Новости журнала "Автоном"

4 years ago

"Avtonom" magazine is the most well-known and fancy anarchist paper of the exUSSR, published since year 1995. Now, the next, 37th issue is ready to be published. It will tell you:

  • how the state is destroying education system;

  • about sweatshop exploitation in "Magnit" chain stores;

  • who profits on Syria war;

7 years ago

On Thursday the 28th of November, the Lenin district court of the city of Tyumen upheld the request of the prosecutor of said district in recognizing five articles of the journal Avtonom as “extremist.”

7 years ago

Some claim, that anarchism opposes violence, as for anarchists means and ends meet. But only second statement is correct, wherease first is not. This because in anarchism violence is not only means, but in a certain sense a goal in itself.

9 years ago

Backside of the cover: Digital weapon of the proletariat. Announcement of the antijob.anho.org – collective on campaign to record violations of the workers rights and to publish them online.


9 years ago

Page 2: An Invitation to anti-fascist demonstration of 19th of January to commemorate our comrades Stanislav Markelov and Anastasiya Baburova, murdered that day back in 2009.


Автоном-party 3
10 years ago

That took a third "Autonom-party". In one of the last evenings of winter to the presentation of the 32 nd of "autonomy" has gathered 150 people.

Author columns

Курдистан против политических репрессий в России
Авраам Гильен

18th March, 2018 (election day in Russia) anarchists all over the world have become the main force who expressed the protest against Putin's political machine. It was supporters of direct self-management who stood up most active in russian election day. A great wave of actions of solidarity...

3 years ago
Logo Roter Stern

I find myself in a former police van with football fans, punk-rock and political discussions about the upcoming elections in Austria. Мy friend and I hadn’t gotten seats in the fan bus and guys agreed to give us a ride in the ex cop wagon. We drive through the towns and villages of Saxony to...

3 years ago