



New Orleans ❤

Thunderstorm jazz is freaking awesome. I need an album of that. I’d sleep like a baby.

“oh I’ll bet that’s Dorren… yup, that’s Doreen.”

Reblogging not for the first nor the last time. There’s just something right about this conjunction of laid-back music and lively weather…




[ID] a gif of an animated black cat sitting in a windowsill framed by red curtains as rain and fall leaves fall outside. [/ID]



sunday downpour

?Rainy Days
I really like atmosphere, so trying to get an atmospheric feel in my work, even more than that, the feel I want to convey in my work, is something I?m trying to get better at. Because of this, one of the things I want to do...


Rainy Days

I really like atmosphere, so trying to get an atmospheric feel in my work, even more than that, the feel I want to convey in my work, is something I’m trying to get better at.  Because of this, one of the things I want to do is try using more animated bits and pieces in my illustrations, so for now, a nice and simple piece to break myself in. 


video description: serene music plays as a toad sits shielded from a rainstorm, watching the rain fall in the grass beyond. The sound of rainfall is audible through the music as the toad slowly hops out into the wet grass and raindrops.


Jellycat Waldo Worm Stim Board

Disclaimer: images are not mine unless otherwise stated. Sources listed below for credit.

SENSORY WARNING: Some sources below contain other stim images.

Sources: x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x

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