Yeah Nah Pasaran! #064 w Dr Mette Wiggen on the Scandinavian far-right : April 15, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Mette Wiggen [Twitter] about the far-right in Scandinavia. Mette is a Lecturer in Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds and a Fellow at the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right.

See also : Dr. Mette Wiggen: Racism Is Key to Understanding the Far-right Everywhere, European Center for Populism Studies, March 30, 2021 | ‘The Radical Right in the Nordic Countries’, Anders Widfeldt, The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, Edited by Jens Rydgren, Oxford University Press, 2018.

4.30pm, Thursday, April 15, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

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Tom Sewell & National Socialist Network ~vs~ Counter-Terrorism & Blair Cottrell

[Update (April 10, 2021) : Uncovering the plans of Australian white supremacists, Tom Tanuki, Independent Australia, April 10, 2021.]

Following hot on the heels of public revelations regarding the operations of ‘The Base’ in Australia, the ‘National Socialist Network’ has been experiencing some legal difficulties of late. Hence:

Two Australian men have been charged after police allegedly found a bomb and extremist material in a raid on the homes of neo-Nazi group members, Cam Wilson, Business Insider, April 7, 2021
SA police raid extremist homes, Max Opray, The Saturday Paper, April 8, 2021
Improvised explosives, extremist material found as two men arrested in Adelaide, ABC, April 8, 2021
Adelaide man arrested for allegedly possessing improvised explosive device in far-right raids, Michael McGowan, The Guardian, April 8, 2021
Police charged two men after allegedly finding bomb, extremist material in raids, Emily Cosenza, news dot com dot au/NCA NewsWire, April 8, 2021

The raids in Adelaide were preceded by searches of the Melbourne residence of NSN fuehrer Tom Sewell, which followed an alleged assault upon a Channel 9 security guard in March. Word on the virtual street is that further raids on the Queensland branch of the NSN, and presumably elsewhere, may also be taking place …

Precisely why authorities have chosen this particular moment to conduct the raids is of course unknown, though I suspect that, apart from anything else, recent NSN propaganda making ~jks~ about raping Jewish women may have something to do with it. In any case, police action has placed additional pressure upon Sewell to remain staunch, and thus revealed one of the faultlines that’s run through this iteration of the neo-Nazi milieu since it (re-)emerged in 2015 as the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF).

In 2015, the UPF was able to position itself as the energetic vanguard of ‘Reclaim Australia’, a smol Islamophobic, xenophobic and proto-fascist movement which attracted the enthusiastic participation of several thousand Ordinary Mum & Dad™ bigots, but which otherwise reflected fairly mainstream reactionary politics (of the sort Sky News Australia routinely celebrates). At that time it was widely understood by its neo-Nazi leadership that it was unwise for the UPF to reveal its power lvl, though Andy Fleming argued Don’t get sucked in by the hijinks of far-right activists: active neo-Nazis are welcome and hold leadership positions in a movement gaining in appeal. Six years later, following the collapse of the UPF (2015–2017), the rise and fall of its successor organisation ‘The Lads Society’ and, more recently, the emergence of the NSN, such pretences have largely been cast aside, the masks removed, and the worship of Adolf Hitler openly resumed.

This fact is, perhaps, one of the keys to the success of the NSN, and certainly explains its appeal to the international neo-Nazi movement, who thrill to the prospect of something similar to, say, the ‘Nordic Resistance Movement’ developing Down Under. At the same time, the NSN is subject to criticism by persons otherwise derided as ‘optics cucks’, ie, those who are too weak or timid to openly proclaim their neo-Nazism. In the context of the UPF, it’s therefore ironic that former UPF leader Blair Cottrell — who went to jail after angrily claiming to have been an IRL cuck — is now being vigorously denounced by his former sidekick, Tom Sewell, for yet again allowing himself to be cucked by (((media))) and (((politics))), and thus failing to express solidarity with his fellow neo-Nazis.


See also : The (neo-Nazi) Lads Society : Blair Cottrell’s pro-tip : Wear Your Swastikas On The Inside, September 10, 2018.

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #063 w Joe Mulhall of Hope Not Hate : April 8, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Joe Mulhall [Twitter] of Hope Not Hate (UK). Joe is co-author of The International Alt-Right: Fascism for the 21st Century? (Routledge, 2020), author of British Fascism After the Holocaust: From the Birth of Denial to the Notting Hill Riots 1939–1958 (Routledge, 2020) and the forthcoming Drums In The Distance: Journeys Into the Global Far Right (Icon, 2021).

HnH recently published State of Hate 2021: Backlash, Conspiracies and Confrontation, which serves as a good summary of far-right activity in the UK in 2020. See also : Far right group linked to neo-Nazis applies to register as a political party, Billy Briggs, The Ferret, April 2, 2021 | Holocaust denial was made in Britain, Joe Mulhall, The Jewish Chronicle, December 17, 2020.

4.30pm, Thursday, April 8, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• Please note that the podcast version of this episode contains a longer disko with Joe.
• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #062 w Jason Wilson on The Base : April 1, 2021

Last week’s episode (#061) was a musical interlude — starring Loikaemie, Manis Loizos, Los Fastidios, Monsieur Jack, Moscow Death Brigade, Marc Ribot & Tom Waits, The Selecter and Ana Tijoux — but on this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we return to talk to semi-regular guest Jason Wilson [Twitter]. We last spoke to Jason about The Base in January 2020 (#003), but following recent d0x being dropped, we thought it was a good idea to talk a bit more; note that the second part of Background Briefing’s examination of The Base will be broadcast this Sunday.

4.30pm, Thursday, April 1, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• Please note that the podcast version of this episode contains a longer disko with Jason.
• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

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antifa notes (march 27, 2021) : the base, the based, and proud lads

[Update (March 28, 2021) : Neo-Nazi groups banned in the US and Europe set sights on Australia, Linton Besser and Roscoe Whalan, ABC, March 28, 2021. The item concerns a joint by ‘the UK’s Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) and Hedayah, a UAE-based violent extremism research centre’, which I’ve not read, but it doesn’t really seem to contain any revelations.]

The Base

Several reports about the neo-Nazi terror network known as ‘The Base’ dropped this week.

First, The Base Tapes: Part 1 by Alex Mann and Kevin Nguyen for ABC Radio National’s ‘Background Briefing’, in which ‘Secret recordings reveal how a global white supremacist terror group actively targeted young Australian men for recruitment, including a One Nation candidate for federal parliament’. Part 2 will be published shortly.

Secondly, US neo-Nazi group recruits young Australians, secret recordings reveal and From One Nation to neo-Nazism: Australians being drawn into extremism by Nick McKenzie, Jason Wilson, Joel Tozer and Heather McNeill for 9Fairfax (March 26 and March 27, 2021). Wilson also wrote about The Base and its Australian connections for the Southern Poverty Law Centre in August 2020; we spoke to him about it for ‘Yeah Nah Pasaran!’ in January 2020.

‘Among the biggest insights provided by the leaked tapes is the way Australian local neo-Nazi groups who publicly disavow terrorism, such as The Lads Society (which has morphed into the National Socialist Network) and David Donis’ SWAN, were viewed by The Base as recruiting grounds’, write 9Fairfax. Among those getting a guernsey in the reportage are: Dean Smith, a former West Australian candidate for PHONy at the 2019 federal election; Grant Fuller, a leader of The Lads Society (TLS) in Brisbane; David Donis, a former Liberal Party volunteer who runs TLS splinter group Society of West Australian Nationalists (SWAN) and finally; James Greig (AKA ‘James Jameson’), another nazi from Perth, who apparently enjoys watching the Christchurch killer massacring Muslims while having dinner.

The Usual Suspects, in other words.

See also : US Neo-Nazi Group ‘The Base’ is Recruiting Members in Australia, Gavin Butler, VICE, March 26, 2021 (‘Leaked recordings reveal that the terrorist paramilitary group tried to recruit high schoolers and former politicians for an anticipated race war’) | New Report Warns of Rising Threat of Domestic Terrorism, Adam Goldman, The New York Times, March 17, 2021 | South Jersey man admits organizing neo-Nazi group’s ‘Operation Kristallnacht’ synagogue vandalism campaign, Jeremy Roebuck, The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 17, 2021 (‘A Camden County man admitted in court Friday that he organized the vandalism of two Midwestern synagogues earlier this year with fellow members of a neo-Nazi social group known as The Base’).


ASIO has been in the news of late for opining on political extremities, with director general Mike Burgess somewhat remarkably agreeing with Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells that, if you go far enough left, eventually, you’ll end up on the right. Or something. It’s all a bit undergraduate Tory, and a situation which would be funny, I guess, if they weren’t the ones making all the decisions. Guy Rundle (Time for the right to take out its own trash on terrorism, Crikey, March 23, 2021) writes:

While first Canberra and then the nation became preoccupied with other matters, the farce of ASIO’s “reclassification” of potential terrorist activity unfolded further as, in estimates, director-general Mike Burgess played patsy to Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and her attempt to dodge the reality that right-wing terror represents one of the major threats to our safety today.

To recap: ASIO has recently reclassified specific terror threats as general ones, relabelling Islamist terror and right-wing terror as “religious” and “ideological” respectively. This move appears to be in response to ideological pressure from within the Coalition to sever the visible public link between the mainstream right, and the increasingly deranged and violent far right growing in numbers across the western world.

Burgess’ and ASIO’s weak and compliant response to this demand only serves to de-concretise the real threat of right-wing terror, the specific milieu from which it emerges, and to legitimise what ASIO has always loved to do most — treat left-wing protest and civil disobedience as part of its remit in fighting “subversion”, and infiltrate such groups, thereby corroding democracy and a pluralist open society.

ASIO’s de-labelling of political terror as “ideological” has been criticised not only by the left but by the right — Greg Sheridan, Janet Albrechtsen and Jennifer Oriel have all, to their credit, explicitly slated the move in the last few days, which appears to have stung Burgess into saying that he “won’t hesitate” to talk of “Islamist” and “right-wing” terror if the situation demands it.

So he appears to have been appeasing political operatives all along. Whether that is good new or bad news about operating principles remains to be seen. The appeasement continued, when Fierravanti-Wells used national security issues for cheap sophomoric political gotchas, with the old absurd falsehood about Nazism and “national socialism” being “on the left” and emerging from communism. Burgess was happy to compliantly agree with the senator that socialism and fascism were “two sides of the same coin”.

No they’re not, and the suggestion is vile. Socialism is a broad movement across all forms of political expression; fascism is a violent expression of the right, organised around the right’s principle of preserving a hierarchical national culture against alleged globalising and universalising cosmopolitans, whose support for equality is held to be the subversive championing of the weak against the strong.

Nazism was put into national power by the mainstream right, and its first victims into Dachau were communists, social democrats and progressives. Whatever few economic socialists there might have been in the early Nazis, they were soon wiped out — and the economic form was a sideline at best.

Nazi Germany was a capitalist state, run in conjunction with large corporations, who ran the work-death camps during the war, using their accountants to calculate the optimum starvation-survival time of workers for profitability.

Nazism’s obsessive and distinctive organising principle was anti-Semitism, and the myth of the global Jewish conspiracy, alleged to underlie both Bolshevism and capitalist internationalism. Any attempt to integrate Nazism into the political spectrum — as per Fierravanti-Wells and Burgess’ joint effort —denies the specificity of Nazism’s Jew-hatred, and of Jewish suffering, in a manner that has a long and dark history in the Italian-Catholic conservatism that Fierravanti-Wells draws on.

Burgess sounds like an intellectual mediocrity. So too does Fierravanti-Wells, but with a few IPA talking points to wield. She’s working defence, especially with the Italian political heritage. No mainstream right in the Western world has been so entwined with fascism as the Italian mainstream right.

For decades they have coddled and collaborated with fascists, from reinventions such as Gianfranco Fini’s MSI, to the fascist subsections of “the League” to the shadowy terrorist “black hand” groups which contributed to the violence of the ’70s — and were responsible for the most lethal terrorist atrocity of the time, the 1980 bombing of Bologna train station which killed 80.

Right-wing terrorism has often been lethal on a scale beyond political strategy, expressing pure hate, and serving as a precursor to the high death-tolls of the Islamist version (and the Christian state terror of Bush and Blair, for that matter).

I can see why the Australian mainstream conservative right is so desperate to separate itself from the hard right, which ultimately shares an overarching world view, albeit in a pernicious form.

It’s because the next right wing atrocity is on the way, and there’s a good chance it will happen on Australian soil. It’s only a matter of circumstance that the Christchurch massacre didn’t. If or when it does happen, what are we going to find? That the perpetrator admired John Howard, as did Anders Behring Breivik? That they watch Sky News, turned into an open sewer of reaction to get a global audience of fanatics because they couldn’t build a mainstream Australian one?

The Australian right has fed this beast for decades. It has produced one mass killer already, whose origins — and our culpability for him — have been obscured by him committing the atrocity offshore.

There has never been a left-wing act of terror by an Australian and if by any chance the notion of generic “ideological” terror is steering ASIO’s operations, then it will be misallocating resources. There is no point where the revolutionary left and the far right meet, no quasi-mythical underground.

The violent far right will be found in the dank chatrooms and roid-rage gyms, the pathetic patriotic front harassment demos, the gun clubs and the army reserve, and all the other places where the mainstream right are found.

Time for the latter to take some responsibility for their extreme and take out the trash. Maybe I have to say this out loud to target the ‘chino-and-pearls’ student cafeteria crap Fierravanti-Wells is spruiking.

An attack on Australian soil when it comes may be on a mosque. Or it may be on a synagogue. Jewish schools in Australia have security guards out the front. They’re not there because of the Deakin University Palestine Solidarity Campaign — they’re there because of the sort of people who agree with Craig Kelly about George Soros.

I would have thought at some point sheer self-interest would persuade the mainstream right to get real about the nature of the far right —when the vice-president of the US had to be hustled out of the Capitol building ahead of an angry mob.

As the Coalition deal with the political kitsch of a reactionary like Fierravanti-Wells, Labor might want to think about who they would replace Mike Burgess with — unless they’re comfortable with a head spy who thinks socialism is the moral equivalent of fascism (whatever later prevarications he may have offered).

And what they would do with ASIO, a Cold War relic incapable, it seems, of addressing the world without wreathing it in webs of fantasy that conform to the prejudices of its recruits— and who quite possibly stalk the halls, muttering in the manner of Connie Fierravanti-Wells, “…you know, Hitler was a vegetarian…”

See also : ASIO shouldn’t be expected to fix our far-right extremism problems, Tom Tanuki, Independent Australia, March 27, 2021 | White supremacist group The Base should be banned in Australia, federal Labor MP Anne Aly says, Herlyn Kaur, ABC, March 27, 2021.

Proud Lads

Speaking of ‘terrorist entities’, Proud Boy lvl boss Jarrad ‘Jaz’ Searby had European Australian Movement/National Socialist Network/The Lads Society fuehrer Tom Sewell on his show the other day. You may remember Searby from such films as ‘Let’s Proud-ly Stalk An Old Age Pensioner!’ and ‘COVID-19 Is Fake And All I Need To Prove It Is $500,000!’. As for Sewell, he recently won worldwide nazi acclaim for (allegedly) punching a black man in the face.

The Proud Lads found much in common (and not only because both have recently been visited by counter-terrorism police). Thus, both affirmed their commitment to white nationalism, the validity of ‘The Great Replacement’ thesis (and the need to combat it), the perils of miscegenation, and so on. If there was disagreement, it was only regarding the possibility of actually realising a return to the White Australia policy and the kind of regime Sewell favours. Speaking of history, Searby nods agreeably while Sewell explains that Marxism is Jewish, The Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish conspiracy, and that both Misters Churchill and Hitler understood this. Further, the Weimar Republic was doomed the moment Uncle Adolf formed a gang, took power, and proceeded to eliminate Jews: a fairly standard neo-Nazi account of twentieth century Europe, which a gormless Searby happily laps up. Ho hum.


Neo-Nazi serial pest Neil Erikson was in court again this week. Never one to take (((the courts))) too seriously, he represented himself, claimed to be a vegan, and otherwise carried on like a pork chop. The Herald Sun (‘I’m a vegan’: Far-right extremist’s bizarre defence, March 25, 2021) reported:

Erikson, founder of the United Patriots Front, is fighting allegations he wilfully disturbed a peaceful Muslim festival held at Federation Square in April 2019.

Footage shown in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday showed him using a megaphone to yell “Mohammed was a terrorist” and “Mohammed was a false prophet” at a group of approximately 100 worshippers gathered at the holy SalamFest event.

Erikson, who is well known for his anti-Islamic views, could be heard telling police “we shouldn’t have these people here” after they hauled him away from the gathering.

“You’re going to let a foreign entity pray to a foreign god and you’re going to punish me?” he asked.

The footage showed Erikson, still holding his megaphone, attempting to go back to the event before being taken down by several officers.

Amid his arrest he yelled “I’m a vegan” in reference to Extinction Rebellion protesters who managed to block city traffic for hours before being disassembled by police days earlier.

In court, Erikson was self-represented and spent his cross-examination questioning witnesses about their Muslim faith.

At one point, he asked a female organiser of the religious event: “What authority do you believe you have over that space (Federation Square) [versus] someone else in the public?”

He also asked “if you want to have a safe space for [your] religion, isn’t that [what] mosques are for?” before the police prosecutor interjected, labelling the question as “demeaning”.

The woman, Ayesha, said her heart “broke into a thousand pieces” when she heard his hateful words at the worship event.

“As a Muslim, it cut through my heart. I went into shock and didn’t know what to do,” she told the court.

“I could see the volunteers getting upset and the elderly quite sad.

“I felt responsibility for the people there in the congregation and for their safety.”

Ramzi Elsayed, acting imam at the event, told the court he feared Erikson’s alleged actions could have sparked violence.

“I remember being very disturbed, hurt and offended and the next thing I felt was that I didn’t want anyone from our community to approach this individual and take this on because it could have escalated,” he said.

SalamFest aims to tackle Islamophobia in the community sharing the Muslim faith with society.

The contest hearing before Magistrate Rozencwajg continues.

Since his conviction for stalking a rabbi back in 2014, Erikson has distinguished himself as a Melbourne serial pest rivaled only by his sometime BFF Avi Yemini, having also notched up a criminal conviction for vilifying Muslims (along with fellow UPF goons Blair Cottrell and Chris Shortis) back in 2017. But whereas Yeminem has managed to secure the financial support of several foreign sugar-daddies over the years, Erikson’s antics have failed to generate anything like that level of halp, and a number of his ostensible comrades have even denounced him as a police informant. Whether or not this alleged status will assist him at future court dates is of course unknown, but he’s apparently likely to get another slap on the wrist next week. FWIW, semi-pro anti-semite Matthew Roebuck of David Hiscox’s XYZ blog reckons Erikson’s latest conviction is proof that ‘jews are now using their ill-gotten power to directly persecute Christians in our own lands’ and that Christian Soldiers like him are no longer bound to obey the law.

See also : Neil Erikson ~versus~ Law & Order (June 30, 2018).

… and Huts

Another former UPF neo-Nazi serial pest called Dennis Huts had a crack at Extinction Rebellion protesters in Perth last week. He got arrest for his trouble, and was later charged with common assault, obstructing officers and disorderly behaviour.



A YUGE fan of the UPF has been having problems in a Canberra jail (Nazi bikie’s discrimination complaint dismissed, Dominic Giannini, The Riot Act, March 17, 2021):

A member of an outlaw motorcycle gang and self-proclaimed Nazi alleged that he was discriminated against in prison for his political views, but his claim has been struck out by the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

The man, who is connected to the Nomads bikie gang, pleaded guilty to threatening his ex-girlfriend and her new partner in May 2019.

He was sentenced to more than four years in prison.

See also : Where ‘freedom’ meets the far right: the hate messages infiltrating Australian anti-lockdown protests, Michael McGowan, The Guardian, March 26, 2021.

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Casualised, Unemployed & Precarious University Workers Assemble! CUPUW 2021 Summit

Oh hai!


On April 9th and 10th, CUPUW will be hosting ‘What Casuals Want: Getting Organised for Bargaining and Beyond’: a national, two-day online summit bringing together casual workers across the higher education sector. This will be an unprecedented meeting, run by casuals, for casuals, to collaborate on an agenda for bargaining and a vision of the higher education sector beyond 2021.

2020 saw casual higher education workers organising to win back pay, and putting the systemic wage theft in our sector in the media spotlight. This year workers are bargaining with universities intent on further austerity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tens of thousands of workers have already lost their jobs. Casuals need to be well-prepared for bargaining in this context, starting with what we want from our union and our universities.

The Summit takes place on Friday 9th April 2021 between 1pm – 5pm and on Saturday 10th April 2021, between 10am – 3pm. You can register your interest in attending and obtain more infos about the event by way of the CUPUW website.

Up the workers!

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #060 w Stanislav Vysotsky on American Antifa: The Tactics, Culture, and Practice of Militant Antifascism : March 18, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Stanislav Vysotsky [Twitter]. Stas is the author of American Antifa: The Tactics, Culture, and Practice of Militant Antifascism (Routledge, 2020):

Since the election of President Trump and the rise in racist and white supremacist activity, the militant antifascist movement known as antifa has become increasingly active and high profile in the United States. This book analyzes the tactics, culture, and practices of the movement through a combination of social movement studies and critical criminological perspectives.

Based on extensive fieldwork and interviews with activists, this book is the first scholarly sociological analysis of contemporary antifascist activism in the United States. Drawing on social movement studies, subculture studies and critical criminology, it explains antifa’s membership, their ideology, strategy, tactics and use of culture as a weapon against the far right. It provides the most detailed account of this movement and also cuts through much of the mythology and common misunderstandings about it.

This book will be of interest to scholars and students in sociology, political science, anthropology, criminology, and history; however, a general audience would also be interested in the explanation of what drives antifa tactics and strategy in light of the high-profile conflicts between fascists and antifascists.

You can read moar stuff by Stas here and he wrote about What – or who – is antifa? for The Conversation in June last year.

See also : Here’s what ‘antifa’ was really doing as Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol, Jordan Green, Raw Story, March 12, 2021 | How do you solve a problem like extremism?, Andy Fleming, Overland, March 11, 2021 | Andy Ngo’s Unmasked: The Next Phase of the Grift, Shane Burley, protean, March 3, 2021 | Antifa in America: Militant Anti-fascism Isn’t Terrorism, It’s Self-defense, Stanislav Vysotsky, Haaretz, July 3, 2019 | Symbiotic Radicalisation: The interplay between the radical political activism on the left and right fringes in Australia, Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies.

4.30pm, Thursday, March 18, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• Please note that the podcast version of this episode contains a longer disko with Stas.
• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anarchism, Anti-fascism, History, Media, Music, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

RAFFWU Goes To Readings

aw yiss

Today the Retail And Fast Food Workers Union announced:

Readings staff are excited to announce that they are inviting management to negotiate an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement with them to secure wages, penalty rates and great working conditions long term. This will be the first union-negotiated EBA for a non-university bookshop in Australia, so today is a big day for the book industry.

Fingerz xed Readings does the right thing — follow RAFFWU on Facebook and Twitter to keep up-to-fate with this and other industrial campaigns.

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fundrazr for Jock Palfreeman : ‘Jock Stays!’

Contribute Here!

Jock Palfreeman [Twitter] is an Australian national who in 2007 was backpacking through Europe. In Sofia, Jock witnessed a gang of nazi hooligans assaulting two Roma boys and stepped in to defend the two. Jock was quickly forced to defend himself and survived the attack, but one of the nazis did not and Jock was charged with his murder. In the sham trial that followed (where the state withheld video evidence that would have proven his claims of self-defence and exonerated him), Jock was wrongly convicted of the crime and sentenced to 20 years in jail.

While unjustly imprisoned, Jock continued to maintain his innocence. He also learned Bulgarian and founded the country’s first human rights advocacy for prisoners, the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association.

In 2019, Jock was suddenly released from prison after serving 12 years. The Bulgarian authorities seized his passport and refused to let him leave the country, then subjected him to a court appeal in opposition to his release. Jock beat that unconstitutional attempt to re-convict him on charges the evidence shows he was innocent of.

Not content to admit defeat, the Bulgarian authorities are now trying to expel and ban him from not just Bulgaria, but the EU altogether, based on Jock’s 2009 sham murder conviction. Once again, Jock is forced to defend himself –- this time in an EU court. To do that, he needs to raise funds to pay court costs and mount an effective legal defence.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund is a not-for-profit collective of anti-fascists around the world who have provided emergency aid to anti-fascists since 2015. We are in direct contact with Jock and are running this crowdfunding campaign at his behest.

See also : Why Jock Palfreeman continues to be a very political prisoner, Overland, October 1, 2019 | July 25 – The International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners (#j25antifa) (July 15, 2020).

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #059 w Maik Feilitz on Digitaler Faschismus : March 11, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Maik Fielitz [Twitter] about ‘Digital Fascism’. Maik is a ‘Researcher at the Jena Institute for Democracy and Civil Society Doctoral Candidate in Department of Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt’ and the co-author (with Holger Marcks) of Digitaler Faschismus (Dudenverlag, 2020). See : Digital Fascism: Challenges for the Open Society in Times of Social Media, Maik Fielitz and Holger Marcks, Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies Working Paper Series, 2019 | A New Wave of Right-Wing Terrorism, Reem Ahmed and Maik Fielitz, GNET, June 23, 2020.

4.30pm, Thursday, March 11, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• Please note that the podcast version of this episode contains a longer disko with Maik.
• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment