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(en) Greece, liberta salonica AF: Universal demonstration: Thursday 8/4, 13:00, statue of Venizelos

Date Mon, 12 Apr 2021 11:33:39 +0300

Below is the anti-educational law of repression and class exclusion ---- The state comes to sow the chaos of neoliberalism in higher education through the organized program of repression, the escalation of class exclusion and consequently the premium of private initiative. The new education bill not only degrades free education, but also targets - and first of all - the students in our class. It attacks students who work, so that they can maintain their studies and with the new study limits they risk being expelled. The new bases established for the admission to the universities will turn the entrance to the universities into a road race for the candidates, where will prevail the largest wallet that will pay the best tuition or private university with the "best parchments" to enter the labor market, especially now that university degrees have been equated with those of colleges. The current educational restructuring seeks universities with few places for the few and elite elites favored by the Mitsotakis government. As it is understood, even more intensive studies will aim, not at educating the youth, but at the faster production of labor that will feed the labor market. Without any socialization, scientific or ideological ferment between students, since the only thing they will think about is that they will finish their studies, so that they do not delete.

In all this dystopian anti-educational context that emerges, the ND is doing everything possible to convince us that the restoration of dictatorial policies is not a worrying assessment of the future, but the reality of today. The establishment of a police force inside the universities, the surveillance of the interior and exterior of the universities with cameras and the criminalization of the militant mobilizations and practices of the students through disciplinary measures indicate the authoritarian stupidity of the the front of struggling students standing on the embankment of state and capital plans. After all, their tactics towards the competitive movement are well known.

If there was anyone in this country who, after repeated images of police violence not only in demonstrations and rallies, but even in squares, parks and public places against people who dare to walk, doubted what the entrance would mean. police at the universities, the rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nikos Papaioannou, took care to show us:

On the morning of Monday 22/2, the Associations of Physics, Electrical-Mechanical and Political Science Students, with decisions of their general assemblies, proceeded to occupy the rector's office of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki against the recently passed anti-educational law of Kerameos. By order of the Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nikos Papaioannou, strong police forces invaded the university campus, in order to suppress the occupation of the Rector's Office and to arrest the struggling students. The cops surrounded the occupied deanery and cut off every road crossing to the area, they used uncontrolled violence, throwing chemicals and stun the assembled students, university professors, their solidarity, even reporters, the job of which deliberately harassed. The uniformed bastards did not even hesitate to torture a protester, throwing tear gas in front of him, while he was immobilized and dragging his head on the road. Police eventually made 31 arrests. The detainees were taken to GADTH, where the ruined rector of AUTh pointed out to the cops what he considered "responsible" for the occupation.

On the same day, a first reflexive response was given against the state repression and as a sign of solidarity with the 31 arrested, with two parallel marches in the city center and outside GADTH. The students were not intimidated by Papaioannou's hafidist practices and continued the occupation in the rectory of AUTh. Within a few days the occupation was supported by more than 11 student associations and was framed by hundreds of students every day.

But the cops did not back down. A few days later, MAT cages and machines circled the wider area of the rectory, again attempting to evacuate the occupation. They managed to fail in a rather humiliating way for themselves, as although they had surrounded the building from all sides, apprehending those who dared to approach, at least 300 students managed to approach the occupation and thus guarantee that its plans Chrysochoidis and his cops will remain on paper. Then EL.AS. claimed in a statement that the strongest police forces were not there to evacuate the rectory,

Their vengeful rage was immediately expressed, with a monument of totalitarianism and violence: On 11/3 and while the decision of the student associations to stop occupying the rectory on the same day was known, cops invaded the AUTh campus and evacuated the rectory building. Shortly after 06:00, hooded security guards stormed the AUTh Rector's Office and after tying the 120 students who were in the squatting on their knees with a tire wrap, they selected (by what criteria?) 33 of them and brought them. 16 of the 33 arrests turned into arrests. The other students were chased from MAT to STH, with sticks and tear gas, while students were also beaten in the Library of AUTh. The campus was blocked by MAT squads and hooded security guards, who forbade even the professors of AUTh to enter, while Egnatia was excluded from 4 cages. At the same time helicopters were flying in the city skies completing the image of dystopia.

But again, these would mean that you have to spend for these processes. The blatant repression, violence and impunity of the cops, now designated by the government as the sole regulators of social issues, led to massive marches of students, which only in 2006 and 2007 our city had seen. With more than 7,000 students on the streets and clashes that lasted and were supported by hundreds of protesters, the only fact is that the government now realizes that the bet was not to pass the Kerameos law. The bet is to be able to implement it. And they have not won this bet yet.

We will not sit idly by. Our answers against the anti-social and anti-labor measures of the government that intensify state and capitalist totalitarianism must be given collectively and en masse on the streets of the struggle. To every question posed to the state and its government, cops are always the answer. Cops in our squares and neighborhoods, cops in our social spaces, soon cops in schools. Somewhere here is the point where we have to say "the cube was thrown". We participate in the mass struggle of students and employees on campus against the educational bill. In today 's gloomy conditions it is extremely important. We must stand firm in the plans of the state and capital that lead to the annihilation of the base in every social field. We demand free and equally accessible education for all and everyone. We can not tolerate another dose of junta. We know the critical state of health, but we are at the point where the state becomes immediately more dangerous than the pandemic. It's time to take to the streets again.


NOR step back against state SUPPRESSION



support the block of student associations, we strengthen the relentless class struggle of students.

Anarchist Federation (Thessaloniki Region)

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