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(en) France, UCL AL #314 - International, Feminists around the world, ready for battle (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]

Date Mon, 12 Apr 2021 11:39:49 +0300

The feminist movement is today one of the first checks and balances in the world. When the women stand up, all the people advance. Feminism cannot be conceived as a force enclosed by borders, but as a tidal wave sweeping all the dominions anchored in each country. The recent victories and struggles of the women's movement in Argentina or Poland are only a glimpse of this mechanism. ---- On March 8, 2020, a giant Historicas banner was deployed by demonstrators in Santiago de Chile. A few months earlier, a hymn developed by these struggling women was adopted worldwide: "The patriarchy is a judge who judges us at birth. And our punishment is the violence that you do not see...." .

A warning repeated, on November 25, 2019, by 2,000 Chilean women before the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality. Hundreds of millions of women will sing it afterwards, in the streets or on their networks, in Mexico, Brazil, France, India, Colombia, Spain, Algeria, Egypt, Turkey, the United States. United. The power of the women's movement in the world lies in the common rejection of this violence.

Since the 2010s, there has been a strong mobilization of women against male chauvinist violence, in France and around the world. They have succeeded in bringing gender-based and sexual violence out of the shadows and finally bringing the voices of women to the fore. In their struggles resides the message that women and gender minorities are not the class of victims but the class of those who must resist.

Across Latin America, numerous demonstrations are organized to denounce feminicides under the slogan Ni una menos (Not one less). In Brazil, women took to the streets against Bolsonaro's election, taking back Ele Nao (Not him).

On March 8, 2018, during a meeting in Mexico that brought together 8,000 women from all over the world, the Zapatista women affirmed the need to end the patriarchal capitalist system. Their message echoes the vibrant reality of the Kurdistan women's front and their experience within democratic confederalism. Feminism is on the front line to fight in this globalized world because it has the capacity to federate. It can unite the entire working class.

On March 8, 2018 in Chad, women expressed their support for the union platform, of which they were the first members. Massive but brutally repressed, their mobilization revived the strike movement in the public service. A few weeks later, the Chadian government was forced to negotiate.

Without women no struggle is possible
One hundred years ago, on March 8, 1917, the workers of St. Petersburg went on strike to demand bread and peace. Their uprising thus initiated a historic revolutionary movement. On March 8, the struggle for women's rights was launched.

In 2016, strikes by women (in productive and reproductive work) were organized in Argentina, Iceland and Poland. They will impose the idea of an international strike of women on March 8 of each year. Its success will be colossal in Spain in 2018 and 2019, in Switzerland in 2019 and in Mexico in 2020.

The international solidarity of women is as much a force as it is a way of raising awareness. The libertarian feminists of the Spanish CGT drew on the experience of Latin American feminists, their slogans and modes of action, in triggering the women's strike. Six million women participated in 2018 and almost as many in 2019. Few social movements have made the libertarian principle of unity so popular: that an injustice against one is an injustice against all.

Libertarian feminism has no national history. He was born 150 years ago, within the struggles of the Communards of Paris, with Louise Michel. He was born in the fierce battle of the Chinese activist Hey Zen and his comrades at the beginning of XX th century. He was born into the local Mujeres Libres groups which united up to 20,000 women in the late 1930s in Spain. He was born at the end of the 19th century , in the Anarchist Feminine Center in Argentina, led by Juana Rouco Buela, Maria Collazo and Virginia Bolten. He was born in the thousand lives of Emma Goldman, and the shorter one of Voltairine de Clerc. We are part of a long tradition of female anarchists.

Libertarian feminists, we consider popular organizations to be the basis of the revolutionary movement. They are able to overthrow power and take over the means of production, decision-making and organization in the territory. The feminist movement, as a mass, class, international movement is at the forefront of this process.

Solidarity against a patriarchy without borders
A feminist breath coupled with a libertarian breath roam the globe. Feminists choose direct action and abandon parliamentary action. In many movements, they are organized horizontally: decisions are taken without the authority of one. "Without the authority of one, there would be light, there would be truth, there would be justice. Authority alone is a crime"[1]. Direct democracy is imposed, its bourgeois imitations are fading. For all of them, the state is not the solution but part of the problem.

Abortion "is an essential demand for all women and those likely to give birth in our class, because it is the poorest among us who abort in the worst conditions of clandestinity, and thus risk serious problems. health, prison and death. »[2]In the world, only about fifty countries authorize abortion without conditions to be fulfilled (apart from the legal deadlines). The victory of the Argentinian feminist movement is that of women from below, for their right to live. It is our dearest wish for feminists in Poland and beyond. " May feminism be a reality for women below and may the struggle of women grow and spread with fighting spirit, mutual support and sorority in all corners of the world". [3]

"We want each other alive"
Our feminism is that of "those from below", of the popular classes, it is a struggle and not a liberation, against the racist, patriarchal and capitalist powers. In this, libertarian feminism departs from certain European liberal feminist currents which think only of individual freedom and deny the essential action of the exploited: a liberal feminism which seeks to impose itself internationally and tries to silence the history of popular feminist struggles.

Louise (UCL Saint-Denis)


[1] Louise Michel, Plaidoierie of June 22, 1883.

[2] Federación Anarquista de Rosario (FAR), Argentina.

[3] Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB), Brazil.

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