Beauty in Paradise Running HorseGive UpFourteen PanelsHaving FunUntitled (Field Mouse Series), c. 1970Ant ManShoeUntitled13 BeachesNarcisse 5First chanceUntitledUntitled L-6TAA DAAH!Falling PetalsWorkNullnvoidDisbelief systemCow, II.12A
Beauty in Paradise Running HorseGive UpFourteen PanelsHaving FunUntitled (Field Mouse Series), c. 1970Ant ManShoeUntitled13 BeachesNarcisse 5First chanceUntitledUntitled L-6TAA DAAH!Falling PetalsWorkNullnvoidDisbelief systemCow, II.12A

Contemporary Art

Spanning from 1970 to the present day, the contemporary period of art history represents the most diverse and widely-collected era of artistic production. Contemporary artists draw from the current moment, challenging viewers to consider their reality through another lens. At auction, record-breaking works of contemporary art include Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Untitled (1982) for $110.5 million, Jeff Koons’s Rabbit (1986) for $91 million, and Zao Wou-­Ki’s Juin—Octobre 1985 (1985) for $65 million.

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Bid (register by May 4, 1pm)
Ray Yoshida
TAA DAAH!, 2000
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Chiyu Uemae
Work, 1967
HKD $170,000