
Welcome to the Forward’s coverage of Jewish culture. Visit here for the latest articles on Jewish culture, such as art, music, film and literature. Learn how even the most obscure person or moment in pop culture might have a “Secret Jewish History.” And stay up on the latest celebrity news and scandals, plus many more culturally significant events.

Can music be educational and still be sexy? These rappers think so.

Nate and Hila’s raps are about reusable cups and composting are surprisingly catchy.

Seinfeld’s impossible apartment is only the tip of the show’s interdimensional iceberg

A Reddit user ruled that Seinfeld’s apartment made no sense. Exactly! That’s the point.

Can a new ritual shift our relationship to the Holocaust?

Michal Govrin and a team of artists, historians and scientists worked to understand the very nature of memory.


Once the staple of New York politics, whatever became of the knish?

Knish politics, like the knish itself, was once a New York thing as much as a Jewish thing.

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