Fresh audio product

Just uploaded to my radio archives: March 28, 2013 Terry Kupers on the psychological effects of prison • Haley Sweetland Edwards, author of this article, how Wall Street took over Dodd-Frank March 21, 2013 Yanis Varoufakis on the economies of Australia, Cyprus, and Greece • Jonathan Westin of Fast Food Forward on organizing fast food workers in NYC  

Fresh audio product

Just uploaded to my radio archives:  March 14, 2013 Özgür Orhangazi, author of this paper, on the economics of Venezuela under Hugo Chávez • George Ciccariello-Maher, author of the imminently forthcoming We Created Chavez, on the politics of Venezuela under Hugo Chávez

Fresh audio product

Just uploaded to my radio archives: March 7, 2013 Robert Gordon on the end of growth (paper here) • Adolph Reed, author this review essay, on some recent “race” movies (Django Unchained, etc.)

Clarification on crappiness

I want to make it clear that my characterization of the health insurance that Stop & Shop has been providing some of its workers, which Obamacare is causing the company to want to drop, as “crappy” was entirely mine, and not Lara Shepard-Blue’s. She’s a much more responsible and measured person than I, and sorry if it looked like I was putting words in her mouth.