Dissent Magazine


The oldest democratic socialist magazine in the United States.

Дата приєднання: березень 2009


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  1. Закріплений твіт
    11 січ.

    Our Winter 2021 issue, AFTER TRUMP, is now online.

  2. 15 годин тому

    On a fundamental level, Jillian C. York doesn't think that social media companies should control speech. "But as long as they do, we need to figure out a way for them to do it better."

  3. 18 годин тому

    "We need to know, for example, what definition of 'terrorist' these companies are using—and if it’s based on politicized or problematic U.S. definitions, to be able to try to change that. . . . Facebook keeps a very secretive list."

  4. 19 годин тому

    "The rules on social media are more prudish than the real-life rules in the United States,'" tells .

  5. ретвітнув(ла)
    21 годину тому
  6. 21 годину тому

    New online today: interviews , the author of Silicon Values: The Future of Free Speech under Surveillance Capitalism.

  7. 30 бер.

    "Above the interior entranceway were painted the words, 'Work hard. Have fun. Make history.' We found that last phrase true enough, but also rather ominous." From 's tour of an Amazon warehouse last winter:

  8. ретвітнув(ла)
    30 бер.

    Jay Carney, formally of Obama Adm., invites Bernie to take a tour of Amazon. I did in early 2020 and here is the report. Apologies for the reposting, but this was one of the last pre-Covid public tours. Making History at Amazon via

  9. ретвітнув(ла)
    30 бер.

    "I want stories that aren’t just about our problems, but that are also told by, for, and with us. We are civic participants who matter. I want us to set the terms of debate."

  10. ретвітнув(ла)
    30 бер.

    Really liked this interview with about his new book on deindustrialized Pittsburgh, the healthcare sector's expansion, and its inequities. "The origin of the care economy lies in the victories of industrial workers":

  11. 30 бер.

    On April 5, join , , , , and Robin D.G. Kelley for a talk about how heirs to Alabama’s legacy of militant Black unionism mounted the largest organizing drive at an Amazon warehouse to date. Register here:

  12. 29 бер.
  13. ретвітнув(ла)
    29 бер.
  14. ретвітнув(ла)
    29 бер.

    while we're on the subject of moral panics [sigh]... our episode with and of

  15. ретвітнув(ла)
    29 бер.

    Kevin Mattson wrote a reply to my piece with on Cold War liberalism. Please give it a read, and then read our reply below. I think this is a great exchange, and we should have more forums for collegial, productive, disagreements. 1/

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  16. ретвітнув(ла)
    29 бер.

    and I respond to Kevin Matton's critique of our piece on Cold War liberalism. A few snipets below:

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  17. ретвітнув(ла)
    29 бер.

    The historian Kevin Mattson responds to the essay I cowrote with on Cold War liberalism:

  18. 29 бер.

    . and respond: By failing to assemble a coalitional politics that went beyond the ideology and logic of security, Cold War liberals became unwitting participants in liberalism’s decline.

    Показати цей потік
  19. 29 бер.

    Kevin Mattson replies to "Legacies of Cold War Liberalism." "We need to be cautious when we start discarding parts of our intellectual and political toolkit. We might toss things overboard that could inform our political sensibilities today."

    Показати цей потік
  20. ретвітнув(ла)
    27 бер.

    Just 2 days after the historic vote closes, Robin D. G. Kelley will join , co-hosts of 's pod, & , host of , for a special live show! Apr. 5 - 7:30pm ET. Register here:

    , , і ще 2
  21. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 бер.

    In light of the awful Georgia elections bill being signed into law today, I'm re-upping this great piece by that shows how such egregious laws are part of a long tradition in the US:


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