The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

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Riding high in a workers’ world

A jobs rebound, shifting politics and technological change could bring a golden age for labour in rich countries


A bright future for the world of work


Singapore’s prime-minister-in-waiting gives up the job

The city-state’s carefully planned leadership transition is in disarray


Design bias is harmful, and in some cases may be lethal

The world is designed around white men. They share it with everyone else

Middle East & Africa

Kenyans are starting to drink their own coffee

Covid-19 has shown the value of a local market for local beans

Graphic detail

Bhutan vaccinated almost all its adults against covid-19 in a week

Only Israel and the Seychelles have inoculated a higher share of the population


Why Emmanuel Macron is abolishing France’s most elite college

From the archive: Bending to populist demand, the president sends ENA, his alma mater, to the guillotine


Ernest Hemingway: the man, the myth, the legend

A new documentary by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick explores the writer’s own image-making

Daily briefing

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Finance & economics

House prices in the rich world are booming

Unusually, suburbs not cities are feeling the heat


China is betting that the West is in irreversible decline

The country’s leaders see their moment, and are seizing it


How Europe has mishandled the pandemic

What happened and what does it mean for the union?

Graphic detail

Our house-price forecast expects the global rally to lose steam

It predicts France and Germany to be the best-performing markets during the next three years


Sound reasoning on current affairs, business and finance, science and technology, and global issues.

Special report: The future of work

A bright future for the world of work

Workers the world over have had a torrid year. But the future is bright, argues Callum Williams

Labour markets are working, but also changing

Labour markets have coped with covid-19 better than expected. But they have changed

The biggest losers from covid-19

Covid-19 is a disease of the poor and the powerless

The rise of working from home

The shift to a hybrid world of work will have a big impact on managers

Robots threaten jobs less than fearmongers claim

Recessions and pandemics accelerate automation. Yet warnings of a jobless future are overblown

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