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    Where to get a job in QLD and what you can earn

    Premium Content Where to get a job in QLD and what you can earn

    Industries with the most jobs available in Qld and how to get them

    1000 jobs: Qld resources and energy sector hiring

    Premium Content 1000 jobs: Qld resources and energy sector hiring

    Queensland Resources Council says there are more than 1000 jobs available

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      Training and Education

        40% of vocational student loans will not be repaid: report

        40% of vocational student loans will not be repaid: report

        Government student loans under a cloud

        Claims foreign aid cuts hurt girls' education

        Claims foreign aid cuts hurt girls' education

        Claims foreign aid cuts hurt girls' education

        First Australian Joint Strike Fighter pilot starts training

        First Australian Joint Strike Fighter pilot starts training

        Australian JSF pilot to begin training on Monday

        Business News

          Bitcoin busts new record surging to $83k

          Bitcoin busts new record surging to $83k

          Bitcoin price hits record high above $US63,000 ahead of Coinbase IPO

          Financial sector to disclose climate impact

          Premium Content Financial sector to disclose climate impact

          NZ financial sector to disclose climate impact

          Rescue plan for failed biotech company

          Premium Content Rescue plan for failed biotech company

          Recue plan for failed biotech Medigard revealed