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offsite link The Russophobia of the British State Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:36 | Tim Black

offsite link 5 Stages of Grief: How America Is Handli... Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:33 | World Affairs

offsite link America’s Individual Sanctions on Chin... Sat Apr 17, 2021 09:36 | Asia Briefing

offsite link The East German STASI and the Polish Com... Sat Apr 17, 2021 08:36 | Deutsche Welle

offsite link US Forces in Syria Fire a Howitzer Into ... Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:36 | Caitlin Johnstone

Anti-Empire >>

The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Roger Waters ? ?The Bravery of Being Out of Range? Sat Apr 17, 2021 21:39 | The Saker
Roger Waters, a “one man peace movement”, released this superb video just a few hours ago.  This man is truly a musical genius and one of the greatest people of

offsite link Russian amphibious options and how to debunk a Ukie lie (OPEN THREAD #13) Sat Apr 17, 2021 19:23 | The Saker
You probably have heard that Russian moved almost the entire Caspian Flotilla to the Black Sea, including quite a few amphibious assault ships.  What you might not know is that

offsite link So Who Wants a Hot War? Sat Apr 17, 2021 17:27 | amarynth
by Pepe Escobar and cross-posted with Strategic Culture Foundation It?s not by accident that the Hegemon is going no holds barred to harass and try to smash Eurasian integration by

offsite link Russian official statements about counter-actions to US sanctions Fri Apr 16, 2021 23:58 | The Saker
16 April 202119:28 Foreign Ministry statement on measures in response to hostile US actions The latest attack by the Biden administration against our country cannot go unanswered. It seems Washington

offsite link Moveable Feast Cafe 2021/04/16 ? Open Thread Fri Apr 16, 2021 22:00 | Herb Swanson
2021/04/16 21:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of

The Saker >>

Lockdown Skeptics

Lockdown Sceptics

Stay Sceptical. Control the Hysteria. Save Lives.

offsite link Young People Should Not be Strong-Armed Into Getting Vaccinated Sat Apr 17, 2021 17:22 | Toby Young
We're publishing an original piece today by Bella Wallersteiner, a Senior Parliamentary Assistant, setting out the case against making entry to pubs/clubs/festivals conditional on showing a 'Covid Status Certificate'.
The post Young People Should Not be Strong-Armed Into Getting Vaccinated appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

offsite link Almost 15% Of English Health Service Workers Remain Unvaccinated Sat Apr 17, 2021 16:34 | Michael Curzon
Reports are emerging that many health service workers in England are refusing the vaccine, as the number of workers coming forward to receive a Covid jab is falling.
The post Almost 15% Of English Health Service Workers Remain Unvaccinated appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

offsite link Vaccine Immunity ?Won?t Just Disappear? in Face Of Covid Variants, Says JCVI Member Sat Apr 17, 2021 13:48 | Michael Curzon
A member of the JCVI has dismissed claims that the Government's "roadmap" out of lockdown could be "scuppered" by Covid variants as "pessimistic", saying that the immunity gained from vaccines "won?t just disappear".
The post Vaccine Immunity “Won?t Just Disappear” in Face Of Covid Variants, Says JCVI Member appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

offsite link Would Cameron Have Handled the Covid Crisis Better Than Boris? Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:06 | Toby Young
In an entertaining blog post, Russell David imagines how different the past 13 months would have been if David Cameron, not Boris, had been in charge. The answer is much, much better, according to Russell.
The post Would Cameron Have Handled the Covid Crisis Better Than Boris? appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

offsite link Pregnant Women Should Be Offered Covid Vaccine, New Government Advice Says Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:13 | Michael Curzon
Pregnant women should be offered a Covid vaccine, new Government advice says. The AstraZeneca jab will be given where another is not available despite the JCVI saying "more research is needed" on its impact on pregnancy.
The post Pregnant Women Should Be Offered Covid Vaccine, New Government Advice Says appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

Lockdown Skeptics >>

Voltaire Network


The State of Texas is Open since March 2nd

No lockdown, No Restrictions. No Masks AND No Calmity !

After nearly a year of nonsense, on March 2, 2021, the governor finally said enough is enough and repealed it all.

Florida (pop. 21 million) is already completely open and has no lockdown, restrictions or masks and people are not dying. Now Texas (pop. 29 million) has reversed all the Orwellian draconian rules and cases are falling. There is NO disaster. The doom sayers were completely wrong

More details, see: Why Is Everyone in Texas Not Dying?

Meanwhile ....
Dmitry Orlov on the Great Reset. His blog: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/
Basically financial collapse has taken place in the background

Ivor Cummins crucial analysis of Propagandist and Vaccine Profiteer Luke O'Neill's


See also: Ivor Cummins - A quick analysis of dishonest reporting of Prof Luke O'Neillhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/pqZ7EwB21lla/

Dr Pat Morrissey — The Price of Truth

The Healthy Debate Episode 8: - Covid Talking Points of 2020

Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals

Dr Vernon Coleman http://www.vernoncoleman.com

Major Scientific Study: Covid PCR Test on which Cases and Lockdowns are based is FATALLY flawed in 10 areas. Test is useless.
Portugal: Court rules against government over forced quarantine because of unreliability of Covid-19 PCR test. There could be as little as a 3% chance it [test] is correct. See also 32 Doctors from 11 Countries Warn against Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine

Warning: There has been a rise in bacterial pneumonia caused by prolonged wearing of masks. The new Covid strain is of course a hoax but they will say all the bacterial pneumonia cases are caused by it. Expect more severe lockdowns. -The Grinch

See A PDF of Vernon Coleman's banned booklet called, 'Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good

The Covid-19 Plan

1. Release a bio-engineered virus no more lethal than the Flu -done
2. Create panic and fear using misleading and false models and statistics and useless PCR tests. Saturate media .-done
3. Lockdown each country and impose ridiculous restrictions to test obedience -done
4. Introduce tracking of population and controlled access to services (flights, concerts etc) & food (shops) -done
5. Continue rolling lockdowns to destroy all businesses except large global corporations. -in progress
6. Economy after approx 1 to 2 years totally destroyed and permanent mass unemployment. -in progress
7 Announce the World Economic Forum's "The Great Reset" to reset the global economy. -in progress
8. Transfer all debt to the People in exchange for indefinite Covid Payments and Obedience to "safety" measures -not started yet
9. Structure of global economy, businesses, society and cultural Irreversibly changed -in progress
10. All Freedoms gone. -not completed yet

Global Totalitarian System complete
See The New Normal Documentary by Happen Network

According to the World Economic Forum in 2030, nobody will own anything and we will rent everything. The thing is who will we be renting from? See https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/ for the WEF vision . This is not a communist revolution brought in by people, it is one promoted by fear and lies and leaves the global oligarchs owning everything and in power.

Video produced by Ivor Cummins who runs the blog: https://thefatemperor.com/ - The Fat Emperor

Revelation of the Method -clips from 1979 German feature film

national / history and heritage Thursday April 15, 2021 22:58 by T
featured image
Ireland 2021 ?

There is no doubt about it that religion and spirituality are under attack and the pressure has been massively increased on the back of the Covid Scamdemic.

The level of suppression and repression now in force against the church has not been seen here for centuries. The irony is that the church hierarchy are largely going along with it. The attack on spirituality is a bit harder to discern but it is there and part of the wider trend. Overall what appears to be going on is the corporate takeover of society and that is the new religion and it is intolerant of any other belief systems. This is a characteristic of all totalitarian systems. They want you to transfer any beliefs you have to them. During the worst periods of the USSR we saw churches burned or closed down and all religious practice suppressed. Similar things happened during the Chinese cultural revolution. What it represents is a demand to turn towards the reigning power and an insistence that this is the only belief system. What the socialist revolution was promising was salvation through socialist organisation of society and by directing the productive forces to the benefit of all peoples, in effect creating heaven on Earth. It didn't quite turn out that way for various reasons. Now the corporate regime is trying the same without the promises

Housing Headlines

housingprotest620x330.jpg Rising number of young people join the “Locked Out Generation” Sat Mar 14, 2020

Ruth Coppinger interviews UCD students fighting rent hikes Sun Mar 01, 2020

Election 2020 - Delivering a Fair and Affordable Housing System Fri Jan 31, 2020

Debate On Housing Solutions Should Receive As Much Media Attention As No Confidence Drama Sat Dec 07, 2019

takebackthecity.jpg 5 Reasons To March Against Homelessness On 5 December Thu Nov 21, 2019

General Headlines

beirut_blast_aug4th_2020.jpg Huge Blast in Beirut leaves over 70 dead, hundreds injured and devastation Tue Aug 04, 2020

Rathkeale the First Town in Ireland to Use Challenge Coins to Honour 52 People Who Made Th... Mon Dec 30, 2019

johyndelaney620x330.jpg Home About Join News & Analysis World News Theory & History Privac... Sun Dec 22, 2019

President Trump Authorizes Somalia Debt Relief Sat Dec 21, 2019

Congress Passes Somalia Debt Relief Wed Dec 18, 2019

Rights & Repression Headlines

frederick_forsyth_says_government_has_launched_campaign_of_mass_fear_against_british_public.jpg Coronavirus Frederick Forsyth Says Government Has Launched “Campaign of Mass Fear” Against... Tue Apr 13, 2021

The New Normal Sat Apr 10, 2021

Help Needed to Ensure Draconian Covid-19 Laws limiting our Freedoms are Not extended on 9 ... Tue Apr 06, 2021

Choosing Your Place In History In The COVID Era Sat Apr 03, 2021

freedom_walk_easter_sunday_2021.jpg RiseUp Eireann - Freedom Walk - Easter Sunday - Dublin - Cork - Galway - Limerick - Waterf... Mon Mar 29, 2021

Anti-Capitalism Headlines

Front Toward Enemy Thu Sep 10, 2020

cartoonstatueoflibertyamended2.jpg George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free” Tue Jun 23, 2020

Pope Francis and World Leaders Call for Inclusive Economy Wed Feb 05, 2020

IMF Chief Warns of Financial Disaster Driven by Inequality Fri Jan 17, 2020

climatedayschoolposterdublin.jpg End Capitalism: Save The Planet. A Series Of Day Schools Nationwide Wed Aug 14, 2019

Environment Headlines

Action on pesticide reductions facing ‘strong political headwinds’ Wed Feb 24, 2021

Warning of ‘cowboy contractors’ still ignoring peat planning regulations as Bord na Mona e... Sat Jan 16, 2021

Felling stopped by residents due to recommence Thu Jan 07, 2021

Machinery at work on 28 protected raised bogs confirmed to Europe by Ireland Sat Dec 19, 2020

Call for government's position on EU subsidizing nuclear power plants Sun Dec 13, 2020

Anti-War Headlines

Public submission to the Defence Forces Commission Sat Apr 10, 2021

Carmen Trotta, Friend of the Homeless in Prison this Christmas Thu Dec 17, 2020

Martha Hennessy sentenced to ten months in prison Sat Nov 14, 2020

westbank_demolitions_pic1.jpg Statement by Minister Coveney on demolitions in the West Bank - ‘Disgraceful and illegal’ Sat Nov 07, 2020

Colm Roddy and Dave Donnellan Not Guilty Of Trying to Prevent Shannon Airport Being Used f... Sun Oct 25, 2020

textRolling Out The Paedophile Enablers To Promote The COVID-19 Vaccine Apr 14 by Gary Jordan 2 comments

textThe New Normal Apr 10 by Joe Terry 0 comments

textPublic submission to the Defence Forces Commission Apr 10 by Joe Terry 0 comments

image‘Healthy People Do Not Require Genetic Vaccination’ Apr 09 by Dr. Marcus De Brun 0 comments

textChoosing Your Place In History In The COVID Era Apr 03 by Gary Jordan 0 comments

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