Friday, April 16, 2021

A wonderful new novel and author... and Hugo nominees! Science fiction momentum!

Amid a recent flurry of book announcements, none makes me prouder than this one by a new author, with possibly the best opening line I ever read! 

The Melody of Memory is a deeply moving SF coming-of-age novel about growing up amid war, plague and trauma... and ultimately prevailing... even over forces of oppression and obstinate history. Read the first chapter and see if you get hooked. I bet you will. 

Published by Ring of Fire Press, and accompanied by a book club discussion guide!   And watch the 45-second teaser.

== Hugo Nominees Announced ==

The Hugo Award nominees for 2021 have been announced, and will be awarded at the World Science Fiction Convention. DisConn III, will be held in Washington D.C. -- and has been rescheduled for December of 2021.

Nominees for Best Novel include Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse, The City We Became, by N.K. Jemison, Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, Network Effect by Martha Wells, Piranesi by Susanna Clarke, and The Relentless Moon by Mary Robinette Kowal. See the full list of nominees for Best Novella, Best Novelette, Short Story and more. 

Congratulations to all.

== Theme Anthologies of SF... making points! ==

Another worthy new tome. Telling Stories: On Culturally Responsive Artificial Intelligence. This book offers: “perspectives on AI spanning five continents. Individually and together, they open the reader to a deeper conversation about cultural responsiveness at a time of rapid, often unilateral technological change... Authors from Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, the United States, and elsewhere vividly recount the anticipated influences of AI on love, time, justice, identity, language, trust, and knowledge through the power of narrative.

Clarkesworld, the very with-it SF magazine/site/movement, has also been promoting the recent, welcome trend toward international diversity in our genre. I've been especially enjoying the short stories of the young Chinese rising science fiction star Xia Jia in her collection A Summer Beyond Your Reach which has a Kickstarter deserving widespread interest and support! Her tales -- translated lovingly by SF master Ken Liu -- are filled with fun speculation and (frankly) more verve-otimism than you normally get out of eastern SF. Think Black Mirror only without the dour predictability of always a downer. Instead... you won't know until each story finishes!

And speaking of diversity. Now available again!  War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches. The Martian Invasion! Accounts of the War of the Worlds as told from celebrity eyewitnesses all around the globe!  Jules Verne reports on the Martian attacks on Paris  Teddy Roosevelt, big game hunter, goes after the most dangerous game…from another world.  Mark Twain recounts the Martians on the Mississippi.  • Jack London fights the Martians in the Yukon.  Albert Einstein pits his great mind against the Martian overlords! And Sigmund Freud and Jack London… and… And guess who wrote the Verne one!

Et pour nos amis Francophonique... Je partage avec vous cette belle chronique Français "Galaxies" Numéro 70, du N° auquel j'ai participé!

== Cool things coming! ==

In my last science fiction roundup I linked you to my fun, recently revived YA adventure series through space and time, The David Brin's Out of Time series! We've just accepted a final manuscript from the first of several bright young authors for a re-start of the series.  And we are looking for more talented scriveners of exciting 60,000 word adventures through space and time, targeted for teens!  DIVERSITY especially welcome!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg for a surge of great new (and revived-old) sci fi! Those of you who sign up to receive it (at will receive my coming newsletter (just one-a-year!) with great word about the release of freshened (new covers and introductions and fixes) versions of all my Uplift Novels! Due out in May!

Oh, speaking of which sometimes folks do lovely fan tributes to that universe. Artworks, music... and fan fiction! Here's one of the latter, by Michael Halbrook, that really makes the grade, telling how one of Earthclan's enemies sends a scientist to our planet to examine whether clever birds, especially parrots, might show past signs of uplift. See The Gubru and the Parrot.

Heck, it's good enough to be called "canonical." So I hearby say "Yeah, that happened."

== Much stranger than sci fi ==

An interesting look at the early fifties, showing an amazing overlap between UFO stuff and the plague of McCarthyism. And it’s stunning how similar the meme plagues were, to today.

 “On any given night, viewers of the highest-rated show in the history of cable news, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, might find themselves treated to its namesake host discussing flying saucers and space aliens alongside election conspiracies and GOP talking points. Praise for former President Donald Trump, excuses for those involved in the Capitol assault, and criticism of racial and sexual minorities can sit seamlessly beside occasional interviews featuring UFO “experts” pleading conspiracy.

Recent segments found Carlson speculating that an art installation in Utah was the work of space aliens and interviewing a reporter from the Washington Examiner about whether UFOs can also travel underwater like submarines.”

Folks are surprised to learn my skepticism toward UFOs is not insular, but expansive! These flying saucer tales are just... so... damn... dumb!  I mean truly unimaginative, uninformed and dismally clichéd.

I know "aliens" as well as any human (outside the slim possibility of secret stuff going on... which I weigh in upon, in EXISTENCE!) And I sure as heck hope the universe is more interesting than the dullard poopy head 'visitors' portrayed in UFO lore!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Periodic extinctions and more cheery stuff!

We are time travelers!

No, not in the sense of the teenagers who get 'time yanked' in my sci fi series for young adults: David Brin's Out of Time.  Or through space in my other YA series for teens, the High Horizon. (If you know any young folks - or you have a taste for mind-expanding adventure - you'll love these!)

Rather, today I want to discuss a different kind of time travel -- some ways in which we are getting windows into the past via science!

Earlier (recent) examples included Utzi the Iceman, who was discovered when retreating alpine glaciers exposed a neolithinc murder victim. Scientists were able to use the contents of his guts and pollen in his lungs to trace his exact path and meals and the season in which he made his final journey, till he was ambushed by some enemy. Incredible story!

Or the way genetic analysis told us about Chromosome bottlenecks in the past, including Mitochondrial Eve, the apparent mother of us all... and more recently evidence of a similar Y-chromosome bottleneck about 12,000 years ago, almost exactly when people made two technological breakthroughs associated with agriculture... beer and kings. And very likely the latter simply ordered the deaths of many males who couldn't control their use of the former!

But no, let's go even farther back!

== Here come those 'extinctions' again! ==

Ever more, we are using amazing techniques to penetrate what was a darkly hidden past.  For example, rhythms and 'cycles' or extinction that were part of Earth's meta-stable equilibrium... but of the sort that may have hobbled life's progress elsewhere. For example...

In EXISTENCE, I talk about how humans appear to have undergone a major cultural – possibly genetic – shift a little over 40,000 years ago, that included cave art, ceremonial burials and a vastly expanded suite of tools. (I assert it was just the earliest known in what would become a series of accelerating reprogrammings of the human operating system.) It’s also a time when many megafauna species... and our Neanderthal cousins... shuffled off the stage. 

Now comes a theory that magnetic pole reversals can stress an ecosystem and cause extinctions:One temporary flip of the poles, known as the Laschamps excursion, happened 42,000 years ago and lasted for about 1,000 years.” Accompanied by a major solar minimum, it may have caused the tipping point. Interestingly, my colleague Rob Sawyer goes with exactly this notion in his HOMINIDS series. 

The authors of this study go to the “42” thing, though, to connect with a different sci fi series. 

Oh, BTW: Earth’s magnetic field has weakened by about 9% over the past 170 years, and the researchers say another flip could be on the cards.”


== “Periodic” Extinctions are back on the table ==

In 2015 I re-posted my 1980s era article in Analog: "The Deadly Thing at 2.4 Kiloparsecs" along with updates, referring to theories for what might explain periodicity in Earth's major and intermediate extinctions. Now comes a revised estimate of extinction periodicity led by NYU’s Michael Rampino, who reiterates that widespread die-offs of land-dwelling animals – which include amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds – appear to follow a cycle of about 27 million years.


The article says the next periodic comet drop isn't due for 20 million years. But track from the end of the Cretacous - 63 million years ago, if the cycle really was 27 M.y, then we would be 9 away from the next.

I've looked at the pattern currently listed here  and I don't think the 27M.y thing works at all, except as an average that posits a SINGLE cause. Especially, it doesn't look like a good fit for when our solar system plunges through the galactic "skirt."

But what if the triggers number more than one? Say TWO or THREE objects that pass nearby, disturbing our solar system, each with its own, longer periodicity... AND SOMETIMES THEY MISS, failing to leave a trace in the fossil record? Moreover, Suppose that the two - or 3 or 4 - trigger objects have somewhat different phases? 

I have to wonder if someone out there can program a fit to the listed extinctions with two or three different periodic triggers that sometimes fail to leave a trace. Including that latter element could be tricky. But it already looks to me as if some of the sums of adjacent intervals might show better periodicity.

My 'lapping" process (posited in the "Deadly Thing" article) could then be several causal objects in Galactic orbit, or possible brown dwarves in far solar orbit. In the former case, they'd be farther out from Galactic center than my 1st paper supposed, and thus pass sometimes much closer to us.

Of course, some of the extinctions may not have had a foreign cause... and the datings of the intervals gets foggier, farther back in time.

And now a splash of cold water. These other researchers claim to have used deep-learning systems to sift the data and found no clear timing relationship between the extinctions. 

== More reaching through time? ==

In EXISTENCE I posited the resurrection of the Neanderthal species in our near future. Are we already on our way? 

Neanderthal mini-brains! Working near UCSD, Dr. Alysson Moutri grown mini ‘organoids’ from both human neurons and others that were genetically altered with Neanderthal DNA. And the results are already so amazing that NASA agreed to fly a version of the experiment aboard the space station. (I was peripherally involved in that aspect of things.) “Organoids with the ancient NOVA1 gene also appear to mature more quickly and remain smaller than their modern counterparts, Muotri says." The neurons start to get more active at very early stages. 

These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that modern humans evolved big brains that continue to develop long after birth in order to navigate complex social systems. Of course I have revived Neanderthals as characters in Existence... But see also my own research into the role that neoteny has played in giving humans ever-young and agile minds. Well... some of us.

== And some space stuff! ==

While we’re talking about new tools to look back through time… Gravitational micro-lensing only works when three objects line up, our telescope, a distant star… and the object directly in between that’s doing the lensing by bending the star’s light as predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. What’s amazing is… it works! With our new telescopes that can scan tens of thousands of stars at a time, we are spotting these events… and one revealed a small rogue planet, likely no larger than ours but cut loose from its origin system, doing the brief bending bit as it passed brifly through our line of sight! This may be important.

Curious. Is the universe getting… hotter? A team of international scientists compared the temperature of cosmic gas farther away from Earth (and, therefore, farther back in time) to younger gases nearer to our planet and to the present day. According to their calculations, in the past 10 billion years, the mean temperature of these gases has increased by more than 10 times. 

Remember that “monolith” discovered in an isolated red rock cove in Utah? Apparently the first published images were deceptive. It's a prism shape with triangular horizontal cross section. Making it much sturdier and less like 2001.  But the Interior Dept guys have a sense of humor. Anyway, apparently the “obelisk” discovered in the Utah desert has been there a long time. 

Are there others? In my novel EARTH, pyramidal obelisks have been placed to seem like the tips of a single, humungous tetrahedron sculpture embedded in the planet. Only one orientation lets all tips emerge on dry land; one must be on Easter Island... as I depict in the novel. And in real life a sculptor did it!

Friday, April 09, 2021

The war on expertise... And ways to navigate the minefield.

 == Again: How to defeat the War on All expertise ==

The Enlightenment Experiment absolutely depends upon training citizens - especially the young - to provide the one thing that almost all past nations desperately lacked, criticism of society's elites, lest they smugly assume they are right, an endemic failure mode, since humans are (all of us) inherently delusional. But we don't share the same delusions and so point out each other's errors.

Alas, there's a flaw - arguably the worst in human nature. We inherently hate criticism! 

And hence, so many past and present ruling castes - wielding tyrannical power - crushed it! Then went on and implemented any damn policy that made them feel good... resulting in the litany of catastrophes called 'history."

Occasionally, across that dismal darkness, a glimmering concept arose. That of reciprocal accountability - people catching each other's mistakes (since we seldom can see our own). Pericles, for example, spoke of how this method was working so very well in the Athens democracy... till he died and Athenians dived into cycles of overwrought 'criticism' that proved lethal, the failure mode that enemies of our current enlightenment are trying (with much success) to trick us into, right now.

So how does an enlightenment nation and society strike that balance?

Today, our massive propaganda system - Hollywood - relentlessly repeats lessons of criticism, suspicion of authority (SoA) and individualism... along with notions of tolerance and diversity and "otherness." Historically, NO other society taught its children to reflexively assume fault in their own tribal elders, while assuming other tribes are wise. And admit it, that's your trained reflex, as we speak.

 Alas, we fail to teach our young to notice how they got these values -- via the most intensely pervasive indoctrination-by-media in human experience. That perspective is badly needed.

(See the powerful effects (good and bad) of sci fi movies and lit dissected in my new nonfiction book about the power of fictionVIVID TOMORROWS: Science Fiction and Hollywood.)

Especially since -- as I alluded above and have pointed out many times -- Suspicion-of-Authority (SoA) can be turned cancerous and used against us! Consider the aphorism given in italics below. One that is blatantly true, believed by almost all members of this civilization... and denounced by almost all rivals and previous cultures.

"Just because a person is smart and knows a lot or has a position of authority, that doesn't automatically make them wise."


All of you reading this likely agree that the assertion (in italics above) is true. 

Simply and obviously true. 

And because we know it to be true, each of us feels empowered to point out what we deem to be possible errors by elites. 

Even if citizens or amateurs are wrong in 99% of their crits aimed at elites, catching that 1% has real value!  

This is absolutely essential if we're to navigate the rush into the future while minimizing lethal errors. 

It is also a basic reason to always err on the side of transparency.

So far so good. Experts may know a lot, but they aren't gods.

Only here's what's happened. Our enemies saw a flaw - one that could be exploited against us. The same flaw that blew out post-Periclean Athens and Medici Florence and threatens us today -- self-righteous sanctimony.  

Let's look at that core underpinning again:

"Just because a person is smart and knows a lot or has a position of authority, that doesn't automatically make them wise."

True! It's one of our fundamental tenets. But there is only a small step from that truth to a toxic lie! 

"Because a person is smart and knows a lot or has a position of authority, that automatically makes them unwise."

Now of course, when you put it explicitly and baldly like that, the mutated version is obviously insane!  

And so, Fox/Sinclair/KGB savanarolas never make it explicit! Yet, that's the message implicit in their daily jeremiads against every expert caste, from doctors and scientists to civil servants and law professionals and most of their fellow journalists. They croon at their hypnotized ditto heads 

"Your opinions (supplied by us) are automatically more valid than the informed judgments of smartypants, who are all both conniving conspirators and cowardly, paradigm-obeying conformists!"

See also: The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why It Matters, by Tom Nichols. 

= Is There A Way Around This? Burden of Proof. =

Yes, there is a way out. But it depends on first admitting what the enemies of enlightenment are doing, and then adjusting, adapting new, 'judo' tactics.

The key concept is "burden of proof." 

No, elites and experts should NOT get to "rule" ex-cathedra on what's True! Freedom of speech is not enough... critics of established paradigms should have access to venues to challenge orthodoxy... as is the case in science... 

...though the credibility of the critic can justifiably be used to scale those venues, maximizing crit that has value over that fizzing from sources who have none. 

(Note that our species has never generated more competitive humans than scientists, who at each other with relentless determination, eager to expose the flaws in their experiments or theories.)

One chant-incantation by the mad right meme-media is "there's no such thing as "scientific consensus" or "there's no VOTING over facts." While that incantation is strictly true, it is also bullshit!

When 99% of those who know a lot and are expert in a field say something is true... despite rivalries among them... then yes! it is still possible for that consensus to be wrong! There have been a few such cases across the annals of science and the dissenters who bravely took down the false paradigm are well-known, even revered. 

But that happenstance is very rare. Generally, when a critic claims "99% of those who know this field are wrong!" that critic bears a Burden of Proof.

Above all, this holds when it comes to PUBLIC POLICY, which simply cannot wait for 100% agreement and utter removal of all plaints and objections! It is perfectly reasonable for a nation or state or company or world to take action on warnings and recommendations made by a majority of experts in a field, especially when the possible consequences of inaction are dire. As is the case re: climate change.

Though yes, it is also right to allocate some resources so that critics may continue to criticize.

== Wagers, again ==

In pushing WAGERS as a tactic against the jibbering-insane War-vs-Facts, I never claimed you'll actually get paid. I never have been. They always whinge, squirm and finally run. But that in itself is a victory, because the one thing they live for is macho

They know "a real man is willing to put up stakes and let the chips fall where the facts take them." In squirming and fleeing, these mostly-male idiots prove (if you taunt them in front of others) that they aren't 'real men.'  Alas you must do it right! 

1- Nail down a specific provable/falsifiable assertion. (I like ocean acidification because if it's true we're screwed, and it can be proved with a Ph meter. And there are ZERO alternative theories for why it is happening.) 

Or: "let's pick any random ten lies from the registered list of Trump's 30,000 false statements and see if any were worse than the ONE fib you called 'intolerable and impeachable' by Bill Clinton!

2- Definite stakes in advance. I generally demand they escrow $5000 with a reputable attorney before I'll even negotiate terms. Thus, I savagely imply they aren't trustworthy. (It does work.)

3- Adjudicators! It's their last refuge, since their cult wages war on all fact-using professions. (Bet them they can't name an exception!) From science, teaching, medicine, law, journalism -- to the "deep-state men and women who crushed Hitler, stymied Stalin, won the Cold War and the War on Terror, their cult slogan is that all nerdy fact users are evil!

So I make it explicit. "You pick a pair of senior, retired military officers who aren't known for being rabidly partisan, but who have been lifelong Republicans. I'll pick two. Together they will pick a fifth for a panel to adjudicate our bet, based on confirmed facts. Let's do this! If you have any guts or balls!" 

It's a trap! If they deny the fact-centered honesty of retired senior officers, they are stabbing at the last American clade of expertise they supposedly respect and revere. But if they accept, they know they'll lose!

Do you see the logic? Of course then there is...

... #4 -- do all this in public, because they will run away! The only thing you'll win is utterly shaming a raving loony by gelding and emasculating him in front of witnesses. (And how I'd love it if a guest on Hannity or Tucker did this!) That public shaming is a good thing and if we all did it a lot, QAnon and Proud Boys will shrivel under the sun. 

See my formal wager demand in comments. Copy and use it yourselves.

== Sometimes the old ways still work ==

What about using the courts to force slanderers to admit it and face deterrence and punishment?  Well, in theory, that's a great idea! In fact, I have yearned for a decade for some prominent news reporter to shout "enough" after being slurred as a conspiratorial-lying promulgator of "fake news!" and suing for one of Tucker Carlson's many, many mansions, ranches and yachts. It is a form of wager!

Well, at last it is at least starting to happen. Lawyers for conservative attorney Sidney Powell told a federal court on Monday that "no reasonable person" would conclude her unfounded claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election were statements of fact as she fights a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems. (Late news, Dominion is also going after Rudy Giuliani, FOX News and the My Pillow guy.)
Said an eminent DC observer I respect: 

"I get it - claims often are unbacked by fact. However if someone claims something, is it not a sign that they think it's true and thus if they're wrong, then defamation?" And further that their statements were both intended and had the effect of undermining the persons and corporations so defamed?
One part of the remedy that a jury in the suit -- or a settlement -- can demand -- in addition to a financial penalty -- is that Powell herself - not her attorneys - issue a statement of retraction and apology, admitting with crystal clarity that her intent was to sway "unreasonable people" into harmful hostility toward both the plaintiffs and democratic electoral systems.
While it is delicious to see Dominion Voting Systems pursue these devastating cases, they truly are special in that the deliberate defamation and the economic harm have perfect clarity that plows past our reflex 'freedom of speech' defense, that always gets benefit of the doubt.
Alas, no member of the political caste can do that without accusations of orwellian "attempted suppression of opposition" doing more harm than good. I think some news reporters should long ago have sued over "fake news" slurs, since some cases were especially egregious... but the same worry probably deters them.
Which is hence why my "judo alternative" of WAGER demands kicks in. 

True, you'll not get the dollar rewards of a jury judgement or a court settlement... no one, certainly not a Fox yammerer, will ever actually PAY. But cornering say Hannity/Carlson with their refusal to even negotiate crisp, falsifiable/verifiable terms for fact-based manly wagers can then be used to slash the macho stance that is the foundation of their cult following.

I'll append in comments once again my standard Wager Demand that attempts to deal with all the bob-and-weave evasion tactics these macho liar-bums have tried over the years, before screaming (always) and running away.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

The Evolution of Science Fiction

With the popularity of The Queen’s Gambit, the Post points out that its author, Walter Tevis, was hardly a one-hit wonder. Tevis wrote science fiction greats like “The Man Who Fell to Earth” and the overlooked classic “Mockingbird,” as well as “The Hustler,” later turned into a movie with Paul Newman.

Way back in the 20th Century, science fiction couldn’t get no respect. Jack Williamson barely escaped being committed for the lunacy of writing tales about possible tomorrows. Aside anomalous best sellers like When Worlds Collide, it took Heinlein to get anything like real books distributed beyond the drug store pulp rack. Later best-sellers like Vonnegut, Atwood and Le Guin kept waffling whether to spurn or embrace their roots in a genre that had fostered them. Academics sneered and while many universities had to run a science fiction class - (a lit course ‘for the nerds’) - that SF instructor almost never got tenure.  And every five years or so there appeared a hit piece in The Atlantic, or Harpers, or The New Yorker, slagging the entire field as “febrile fantasies.” 

My how things have changed! Last month a postage stamp was issued honoring Ursula Le Guin (my former teacher.) Science fiction research programs sprout up at many universities. And those same elite magazines now run reviews of - or sober reflections upon - SF in its many forms. True, much of this new status comes packaged in vehement liberation-rhetoric, some of it unfairly ungrateful to earlier SF generations who were generally progressive and friendlier toward inclusion than their times. But no one can sanely object to the overall trend, discovering and developing appreciation for exploratory literature and film created by members of many nations, races, genders and mythic systems! Setting aside the occasional, spate of undeserved and self-defeating hostility toward allies, this is a trend that science fiction can justifiably be proud of.

(Much of this is discussed in my own recently released academic tome Vivid Tomorrows: Science Fiction and Hollywood.)

Exemplifying this trend is a series of fine reviews that has been appearing on the website of National Public Radio (NPR), including...

…this review of Sarah Geiley’s novel -- The Echo WifeCooked right, science fiction and murder mysteries taste great together…” 

(I agree! In fact, I always tell my writing students that they should do a murder mystery first - as I did, with Sundiver - in order to truly understand story and character arcs and plotting!)

… this rumination by Ramtin Arablouei on my dear friend and colleague, the late Octavia E. Butler.  After whom the Perseverance Mars probe landing site was recently named!

… And NPR reviews Everina Maxwell’s recently released novel --a romantic space opera,  Winter's Orbit.

 … and for some non-fiction that has that good old sci fi apocalypse feeling to it, take a look at Elizabeth Kolbert’s Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future. This volume covers in a reporter’s thorough detail some of the dire topics of humanity's impacts on ecological change I conveyed in novel form, in Earth.

Kazuo Ishiguro has long been recognized as one of the greatest writers in the English language, exploring fretful, endangered lives, as in Never Let Me Go, and clashes with modernity and ethics and constrained personality, in The Remains of the Day. 

Now, Nobel laureate Ishiguro returns to science fiction with a novel in the point-of-view of a robot companion, seeking to understand the humans it is confusedly trying to serve - with his newly released, Klara and the Sun

== The adventure Sci Fi series you've been seeking? ==  

Suppose your descendants – people of the future – reach back in time to ask for your help.  Would you go? 

24th Century humanity has created a Utopia. No more War. Disease. Prejudice. Crime. But no heroes! And suddenly they need heroes, fast. So they reach out across time… for you. 

Would you go?

And what if only teens can survive the trip?

In the first Out of Time novel, Nebula Award winning author Nancy Kress takes you on an adventure, with a 10th Century Viking girl, a New Jersey high school basketball star and a young thief from Shakespeare’s London who are yanked into a future of both promise and peril and asked achieve what adults of that time cannot… rescue a lost star-colony. But even if they succeed, will they ever make it back home? 

Your adventure starts if you click 'Buy Now' or 'Read for Free' and get sucked into this riveting tale of time travel in David Brin's Out Of Time Series!

And then more such adventures from the mighty Sheila Finch(!) and Roger McBride Allen... and soon a new wave of new novels resumes with one from Bram Stoker Award winner Patrick Freivald... and more in queue!

Friday, April 02, 2021

John Boehner pleads: "It's not my fault!"

 This absolutely stunning apologia by former US House Speaker John Boehner is both truth-revealing and overwhelmingly despicable. You must read it for his behind-the-scenes views of the Republican Party's slide, and then plummet, into turpitude, treason and insanity.  He blames - with real cause - Rupert Murdoch and the Kochs and Mercers and Sinclair Radio Nuremberg Rallies, without ever going into the puppet-master roles played first by the Saudis - (who have always owned and operated the Bush family) - and later Vladimir Putin.

 So what's Boehner's self-defense, now? Paraphrasing from his book, On the House: A Washington Memoir"I stayed in order to be a moderating influence." The same excuse given by so many of Donald Trump's enablers, and that Spencer Tracy demolished so well, in JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG.

It doesn't wash. Even slightly. Of the four pre-Trump GOP Speakers, Newt Gingrich set the stage, but demonstrably did at least want to legislate. Newt worked with Bill Clinton to get Welfare Reform and budget surpluses and at least a few modernizing bills passed. Gingrich trashed all the Congressional resources - like OTA - that questioned dogmatic "truthy" falsehoods. (And he later went completely insane.) But at least as Speaker he made some deals and he also appropriated money for non-policy science. 

The Republican Party was not yet at open war against every fact-using profession, from science, teaching, journalism, civil service and law to the "deep state" men and women who won the Cold War and the War on Terror.

For all of those reasons, the increasingly crazy GOP jettisoned Newt (whose "Contract With America" is a case study of how to do polemical politics successfully) in favor of Dennis "friend to boys" Hastert, a man of such stunning evil that I won't even begin to describe, but whose "Hastert Rule" declared utter vengeance on any Republican officer holder who ever again negotiated in good faith - or even socialized - with a Democrat. Thus, explicitly and openly, the GOP became the party that deliberately killed bipartisan politics as a way that adults might sometimes find common ground to act on behalf of a nation and civilization.

Gingrich, Hastert, Boehner and Ryan, all were utterly committed to transforming the America that was riding at its zenith in 1994 into an insular, oligarchy-run backwater devoted above all to the protection and enhancement of aristocratic-inherited privilege. (I'll save Paul Ryan for last. He was the smoothest of a wretched series and I wager has 'plans.')

Let's be clear. With the exception of Pelosi's brief 111th Congress, all the others since 95 were GOP run - despite losing all but once the popular vote - and all of them - including all of Boehner's terms as Speaker - were the LAZIEST and most unproductive legislative sessions in American history, setting records for low numbers of hearings (except Clinton witch hunts), bills proposed or passed (except firehosings of $trillions at open, aristocratic maws), and corruption and sexual perversion.

For John Boehner - Hastert's successor - to come before us now with a "tell-all" is simultaneously welcome (an interesting read) and contemptibly self-serving. His whine that a radicalized 'tea party" clade of radicals terrorized the party leadership is laughable!  That radicalization (through threats of primary election challenges) could have been staunched simply by ENDING GERRYMANDERING and restoring electoral importance to the General Election, when a district's moderate majority might defend a moderate representative.

Boehner could have restored - single-handedly - some science advisory staff to credibly challenge outright lies and coach GOP reps how to be conservative without denying the existence of objective reality. (See my proposals for how this could be part of a way to end the war on facts.)

Boehner had the power, at any time, to tell Rupert Murdoch "Go back to 'fair and balanced' or I will go to the People and tell all. And I'll do it now, in the 90s and Oughts... when it might actually do some good, instead of waiting till 2021 when the nation teeters and civil discourse has been shredded."

His explanation for why he put Michelle Bachman on the Intelligence Committee, where that fizzing loco and likely Kremlin agent had access to high US secrets, is the most spectacular piece of rationalization I have seen, in a long time. And his top complaint about Barack Obama -- "He could come off as lecturing and haughty" -- is doggie doo of the purest odor, redolent of the final redoubt of this mad Confederate campaign of outright treason --

-- which is spite toward all our expert and knowledge castes (name one exception). It's the good-old-boy reflex that has metastacized into hatred of anyone who knows anything and can speak in coherent sentences. A self-destructive curse that delights all our enemies, shatters every American strength and thatJohn Boehner did everything in his power to spread. Setting the stage for Donald Trump.

He concludes:

"Under the new rules of Crazytown, I may have been Speaker, but I didn’t hold all the power. By 2013 the chaos caucus in the House had built up their own power base thanks to fawning right-wing media and outrage-driven fundraising cash. And now they had a new head lunatic leading the way, who wasn’t even a House member. There is nothing more dangerous than a reckless asshole who thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Senator Ted Cruz. He enlisted the crazy caucus of the GOP in what was a truly dumbass idea. Not that anybody asked me."

Oh fuck off you stunning piece of work!  You shambolic excuse-maker, still refusing to make amends with real courage.

I will say this in John Boehner's favor. That he issued this self-serving masturbatory "who me?" apologia at all does show one thing...

... that he is not one of a majority of top DC republicans who is either a known pervert or under someone's blackmail thumb. If he were, he'd have been ordered not to do this. And hence we can be pretty sure he was at least a half-decent husband and father. 

I'll grant that seems likely. But that is all that I will grant this truly wretched betrayer of the nation he was supposed to love.


Oh, Paul Ryan? For a while there a consensus pointed at him being the Republican Party's once and future prince. I expect he'll still try to do what Mitt Romney cannot - patch together a GOP winning alliance out of Trumpism and Foxite populaism and millions of 'ostriches' who are disgusted with the Trump era, but eager to mumble, with their heads buried in denial "that's all over, now. And Liberals are worse. Liberals are worse. Liberals are worse. Liberals are worse. Liberals are worse. Liberals are worse."