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(en) Poland, Employee Initiative: April 7 - World Health Fighting Day [machine translation]

Date Tue, 13 Apr 2021 09:59:54 +0300

Statement of the International Union Solidarity and Struggle Network , to which OZZ Employee Initiative belongs. ---- April 7 is World Health Day. It is a day of struggle for the member organizations of the International Union Solidarity and Struggle Network. The current health context in which we have been caught up and entangled for a year reminds us that this is not the time for consensus celebrations that pretend that everyone and everyone is fighting for the right to health for all: whether they are trade unionists or employers; people using health care or managing it; people defending health rights around the world, or shareholders of pharmaceutical companies.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, health workers and workers found / found themselves in a very complicated situation: their working conditions were very difficult, staff insufficient, infrastructure weak and underfunded, command and counter-orders often issued in conditions of toxic hierarchy, lack of supply ... This is the result of a public health policy that rarely took care of public health, but rather prioritized the economic interests of shareholders in pharmaceutical companies and private clinics. The richest countries have grabbed more doses of vaccines than they need to vaccinate their entire population: imperialism and colonialism are still there! Israel has massively vaccinated its population while blocking vaccine entry into Palestine ... We already said a year ago that the COVID-19 pandemic is not a capitalist plan, but capitalists are responsible for its extension, duration, and dramatic consequences on a global scale. Moreover, they used this context to introduce further restrictions on our freedoms, while the measures taken to protect health were inadequate (lest the economy be destroyed, ie, that capitalist profits continue to grow without risk) and often inconsistent.

Nevertheless, health workers and workers waged numerous fights. Above all, this reflects their ability to organize themselves in the workplace: it was not political commentators and business owners who were saving lives! There were strikes and demonstrations all over the world. Hospital staff and workers were / were in the front line, including nurses and all other women who work in them. Every day they fight to improve working conditions (working time, staff, remuneration...). More generally, social movements struggle to make health a universal right to which all and all of us have access. Of the postulates made, the first relates to the suspension of patents on vaccines so that they become a public good and not a commodity for the benefit of minorities; and the other for the intervention of vaccine companies. These are the means

The member organizations of the International Union Solidarity and Struggle Network support all initiatives that will take place on April 7 in many countries. Let employees and employees work together with users to make all decisions related to the healthcare industry!

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