Who We Are

Jews for Justice for Palestinians is concerned for justice for them—and us!
Without justice for Palestinians, there is no hope for Israel.”

                                                                           RABBI JEFFREY NEWMAN


Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JJP) is a network of Jews who are British or live in Britain, practising and secular, Zionist and not. We bring together Jews from across the religious and political spectrum and value contributions to the struggle for justice for Palestinians by Jews from every background, in Britain, Israel, and across the world

Our signatories list consists of Jews of many different backgrounds and experience. We include lawyers, clerical workers, pensioners, rabbis, parliamentarians, students, performing artists, scientists, novelists, managers, trade unionists, doctors, academics and teachers. Several signatories hold high honours including knighthoods, fellowships of the Royal Society and the British Academy. All follow in the footsteps of Jews throughout the ages who have fought for human rights and against oppression

JJP opposes Israeli policies that are destroying the human, civil, political and economic and rights of the Palestinian people.

We are committed to the Palestinians’ right to self determination and to their right to a viable state as set out in United Nations resolutions.

We support the right of Israelis to live in peace and freedom within Israel’s 1967 borders.

WE ORGANISE to ensure that Jewish opinions critical of Israeli policy and supportive of Palestinian rights are heard in Britain.

WE BELIEVE that giving a voice to such opinions is important in challenging antisemitism and the claim that opposition to Israel’s destructive policies is antisemitic, as well as in supporting justice for Palestinians.

WE WORK TO BUILD Jewish opposition to the Israeli occupation with like-minded groups around the world and are a founding member of EUROPEAN JEWS FOR A JUST PEACE – a federation of Jewish groups in ten European countries whose principles comprise:

     CONDEMNATION of all violence against civilians in the conflict, no matter by whom it is carried out.

     RECOGNITION of Israel’s 1967 ‘green line’ borders

     A COMMITMENT to the Palestinians’ right to a viable state in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza

     CALLING ON ISRAEL to acknowledge its part in the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem and its obligation to negotiate a just, fair and practical resolution of the issue

WE COOPERATE with other organisations on specific issues without necessarily endorsing everything they do.


“Israel must withdraw from all the settlements and dismantle the wall within Palestinian territory. Then, perhaps, we may at last see some justice for Palestinians.”


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