Current Issue

This is Issue #28 of Salon Futura. Here are the contents:

  • Cover: Arrival: This month's cover has a science fiction theme

  • Ten Low: If it is Stark Holborn and science fiction that must mean Westerns In Spaaaaaace!!!!

  • WandaVision: It's the TV sensation of the year so far, but what does Cheryl make of WandaVision

  • In Veritas: Cheryl looks at one of the finalists for this year's Crawford Award, In Veritas by CJ Lavigne

  • Fireheart Tiger: The latest piece of short fiction from Aliette de Bodard is much to Cheryl's taste.

  • Is WSFS Fit for Purpose?: Another year, more Worldcon drama. How much more can the convention take?

  • Gendering Time, Timing Gender: A review of an academic book about gender changes and time travel

  • The Last Days of Pompeii: The need to write an academic paper led Cheryl to read a very famous Victorian novel. Is Bulwer Lytton as bad a writer as his reputation suggests?

  • The Fall of Koli: Cheryl looks back on her involvement in Mike Carey's Rampart Trilogy

  • SisterSong: SisterSong, by Lucy Holland, is another book that Cheryl was asked to act as a consultant on

  • Editorial – March 2021: Cheryl is back from a month of being an historian rather than an SF critic