TabTalks | Playing. Facilitating. Writing.
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Games with a difference

Games are not just fun. They can help us deepen learning experiences.

TabTalks is a design company that focuses on custom board and card games. Working with clients, TabTalks will unpack the learning needs of your organization or the difficult problems your stakeholders or community are facing and create games that provide a safe-space to engage in dialogue and learn.

TabTalks games aim to challenge assumptions and change the way people work together through friendly competition. All games are designed for success, but through embedded learning. The games create a safe space to facilitate face-to-face conversations and exploration of new ideas. Through purposeful play, paradigms can be challenged in a safe environment and new norms can emerge.

About TabTalks

Disasters and games; what game am I playing?: Tabatha Soltay at TEDx


Games launched


Prototypes tested


Games facilitated



Featured games
The process

Each game is custom built with your goals in mind.


Understanding your needs and ensuring that the learning aims of the game are aligned with this is the most important part of developing a custom game. What do you want players to understand or know when they finish playing?


Testing the game mechanics, first without content and then with, ensures that the game is easy to play for your target audience and that the content  delivers your learning objectives. Does the game deliver? If not – what needs to change?


Developing additional resources and training game-hosts is essential to the game being delivered to your target audience. Developing parameters and ensuring you have time to play ensures learning. Are you ready to play?


Designing processes to increase interest and participation

TabTalks starts with the premise that meetings are often boring and seldom achieve anything! However, only meaningful (and usually face-to-face) discussions result in real solutions. This contradiction comes together in the work TabTalks undertakes as a designer and facilitator.

Meetings don’t have to be dull, conferences don’t have to be talking heads, workshops are not just about experts. TabTalks designs fun and engaging agendas where collaboration is the key to being constructive and sessions engage all participants. TabTalks has facilitated meetings for four people and interactive conferences of over 300 people.

TabTalks can also develop custom designed curriculums to help your team reach their facilitation potential.

Our Collaborators

Bringing together the right skills to get amazing games.

Graphic & web designer
Kat Kavanagh

Kat, from Capra, creates beautiful graphics that make games easier and more joyful to play. Her company builds custom applications, with a focus on experimenting with new tools and finding the right solution for a problem. Kat has experience in game design and graphic design.

Game designer & writer
Jean-Philippe Veilleux

Jean-Philippe is a fiction writer and gamer who has been plotting and scheming with Tabatha since their days at Environment Canada. He has become a key collaborator in developing TabTalks’ games. With his extensive experience in storytelling he brings a unique flavour to TabTalks game projects.

The League of Intrapreneurs

The League of  Intrapreneurs Canada  promotes proactive, socially-motivated (and risk-taking) individuals innovating from within institutions and corporations. Tabatha, as someone who challenge the status-quo and help others ask difficult questions, is a founding participant of the League.

ISED Innovation Lab

The Innovation Lab is a multidisciplinary team of public servants who encourage the use of innovative methodologies to solve complex policy, program or regulatory challenges. The Lab uses design thinking to develop and test better ways of doing. Tabatha is a Lab supporter, alumni, and ally.

What people are saying

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