August 2020

Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

Sunday, December 31, 2017

FBI Informant's Misconduct Continued after Red Fawn was Jailed

Informant Heath Harmon of Fort Berthold, North Dakota,
owned revolver Red Fawn is charged with firing.
Update by Will Parish on Dec. 31, 2017

Paid FBI informant engaged in intimate relationship with Red Fawn and continued intelligence gathering after Red Fawn was jailed
Heath Harmon

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Updated Dec. 22, 2017

The misconduct of paid FBI informant Heath Harmon, 46, of Fort Berthold, North Dakota, has been exposed by The Intercept.

Harmon was a paid FBI informant in Standing Rock water protector camps, giving the FBI regular reports from August to October, while in camp, court documents show.
It has just been exposed that Harmon owned the revolver that Red Fawn Fallis is charged with firing during her arrest.
Harmon engaged in an intimate relationship with Red Fawn, while concealing the fact that he was an undercover FBI agent in Rosebud Camp at Standing Rock.
Even after Red Fawn was in jail, Harmon continued to call her, and withheld the fact that he was an FBI informant. The information from those phone calls was shared with local and federal police officers and prosecutors.
Red Fawn's supporters are now calling for an investigation into the ethics of an FBI informant engaging in a sexual relationship with a target while concealing his identity. Similar cases have successfully been filed in court against undercover officers in England.
In England, after an undercover officer had relationships with women, the women sued. Among the charges they filed were assault, negligence, deceit and misconduct by senior officers.
Harmon's intelligence gathering and deceit did not stop when Red Fawn was arrested on Oct. 27, 2016. Harmon continued his work as an undercover government spy.
The Intercept reports:
Harmon spent the day of October 27 with Fallis and was nearby during her arrest. He continued to withhold his FBI affiliation from his then-girlfriend in phone conversations with her while she was being held at the Morton County jail in Mandan, North Dakota, records show. Investigators’ notes on those calls were distributed to the ATF, two local sheriff’s departments, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Bismarck, among others.

In Florida, prosecutors dropped and reduced charges against defendants, after finding out undercover detective had sex with targets, which violates Florida law, according to case law.

"Having sex with the suspects in the cases constitutes entrapment and violates the defendants’ due process rights, according to Florida case law cited by defense lawyers. Also, any sexual relationship between an informant and a target violates the rules of nearly every law enforcement agency, federal, state or local."
"Prosecutors are dropping or reducing felony drug charges against more than a dozen people who bought Oxycontin from an undercover detective, after learning that the police informant who set up the drug deals had sex with some of the defendants."
In England, women sued after an undercover cop had relationships with women, and fathered children. One animal rights activist sued alleging assault, negligence, deceit and misconduct by senior officers.
The targeting of Red Fawn by the FBI comes as no surprise.
 Red Fawn's mother Troy Lynn Yellow Wood was active in the American Indian Movement and was among those targeted, before she passed to the Spirit World.
Documents from the Denver Police Intelligence Department exposed a massive spy operation targeting the American Indian Movement in the 1990s. It stretched from Denver  throughout the country, with police and federal agents tracking anyone affiliated with AIM, even those who simply had a Free Peltier bumper sticker on their car.
The Intercept reports:
Federal prosecutors are charging Fallis with civil disorder, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and discharge of a firearm in relation to a felony crime of violence — perhaps the most serious charges levied against any water protector. If convicted of discharging the weapon, she faces a minimum of 10 years in prison and the possibility of a life sentence. She has pleaded not guilty.
Read article at The Intercept by Will Parrish:

Water Protector Legal Collective attorneys exposed today that the government is withholding documents in the Red Fawn case:

It is no surprise that Red Fawn was targeted by the FBI. Her mother was also targeted before she passed to the Spirit World, along with all those affiliated with AIM in Denver. The facts were exposed in the 1990s that Denver Police Intelligence Dept. tracked and spied on everyone associated with AIM, even a grandmother who simply had a Leonard Peltier bumper sticker on her car. This spy operation spanned the entire country and was exposed during a court case in Colorado, when boxes of spy files became public. It was only one of these that tracked and targeted. There was also COINTELPRO and the international spy operation Operation Chaos, targeting AIM and other movements and their supporters in other countries. Denver Police agreed to change their policies after the exposure, but of course the spying and targeting continued by the joint task forces. My articles on this are on the web. -- Brenda Norrell

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Genocide, Massacre, Apartheid, Resistance: Four Images of Dakota, Lakota, Palestinians as 2017 Comes to an End

As Dakota and Lakota rode in honor of those hanged and massacred, Palestinians were murdered and imprisoned because of the reckless announcement of Trump.
Man Missing Both Legs Murdered by Israeli Forces while Protesting Trump's Reckless Announcement 
A disabled Palestinian man missing both legs is among those killed by Israeli security forces that opened fire on demonstrators in the West Bank and along the border with Gaza, Gaza’s health ministry said. Abu Thurayeh, 29, was shot dead east of Gaza City, according to Gaza’s health ministry as cited by the Times of Israel. He is one of four Palestinians who were killed during a protest over the decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. -- Global Research
Dakota 38 Riders Honor Dakota who were Hanged in Largest Mass Execution in U.S. History
MANKATO — The coldest Dec. 26 in more than 20 years didn't stop Dakota riders and runners and a large crowd of onlookers from memorializing the 38 Dakota executed in Mankato in 1862 and continuing the reconciliation effort of today.

Bigfoot Riders Honor the Massacred of Wounded Knee 1890
Mniconjou Lakota Chief Bigfoot and his band of 400 people were massacred while under a white flag of truce at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. They were massacred by an avenging U.S. Army 7th Calvary, many of which were drunk, Yellow Hair, Custer's old command. 14 years before this, the 7th Calvary was wiped out by the combined forces of th
e Lakota, Arapaho and Cheyenne along the banks of the Little Big Horn River.


Palestinian Teen Arrested after Young Cousin Shot in Face

Ahed Tamimi’s father Bassem took to Facebook to record the incident and told of how his home was raided and their phones, cameras and laptops stolen following his daughter’s arrest. “The IOF [Israeli occupying forces] raid my home and arrested my daughter Ahed Tamimi after the Israeli media attaks [sic] here after she stop the solder [sic] in front of our house when he shot child on his head,” the status read.

Apartheid was ended in South Africa. It can be ended in Palestine. -- Censored News

Morton County used Nobel Peace Forum to meet with Norway's mining industry, discredit media on Standing Rock resistance

Morton County with militarized police at Standing Rock. Photo by Rob Wilson.

Morton County used Nobel Peace Prize Forum to Meet with Mining Industry, Discredit Media Coverage of Standing Rock Water Protectors 

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat at:

Morton County used the Nobel Peace Prize Forum to meet with the Norwegian Mineral Industry, which controls coal and other mining, and to discredit the media's coverage of Standing Rock Water Protectors.
Standing Rock Water Protectors said a self-appointed mediator, Stephanie Hope Smith, acted without any authority when she invited Morton County Commission Chairman to the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, where Water Protectors were representing Chief Arvol Looking Horse.
Further, Standing Rock Water Protectors said Smith was "thrown out of camp twice" for bringing in Morton County during the resistance to Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock in 2016.
Further, a report reveals that Smith took a visiting Native delegation to meet with the joint command -- comprised of multiple law enforcement agencies -- during the Standing Rock resistance in October of 2016.
Water Protectors said she acted without any authority. Among the topics discussed with the joint command was the arrest of Red Fawn Fallis, charged with firing a gun at officers. The revolver actually belonged to FBI informant Heath Harmon of Fort Berthold, North Dakota, who engaged in a relationship with Red Fawn in camp, and continued to deceive her while she was in jail. The notes from Harmon's misconduct and deception, while Red Fawn was jailed, were given to the prosecutor, reports The Intercept.
Dakota Lakota Delegation Ambushed at Nobel Peace Forum Ambushed by Self-Appointed Mediator
At the Nobel Forum, Smith described herself as a "sacred site and cultural conciliator." Previously, she described herself as "natural mediator," registered with Morton County.
The Nobel Forum said Smith is responsible for bringing  Morton County Commissioner Cody Schulz to the Nobel Peace Prize Forum this month, in December of 2017, in Norway.
Morton County's violent, brutal assault on Water Protectors
Morton County was responsible for the violent, brutal assaults on Standing Rock Water Protectors, by local law enforcement, and militarized police from throughout the country.
Water Protectors were shot with rubber bullets and tear gas and water cannons in freezing temperatures. Women and elderly were arrested, strip searched and jailed in "dog kennels" with numbers written on their arms as was done by the Nazis.
Numerous Water Protectors suffered serious injuries, as they stood peacefully to protect the water of the Missouri River from the Dakota Access Pipeline, owned by Energy Transfer Partners. About 800 were arrested and many continue to face charges.
Morton County used Nobel Forum to meet with mining industry, discredit media coverage of Standing Rock
Morton County Commission Chairman Cody Schulz released a statement saying that he met with the Secretary General of the Norwegian Mineral Industry while at the Nobel Forum.
Schulz said this mining contact was made possible by way of the Nobel Forum sponsor -- the global non-profit Peace Through Commerce.
Further, Schulz criticized the national and international media coverage of the pipeline resistance. Schulz said he presented Morton County's opposing view of Standing Rock while at the Nobel Forum.
“My goal was to make sure that all of the facts of the situation were properly understood and the perspective of local landowners, law enforcement, and emergency responders were represented because I believe the media, especially at the national and international level, did a very poor job reporting that side of the story,” said Schulz. “I was really quite impressed with PTC’s approach of multi-sector, multi-level engagement that looks at values, causes, and effects.”
Chief Arvol Looking Horse responds
Last Real Indians exposed the role of Smith and published a response from Chief Arvol Looking Horse.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse said he asked Water Protectors to represent him at the Nobel Forum in Norway, because he was unable to attend. The delegation of Dakota Lakota Water Protectors were unaware that Smith had intervened and included Morton County at the Nobel Forum.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse said, "I feel responsible for putting my friends and relatives in a situation where they were unaware of the Commissioner’s attendance because I asked them to attend on my behalf. This uncomfortable situation has jeopardized the reputation and safety of my friends and relatives that attended, as well as myself." 
Read more at Last Real Indians:

Stephanie Hope Smith called herself a mediator. Water protectors said she was thrown out of camp twice for bringing in Morton County. Acting with no authority, she called herself a sacred site cultural conciliator, and again brought in Morton County at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Norway, where Water Protectors were representing Chief Arvol Looking Horse.

Read more at Censored News: Nobel Peace Prize Forum, Deceives, Betrays Standing Rock Water Protectors

Please check back for updates on this breaking news story from Censored News.

Article copyright Brenda Norrell, Censored News

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

San Carlos Apache Tribe: History of Genocide against Apaches

Photo Russ McSpadden, Center for Biological Diversity

San Carlos Apache Tribe
History of Genocide against Apaches Published
December 27, 2017
Contact: Cali Stands
San Carlos Apache Reservation – New research reveals that the mining of the eastern Arizona mountains owes its early success to a conspiratorial campaign of murderous vigilantism against Apache families waged by the government and the mining industry. The article, titled "Earth, Wind, and Fire: Pinal Apaches, Miners, and Genocide in Central Arizona, 1859-1874," appeared on December 22, 2017, in Sage Open, an interdisciplinary, open access journal of peer-reviewed, original research. The article is available for free viewing and downloading here:

The author is Dr. John R. Welch, a professor at Simon Fraser University, jointly appointed in the Department of Archaeology and the School of Resource and Environmental Management.

Terry Rambler, Chairman, a direct descendant of the Tsé Binesti'é (Surrounded by Rocks People) Apaches (Aravaipa Band) who, with the T'iis Tsebán (Cottonwoods Gray in the Rocks People) Apaches (Pinal Band), occupied the rugged Pinal Mountains between Winkleman and Superior, said "Archaeologists and historians are finally verifying what my elder relatives have been saying for generations: pioneer settlers wanted the silver and gold under our camps, hunting areas, oak groves, and spiritual areas. They used every means at their disposal to kill our people and chase us away. Welch deserves credit, and I hope the powers that be will pay attention to his research even if they have ignored Apache voices. The time has come to break a century and half of mining industry control over government decision making and public land and water. The proposed Resolution Copper Mine reveals that Congress cares little about Apache welfare or spirituality, the potential contamination of the local aquifer, or a fair return to the American people for the billions in copper ore planned for extraction from national forest lands."

Welch's article chronicles cold-hearted miner propaganda that portrayed Apaches as bloodthirsty savages to incite scorched earth campaigns that killed over 380 Apaches in and near the Pinal Mountains in less than 15 years. In an 1865 example cited in the article, U.S. Army General John S. Mason ordered that "Apache Indians in this [Arizona] Territory are hostile and all men old enough to bear arms who are encountered will be slain. . . . All rancherias, provisions and whatever of value belonging to the Indians . . . will be destroyed." In 1870, U.S. Army Captain H. Moulton and miner Calvin Jackson led a joint, Army-prospector foray by into the Pinal Mountains, hunting Apaches and staking mining claims for themselves, their superior officers, and their investors. The following year Arizona Governor Anson P. K. Safford led a similar expedition across Tsé Binesti'e and T'iis Tsebán territory. A striking pattern emerges from the 35 attacks known to have killed Apaches in their Pinal Mountain homelands: Federal and Territorial government officials authorized militarized gangs to hunt and kill families, often at dawn's early light. The great majority of those murdered were T'iis Tsebán and Tsé Binesti'é women and children. Welch's grim tally does not include the approximately 80 Pinal and Araviapa Apache women and children slaughtered on April 30, 1871 while under Army protection at Camp Grant

Most non-Indians think Apaches started the so-called Apache wars, massacred helpless settlers, then got what they deserved when the tables turned. Welch exposes this thinking as historical fallacy. During that same period, Pinal and Aravaipa Apaches killed only about 70 non-Apaches, all or most of them men. Welch found that most of the 34 incidents that resulted in non-Apache fatalities occurred when Apache expeditions to find food were intercepted. In an honest comment about the lopsided slaughter, U.S. Army General John Pope's 1871 report states, "depredations of the Apaches have been continuous for twenty-five years past, but they are insignificant in extent and generally confined to the plunder of a few sheep and mules and the occasional murder of a lonely sheepherder." Welch's research reveals that Americans were the aggressors in the "Apache Wars" and that, at least in eastern Arizona mountains, miners plotted the bloody campaigns then reaped the benefits.

The article offers one important basis for the San Carlos Apache Tribe's leadership in protecting the western reaches of the Pinal Mountains from destructive mining. The Tribe has worked with dozens of other tribes and hundreds of allies to prevent and repeal Section 3003, the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act ("SEALECA"), of the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization Act ("NDAA"). After more than a decade of relentless pressure by mining industry executives and lobbyists, the U.S. Congress adopted the SEALECA as a "rider" to the NDAA two years ago.

The SEALECA rider gives 20,000 acres of Tonto National Forest lands to Resolution Copper, a limited liability corporation created by foreign-owned mining companies (Rio Tinto and B.H.P. Billiton) to enable the largest copper mine in North America, which will destroy the Chi'Chil Bildagoteel (known as Oak Flat), a Pinal and Aravaipa Apache sacred place. Chi'Chil Bildagoteel will be destroyed by subsidence caused by the copper ore removal, some 7,500 below ground, through a method known as block and cave mining. In addition, the Resolution Copper Mine will consume nearly 680,000 acre feet of water over 40 years, enough water for 168,000 homes, and likely destroy the aquifers below the Town of Superior, Arizona.

The Chi'Chil Biłdagoteel Historic District is a multi-tribal traditional cultural property formally listed in the U. S. National Register of Historic Places.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Nobel Peace Prize Forum Deceives, Betrays, Standing Rock Water Protectors

Chief Arvol Looking Horse at Standing Rock in Nov. 2016 Photo UK Daily Mail

Nobel Peace Prize Forum Deceives, Betrays, Standing Rock Water Protectors

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Last Real Indians reveals that the Nobel Peace Prize Forum sabotaged and ambushed Standing Rock water protectors, in a systematic scheme of deceit and betrayal.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse responds after being invited to the Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Earlier, Chief Arvol Looking Horse asked Standing Rock water protectors to represent him and the protection of the sacred at the Forum.
In an act of deception and malice, people worked behind the scenes to bring a Morton County official to the Forum in Norway. It is the same Morton County responsible for the brutal abuse, imprisonment and injuries to water protectors by the Morton County Sheriff and militarized police at Standing Rock.
Standing Rock water protectors representing Chief Arvol Looking Horse at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Norway were alarmed to discover that a self-appointed "neutral mediator" had brought a Morton County official to the Nobel Forum.
Standing Rock Water Protectors said Stephanie Hope Smith had no authority to arrange negotiations with Morton County, and the joint command, in 2016, or to bring a Morton County official to the Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Norway, where Standing Rock Water Protectors were representing Chief Arvol Looking Horse. -- Censored News

Chief Arvol Looking Horse said, "I feel responsible for putting my friends and relatives in a situation where they were unaware of the Commissioner’s attendance because I asked them to attend on my behalf. This uncomfortable situation has jeopardized the reputation and safety of my friends and relatives that attended, as well as myself."

Last Real Indians reports:

Oceti Sakowin Nobel Peace Prize Forum Attendees Speak Out
DENVER, Colorado — Last week in Oslo, Norway, the Norwegian Nobel Institute held its second annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum entitled “Across Dividing Lines: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Within the Context of Social Justice and Environmental Protection” following the award of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.
HolyElk Lafferty, MniCoujou, Oglala and Sicangu Lakota; Tim Mentz, Pa Baksa Dakota and Hunkpapa Lakota member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, of Makoche Wowapi, Mentz-Wilson Consultants, LLC, and Angela Bibens, Esq., Santee Dakota, of Red Owl Law participated in three days of Nobel Institute events. Ms. Lafferty was invited as a panelist and shared the stage Monday, December 11th with esteemed Nobel Laureate, Dr. Rigoberta Menchú Tum, on the 25th anniversary of her Nobel Peace Prize Award.
It was a shock to each of us to learn, on the morning of December 12th, just before the start of the second day of invite only private dialogue, that the Chair of the Morton County Commission, Cody Schulz had also been in Olso, Norway for the Forum. Unbeknownst to any of us, Mr. Schulz was among the other five hundred ticketed guests for the first day of High Level Dialogue where Ms. Lafferty and other notable indigenous panelists spoke.
We later learned from Gina Torry, event contractor for the Nobel Institute that Stephanie Hope Smith, another panelist, who acted under no one’s authority but her own, had reached out to Mr. Schulz to participate in the Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Apparently, Ms. Smith had reassured Ms. Torry this was acceptable to us when, in fact, Ms. Smith had not consulted with any of us prior to our arrival in Oslo.
The fact that we had not been informed of Mr. Schulz’ invitation prior to this event makes it apparent to me that this was an intentional attempt to entrap us in an uncomfortable space with a high level representative from the opposing side of the fight for our sacred water in Standing Rock. What Ms. Smith had hoped for anyone to gain from such a setup is beyond my comprehension. Had I known in advance that her intention was to force such an inappropriate dialogue, I would have declined the invitation, as it puts me in a vulnerable and potentially dangerous position legally and emotionally. I still have pending charges in Morton County after being arrested while in prayer, as well as active daily trauma that is a direct result of the inhumane actions of Morton County. It would have been unwise on every conceivable level for me to knowingly enter this situation and I am deeply offended that my right to make an informed decision to be included in the same event as Mr. Schulz was violated by Ms. Smith,” says HolyElk Lafferty.
I was led to believe that my role at the forum was to talk about the destruction of sacred sites along the Dakota Access Pipeline corridor,” says Tim Mentz. “That was why I came. I said I would refuse to participate on day two with Mr. Schulz present because I am not in a position to engage in high level dialogue with Morton County.”
The Morton County government in North Dakota is responsible for committing thousands of human rights violations through their oversight of the Morton County Sheriff’s Office. With over 300 criminal cases still pending, these violations are on-going. “Ms. Smith’s actions demonstrated a serious lack of understanding of the historical abrogation of our rights as indigenous peoples and the government to government relationship which is an ethical imperative in any type of dialogue of this nature. As neither Mr. Mentz nor myself represent the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in any capacity, we did not consent to Mr. Schulz’s participation,” says Angela Bibens. The second day of dialogue continued without Mr. Schulz’s presence. We sent a letter to the Nobel Institute documenting our concerns on December 13, 2017.
We commend the Nobel Institute for taking the initiative to host the Nobel Peace Prize Forum and are pleased that the focus of this year’s Forum recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples as “one of the most pressing international peace and security issues of our time.” In no way do we wish for the important dialogue highlighted at the Forum in Oslo to be tainted by this misstep. We hope to have the ongoing support of the Nobel Institute as we continue to strengthen our connections with other indigenous communities and nation states, and with our allies around the world who understand that our rights to protect our aboriginal homelands and sacred sites and to preserve our languages and cultures, are, like our responsibility to protect water as the source of all life, issues of global significance.
HolyElk Lafferty
Angela Bibens, Esq.
Phone: 720.593.9972
Chief Arvol Looking Horse Responds
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to state that I am very disappointed to learn of how my friends and relatives were treated in Oslo, Norway. My understanding was that there was going to be dialogue concerning Sacred Sites and a panel discussion on human rights. Stephanie Hope Smith had encouraged me to attend this conference, but I had already committed myself to other obligations.
Upon return of the delegation it was brought to my attention that the Chair of the Morton County Commission, Cody Schultz, had been invited by Stephanie to attend this conference. I feel responsible for putting my friends and relatives in a situation where they were unaware of the Commissioner’s attendance because I asked them to attend on my behalf. This uncomfortable situation has jeopardized the reputation and safety of my friends and relatives that attended, as well as myself.
I was not made aware of the plans for any kind of panel discussion involving political figures, which has now been publicized in American media. The media has portrayed the situation to look as if this meeting in Oslo had been planned with all parties in agreement and with prior knowledge, when that was not the case. I have been informed by the delegates that they were taken by surprise at the announcement of his presence. The situation was addressed and Cody Schultz was excluded from any interaction or dialogue with the delegates. I am very disappointed that the event was not what I been informed it would be.
Sacred Sites and Human Rights are the focus of my peace work. I am a spiritual leader, I am not a political person to be in agreement with any government official in creating discussion about any issue that pertains to Standing Rock.
Mitakuye Oyasin,
Chief Arvol Looking Horse

Update by Censored News: Water Protectors say Stephanie Hope Smith brought in negotiators from Morton County and the joint command, without permission of Standing Rock water protectors, or consultation with elders in 2016. Then Smith brought a Morton County official to the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, where Water Protectors were representing Chief Arvol Looking Horse. (Stephanie Hope Smith at Standing Rock on far right. Photo by Greenpeace.)


Stephanie Hope Smith was responsible for bringing the Morton County official to the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, according to the Forum organizer.
Smith was also responsible for a meeting with the joint command and a Native delegation in October of 2016. At this meeting, the joint command discussed the details of Oct. 27, 2016, which included the arrest of Red Fawn.
Roberto Borrero was at the meeting with law enforcement that day and reported, "On Monday, October 31 Grand Chief John and I met with local law enforcement officials for a briefing in the city of Mandan North Dakota. No media was permitted to attend this meeting. The meeting was arranged by Stephanie Hope Smith, a 'Neutral Mediator' registered with North Dakota Court Administrator and led by Cass County Sheriff Paul D. Laney, the head of the joint command. The officials, 9 in all including a political representative of the county, presented an overview of the Thursday, October 27 operation." 
Read more of Borrero's report:

While acting with no authority as a mediator, and describing herself at the Nobel Forum as a sacred and cultural site conciliator, Stephanie Hope Smith enabled the Morton County Commission Chairman to take the propaganda of abuse to the international arena. 
In this press statement, Morton County Commissioner Cody Schulz said he met with Norway's Mineral Industry, which is responsible for mining, while at the Nobel Forum.
Schulz said he also negated the favorable  media coverage of Standing Rock.

Nobel Peace Prize Global Engagement forum description
It was Alfred Nobel’s vision that the international prizes bearing his name, and financed by his private fortune, would inspire and reward work “for the greatest benefit to mankind”. The Norwegian Nobel Institute’s work contributes to the spirit of the Nobel Peace Prize and the advancement international peace and security.
Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo
The Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo – which takes place the day after the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony – provides a unique, global opportunity to address, as well as advance, coordinated political action on the most pressing international peace and security issues of our time.
On 11 December the Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo convenes a high-level internationally broadcast two-hour discussion. Over 500 international leaders gather in the beautiful and historic Aula at the University of Oslo, decorated by Edvard Munch’s astonishing paintings. The Forum brings together a unique constellation of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and other thought leaders; representatives of governments and international organizations; scholars; international civil society leaders and activists, including those building peace in fragile, conflict and post-conflict situations, business and private sector actors; journalists; and youth across the globe, including students.
The following day, the Forum will seek to bring a select group of delegates into purposeful conversation, aiming to strategically advance work and progress on the year’s selected focus area through a daylong peace congress.
2017 Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo: “Across Dividing Lines”
2017 Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo will take place on 11 December 2017 – with the theme: “Across Dividing Lines”.
In 1992 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Rigoberta Menchú for her “work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples”. As the Norwegian Nobel Committee noted at the time “Rigoberta Menchú stands out as a vivid symbol of peace and reconciliation across ethnic, cultural and social dividing lines, in her own country, on the American continent, and in the world”.
At the 25th Anniversary of Dr. Menchú’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize and the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo
will address indigenous peoples rights within the context of social justice and environmental protection and on the need to work toward peace, dialogue and reconciliation in countering violent extremism.
Dr. Menchú’s keynote will reflect on the 25 years since being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and present her views on the topic at hand. We envision her keynote address being 20-25 minutes long, followed by a 60-minute debate led by a prominent international journalist/program host. The discussion will focus on two recent examples of intrastate conflict involving indigenous peoples over energy and environmental resources. More specifically, the speakers will discuss and compare the Standing Rock conflict, which led to war-zone like conditions within the United States from September 2016 to February 2017, and a somewhat similar conflict between the indigenous Sami population in Arctic Norway and the Norwegian state. Both the Dakota tribe and the Sami people will be represented on the panel. The Forum will take place at the “Aula” at the University of Oslo, a stunning lecturing hall decorated with original paintings by Edvard Munch. We expect an audience of up to 500 people with a variety of backgrounds. The Forum will be broadcast live by NRK, the leading Norwegian radio and TV network, and possibly by another leading international news network. The Forum will be streamed live by Nobel Media, the global digital outreach unit of the Nobel Foundation, and made accessible across the world on YouTube. We also expect extensive coverage by international news media, present in Oslo to cover the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony on 10 December.
The following day, the Forum will seek to bring a select group of delegates into purposeful conversation, under the Chatham House Rule, aiming to strategically advance work and progress on the year’s selected focus area through a half-day peace congress.
Obama received Nobel Peace Prize while waging war in Afghanistan

Monday, December 18, 2017

Mountain Protector Rally Planned as Snowbowl Furthers Desecration

Mountain Protector Rally Planned as Snowbowl Furthers Desecration

FLAGSTAFF, Arizona — Despite having no natural snow, Arizona Snowbowl has opened a handful of runs at their controversial ski area with snow made from 100% treated sewage on the San Francisco Peaks. A Mountain Protector Rally is being held to address environmental issues, public health concerns, and ongoing religious freedoms violations of the 13 Indigenous Nations who hold the Peaks sacred.

"We will continue to resist desecration of the San Francisco Peaks by Arizona Snowbowl, our cultural survival depends on it," stated Klee Benally, volunteer with, "Snowbowl, the Forest Service, and the City of Flagstaff clearly don't care about our environment, public health, or religious freedom as Indigenous Peoples."

Arizona Snowbowl operates their private business on the Peaks under permit from the US Forest Service. The Forest Service approved ski area expansion and treated sewage snowmaking in 2005. Lawsuits by environmental groups and Indigenous Nations ultimately failed and Snowbowl started making treated sewage snow in 2012. The Hopi Tribe is currently in litigation with the City of Flagstaff over the city's contract to sell wastewater to Snowbowl.

When: Wednesday, December 20, 2015 at 10:30 AM.

Where: San Francisco Peaks, Arizona Snowbowl, meet at lower Humphrey parking lot.


NOW! TACOMA SHUT DOWN Blockade at fracked gas plant opposed by Puyallup Indian Nation

By Last Real Indians
Censored News
December 18, 2017
All three entrances to the construction site for a fracked gas plant at the Port of Tacoma have been successfully blockaded! Workers have been sent home.Water protectors continue to occupy and block the entrances.
The proposed fracked gas plant at the Port would hold 8-million gallons of liquefied natural gas from the Bakkens. It is being constructed without all the permits for construction and without the consultation and consent of the Puyallup Tribe, who oppose the facility.
Photos from 350 Seattle

Louisiana activist buys land in path of proposed Bayou Bridge pipeline

Julie Dermansky's blog

With Tribal Blessing, Louisiana Activist Buys Land in Path of Proposed Bayou Bridge Pipeline

Cherri Foytlin at the entrance to land in the path of the Bayou Bridge pipeline
On December 16 anti-pipeline activists calling themselves water protectors gathered in Rayne, Louisiana, on land located along the proposed route of the Bayou Bridge pipeline. The gathering occurred two days after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality granted Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) the last permit needed to build the pipeline.
Read article at Desmog Blog:

Friday, December 15, 2017

Attorneys: Government Withholding Key Evidence in Red Fawn Case -- Revolver Belonged to Paid Government Informant

Government Withholding Key Evidence in Standing Rock Federal Prosecution

Revolver Belonged to a Paid Government Informant

By Water Protector Legal Collective
Censored News
Posted on December 14, 2017

BISMARCK, North Dakota -- Federal defense attorneys for Red Fawn Fallis filed a Motion to Compel Discovery yesterday in the District of North Dakota. The motion outlines numerous videos and other crucial documentary evidence that have been requested by defense but not provided by the government.

Among the documents that the government has not produced are details related to the role of the paid FBI informant who owned the gun that was allegedly recovered at the scene of Ms. Fallis’s arrest. The existence of this informant was first addressed publicly at the end of a Motions hearing on Monday December 11, and is also described in a recent article by The Intercept. According to the motion, the requests left unanswered by the government include:

A detailed request for documents and other information relevant to the government’s use of a paid FBI informant who infiltrated the Water Protector camps, established an intimate relationship with the defendant herein, and provided contemporaneous information to the government. This informant was an eyewitness to Ms. Fallis’ arrest and the discharge of a firearm. . . . [and] the revolver that was allegedly seized from Ms. Fallis at the time of her arrest, belonged to the government’s informant.

Defense has also sought:

A detailed request for documents and other information relevant to additional informants utilized by the government, the State of North Dakota, police agencies involved and/or DAPL and/or its agents.

This motion comes only days after the conclusion of a hearing on defense Motions to Suppress, where attorneys presented evidence demonstrating that law enforcement had no probable cause to arrest Ms. Fallis. Law enforcement testimony during that hearing confirmed the existence of at least one additional informant, undercover officer or security contractor who was providing information to law enforcement. The hearing also produced evidence confirming the existence of numerous cameras mounted on law enforcement vehicles or operated by officers, for which audio or video have not been produced by the government as required by law.

Ms. Fallis was arrested on October 27, 2016 and is charged with Civil Disorder, Discharge of a Firearm in Relation to a Felony Crime of Violence, and Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition by a Convicted Felon. “Civil Disorder” is a rarely used statute that criminalizes participation in a public disturbance and has historically been used primarily against political activists and communities of color. The Motion to Compel demands that the government disclose if any of the “violent acts” that form the basis of the Civil Disorder charge were instigated by paid informants, undercover officers or private security.

Ms. Fallis is represented by attorneys Molly Armour, Jessie Cook and Bruce Ellison and is scheduled for trial on January 29, 2018 in United States District Court for the District of North Dakota in Fargo. She was incarcerated without bond for one year and is currently confined to a halfway house as she prepares for trial.

Red Fawn Fallis, a Lakota Sioux woman, is one of seven federal defendants with cases arising from the events of October 27, 2016 at Standing Rock, and she will be the first to trial. Over 300 Water Protectors are still awaiting trial in their state criminal cases.

*This statement or portions thereof not quoted from court documents may be attributed to: Water Protector Legal Collective.
Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC) provides on-the-ground legal representation and coordination for Water Protectors engaged in resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock, ND.