
Mink is currently recovering. See here for more info.
Mink is currently offline.
The queue is running very low.
The askbox is open.
Ask count: 7
For Mink it is:
About the mod

Hi there!

My name is Mink.
I’m a 21 year old black, bi, nonbinary person from Germany, where I also live right now. I currently don’t go to school and spend most of my time at home, when not in therapy or spending time with my various pets, partners and friends.

My pronouns are he/him. If you’re curious about my gender or need help figuring out yours, send me an ask off anon!

I aim to help and encourage people, as well as be inclusive, while on this blog. No form of oppression or gatekeeping is supported by me or this blog - but if I do mess up, please let me know.

My diagnoses are:

I’m also a survivor of many types of abuse.

Let me know if you’d like to know anything else!

- Reblog -