Refusnikism (2007)

Film Review of Sir! No Sir! from the March 2007 Socialist Standard David Zeigler’s documentary Sir! No Sir! looks back on the movement within the military to end the Vietnam War, interviewing a wide range of soldiers who participated in the anti-war movement while in uniform or after returning from Vietnam This important history was subsequently forgotten, or more precisely, […]

A Starvation Society (1976)

From the Spring 1976 issue of the Western Socialist  This is one of a series of articles that appeared in the Lance, published by the Student Media, University of Windsor in Windsor, Ont., Canada. World hunger — over-population — poverty. That’s what we hear now. Each year there are sixty million deaths in the world, thirty to […]

Vietnam and the anti-war movement (1966)

 From the September 1966 issue of the Socialist Standard Vietnam will one day take its place beside Hiroshima and Auschwitz as an example of a time when the sickness of capitalism exploded into a kind of psychotic nightmare. It is no mere piece of sensationalism, either, to compare Vietnam with Hiroshima and Auschwitz, for there […]

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