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  1. Tweet fissato
    12 dic 2018
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  2. ha ritwittato
    21 ore fa

    USA TODAY examined 32 fatal police encounters in which victims said they couldn’t breathe while being restrained. At least 134 people have died in police custody from “asphyxia/restraint” in the past decade alone.

  3. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa
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  4. ha ritwittato
    16 ore fa

    We have forts named for traitors but not for this guy?

  5. ha ritwittato
    9 ore fa
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  6. 8 ore fa
  7. ha ritwittato
    17 ore fa

    A reminder for the brain dead supporters who will be attending Trump's COVID-19 spreading Tulsa, Oklahoma rally.

  8. ha ritwittato

    Lindsey Graham: “You know how to make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to Hell.” Also Lindsey Graham: “Joe Biden is as good a man as God ever created."

  9. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    The estimate is now that over 100,000 people came together in support of in Paris today.

  10. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa

    The 60,000+ in Seattle yesterday was MASSIVE. People, marching in silence, as far as the eye could see - it was beautiful! Way to go Paris!

  11. ha ritwittato
    11 giu

    Akala is releasing weekly readings from his seminal book ‘Natives: Race And Class’ on his YouTube Channel:

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  12. ha ritwittato
    11 giu

    "Fascists are losing ground culturally, politically and intellectually. They have no choice but to provoke trouble." says counter-protests in London this weekend are tabloid bait, to provoke violence and discredit the movement.

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  13. ha ritwittato
    19 ore fa
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  14. ha ritwittato

    Right-wing thugs attack the police in central London

  15. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    pretty sure every single one of the idiots out today would have voted for Boris Johnson and his Brexit

  16. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    Just like to say as a Geordie, I'm utterly embarrassed by the fascist "counter-protesters" who gathered at Grey's monument in Newcastle today, chanting "All lives matter," oblivious to the fact Grey was an abolitionist & not remotely a target. Complete & utter tools!

  17. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa

    This has totally blown me away.

  18. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa
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  19. ha ritwittato

    "I don't hate Donald. He's doing his thing. I hate you for voting for him. For not having intelligence." on Trump's base. (h/t: )

  20. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa

    POLICE BRUTALITY EXHIBITS 100-113: Police are indiscriminately shooting people with rubber bullets. Not only that they are attempting to aim at people’s faces. People have lost eyes and have other permanent damage. This is not okay. 03

  21. ha ritwittato

    Check out this bird attempting to run the old insurance scam...


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