Conspiracies vs Class Consciousness

Americanisation has taken root and Ireland requires an intellectual revolution, rooted in Gaelic culture, Republicanism, and anti-imperialism. So that, someday, some people of Ireland will not stage protests outside the GPO against the Bill Gates-George Soros conspiracy, but instead engage with the concrete political and economic issues we face.

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What Makes a Free Press?

The concept of a free press has always been pushed in capitalist society. Journalists and newspapers, we’re told, act as a force of neutral arbitrators, who bring the truth to the people and offer honest analysis of current affairs. This simplistic definition, however, hides the true nature of the so-called “free” press and, in the name of free speech, affords them freedom from criticism.

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“A Nazi-defeating, Space-Racing, Industrial Powerhouse”: The case for ‘Socialism in One Country’

“Socialism in One Country” allowed the USSR in 40 years to develop from a feudal backwater, stricken with regular famine to one of the planet’s two superpowers. By focusing on internal development, the USSR was subsequently able to look outwards and reliably support revolutionary struggle the world over, and its example was taken up by many other states to great success.

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“The working class can see the blood and sweat they and their children shed”: Interview With a Balkan Communist

Thirty years after the start of the Yugoslav Wars, Balkan communists declare: “The working class is not stupid. It is not a thing to be thrown around… The working class can see the blood and sweat they and their children shed…. More and more working class people are becoming consciously revolutionary.”

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