Authors and Advertisers
NEWS Nov 01
Whether you want to break out your debut book, keep the momentum going with your latest release, or rekindle... Read more
NEWS May 30
The Silent Patient is both a debut novel for Alex Michaelides and Celadon Books.... Read more
NEWS Jul 09
Writer’s block is no joke, and the path to publishing is a long and sometimes bumpy road. Take comfort in knowing that many bestselling writers were once in your shoes and can share their wisdom... Read more
NEWS Jun 08
You’ve claimed your author profile on Goodreads, updated your bio and uploaded a flattering picture, enabled Ask the Author and fielded some questions. You’re eager to engage with readers on... Read more
NEWS Jun 06
These days, writers no longer need to sign with a traditional publishing house to get their stories into the world. Self-publishing platforms have made it easier than ever for a writer to publish... Read more
NEWS Jun 04
Looking for help navigating the busy world of book marketing? You've come to the right place! There's a ton of helpful information about effective book promotion for authors right here on the... Read more
NEWS May 24
The new custom message feature for Premium Giveaways allows authors to reach readers on Goodreads like never... Read more
NEWS May 22
"The firemen said there were little fires everywhere," Lexie said. "Multiple... Read more
NEWS May 07
Catherine McKenzie knows that being a writer isn’t just about writing.... Read more
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