A message from Anonymous

does anyone know those bracelets for neurodivergent people that are like two sided and one side is my mood is ok and the other is like don't talk to me? I have one but I need a new one and I have no idea where to get it

Ooh, I’m not sure! i tried to look around on etsy for you but no dice. Followers, do you know where anon can find a two-sided bracelet for ND people to help communicate mood (or something similar)?

about stimmingsensation

figured i’d make a pinned post, now that that’s a handy-dandy feature on tumblr in these modern times! (wow, i’ve been on here a long, long while…)

This blog is the originator of the #stimfreely tag, where ND folks can share the stims they do that are often stigmatized. Feel free to send me asks or dms sharing your favorite stims or whatever else – i love to chat about or offer advice on stimming & other ND stuff! 🌈

And let me know if you need something tagged!

Some stuff about me…

Who’s welcome here + defining stimming

I used to get folks asking if they were welcome even if they’re not autistic, and the answer is: people of any neurotype are welcome here!!

  • Do Not Interact / DNI: the only people who should NOT interact here are: anyone who’d use this content for se.xual/ki.nk reasons; and anyone who is bigoted against any oppressed groups (so TERFS, transmeds, white supremacists, any LGBTQA-phobes, etc., DNI). 

What you’ll find on this blog:

Both original posts and reblogs that feature stimmy material, or else depict or discuss stimming!

  • some of the most common stuff i end up sharing on here: stim tools; body stims like flapping & rocking; gifs and videos of nature, glitter, food, rocks, and more!

  • i’m happy to offer whatever tips i can, and tag those #suggestion request. even if i don’t know, a follower might!

Some of my organizational tags:

  • #op: all of my original posts. Feel free to reblog them unless i include a tag specifically requesting no reblogs.
  • #my gifs: any gifs i’ve personally made! feel free to use them in stimboards so long as you credit me!
  • #stimfreely: posts that involve stims that are less accepted / stigmatized by neurotypical society as a whole, such as rocking, flapping, vocal stims & echolalia, and chewing. this blog is the origin of the stimfreely tag, and i invite anyone to make use of it when posting their own stuff about stigmatized stims! (dm me your post and i’ll likely reblog it!)
  • #body stims: any stim that involves moving the body; many of these are also part of the stimfreely tag.
  • #positivity: posts that relate to autistic pride / positivity around stimming, autism or neurodivergence in general!
  • #suggestion request: if someone sends an ask requesting advice about what to use to stim a certain way or anything else, this is what i tag it with!
  • #stuff not stim: post that is not related to stimming; usually related to other autistic stuff
  • #chatting tag: any posts / reblogs that involve me interacting with other bloggers
  • #stimming: this post is about stimming but is not stimmy in and of itself; usually a text post
  • #subtle stimming: tag with ideas for stimming less obviously when necessary
  • #public stimming: similar to the previous, ideas for stimming in public in places where it might be less accepted

  • #stim: the post provides a stim, an image, sound, etc. that one could stim to
  • #visual: this is for, you guessed it, visual stims. There has to be an actual vid, pic, or gif for a post to receive this tag, so that it can actually be used for stimming.
  • #happy eyes!: just my personal way of describing what it feels like to experience a visual stim, long before I knew stimming was a thing I’d say that stuff “made my eyes happy”
  • #happy ears!: same thing – auditory posts that I particularly love
  • #auditory: post contains a sound one might stim to
  • #tactile: post contains a tactile stim, but obviously it can’t really be stimmed to through a screen
  • #stim toys: i’ve been trying to switch over to the less infantilizing #stim tools, but you’ll find more content in the stim toys tag – a tag featuring any objects that can be used for stimming, from fidget spinners and cubes to tangles to plushies to styrofoam cups!
  • #diy: tag for stim tools you can make yourself!
  • #plushies
  • #spinning, and #flapping, and #rocking, and #chewing, and #chewelry
  • #echolalia, and #vocal stimming, and #pressure stims
  • #online: stuff you can find online – mainly stores for shopping for stim toys, but also some stimmy websites and the like.
A message from Anonymous

Hi I’ve missed you!! I followed you way back before I knew stimming was part of adhd and you’ve returned when I realized I’m actually autistic too!

Ahh hello, thank you for this message, it made me smile in the first sentence and then happy flap by the end of the second sentence ((\[^-^]/))

congrats on figuring out this important part of yourself! and as always, happy stimming! <3

i’ve not been as active on here as i used to be so i’m filling up my queue with both new original content & various other stim posts…

if you’ve got any original posts featuring body stims or stim tools (stim toys), feel free to message me so i can add them to my queue! or send me asks about your fave stims ^-^

A message from Anonymous

Who started the stim freely tag? I forgot their URL

A reply from stranger-stim

oh man i really dont remember sorry! i think i remember seeing it first on either @stimmingsensation or on the blog of someone who is no longer on tumblr (elzear), but that may have been where i first saw it not where it came from.

sorry i’m responding to an @ from literally 4 months ago lmao but yes hi, that was my blog! :D

i posted way back in Nov 2016 wondering if anyone had any name ideas for a tag specifically about stims that are more stigmatized by / less accepted in the neurotypical world (such as rocking, vocal stims & echolalia, flapping, etc. – as compared to stims that NTs find easier to “aestheticize” like paint mixing or sensory bottles).

I then made a post collecting various suggestions…..

then finally along came @angelic-dust-bunnies-deactivate (who is now deactivated as you can see from the url) with the suggestion of #stimfreely! And that’s the tag that stuck!

i’m less active on here these days than i was back then, but i still welcome anyone to send me asks or submissions that either explain or show some of their favorite stigmatized stims! I love to share them, because being able to see other people stimming freely and proudly can be so helpful to neurodivergent folks who aren’t yet able to do so. <3


you know what? I love seeing people stim! it feels like an honour to know someone is relaxed and happy and comfortable enough around me or in themselves that they can stim freely and that just makes me so happy for them. everyone deserves to feel comfortable enough to be themselves and not feel like they have to repress their stims! if you stim, weather in front of people or not I love you and I hope you know that your stims are a beautiful part of you!

A message from wildwitchofthewest

Could biting on the rim of a water bottle be a stim? I sometimes so it, it feels good to my teeth.

A reply from tfw-adhd

It absolutely can be!

And it’s so funny that you sent this ask right now because I’m literally sitting here scrolling through Tumblr whilst biting on the rim of my can of coke….

chewing on the spout on my water bottle is one of my most common stims, because i bring it with me everywhere! just glad i’ve got one with such a durable lid…

A message from Anonymous

My new favorite stim toy is this little metal chain I got from hobby lobby that I can wear as a bracelet to be discreet. I love it so much because when I was little I liked rubbing a pillow with my fingers but I would rub it so hard it fell apart, and a chain is pretty indestructible. It makes me very happy.

Ooooh sounds great! Glad you found something that gives you that same good stimmy feeling without having to worry about it falling apart!

A message from Anonymous

Hey I hope you don’t mind me asking. I am looking for a stim toy to reduce my lip biting. I used to bite my nails but now I bite my lips. It’s really becoming a problem but I can’t find anything that is as satisfying.

Hiya, I don’t mind at all :) Not sure I have a good answer for you, but I bet some lovely follower will have suggestions!

I used to bite my fingers and hands all the time – i still do when i’m feeling Really Big Feelings, but i have managed to lessen the amount i bite them by finding a water bottle with a lid that i really like to bite on (it’s the kind of lid that’s called a “chute”). It has just the right amount of give while still being solid.

Even so, it’s not quite the same as biting fingers. Unfortunately, it might not be possible to find a perfect alternative – but you should be able to find something that works well enough to at least lesson the habit over time. Whether that’s a water bottle lid, or gum, or styrofoam, or chewelry, or something else.

Anyone have good ideas for alternatives to lip biting?

A message from Anonymous

I love chewing as a stim but I've got jaw problems at the moment and I'm not meant to chew too much and chew hard things. Anyone have any ideas of alternatives or soft things I can chew without damaging my jaw?

Hey there! i’m sorry to hear about your jaw problem. For some reason the first thing popping into my head is a plastic drinking straw or something similar – you could arrange the straw so it’s along all the back molars of one side of your mouth and just gently chew on it; since it’s so thin it wouldn’t require much jaw movement.

Also – maybe styrofoam, such as a styrofoam cup?

Anyone else have recommendations for chewing stims that work when you have jaw problems and aren’t supposed to be chewing too much?