News and Interviews
NEWS Apr 05
  No red herrings here! Join us for Mystery and Thriller Week as we celebrate the genre's unreliable narrators, creepy culprits, spectacular... Read more
NEWS Apr 06
Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new... Read more
NEWS Apr 06
Why not focus on some serious family drama? Not yours, of course, but a fictional family whose story you can... Read more
NEWS Apr 05
Comforting cozies, courtroom theatrics, and cold cases that warm back... Read more
NEWS Apr 05
Psychological thrillers that will leave your head spinning. Cold... Read more
NEWS Apr 05
If you're a fan of the mystery and thriller genre and young adult books, recent... Read more
NEWS Apr 05
When it comes to your mystery and thriller reading, do you tend to go for the... Read more
NEWS Apr 05
  You can’t stop watching. You have things to do, children to feed, even... Read more
“I'm in a weird place because the book is about to come out. So I'm basically... Read more
NEWS Apr 01
According to some historians, the month of April is actually named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of... Read more
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