
Happy stimming!

[gif description:

A nonbinary Arab person happily stims chewing on a mint @stimtastic mushroom chew necklace. They are flapping their left hand and bouncing. In the left gif the fingers are curled while on the right the fingers are more straightened out.

They are wearing a beige hijab with a black undercap and a dusty rose abaya. In the background are pride and joy posters on a blue wall to celebrate LGBT+ pride.]

A message from nxturn

Hey it’s okay if you don’t want to but could you please draw an autistic transmasc guy please?

A reply from nwarrior777

I am drawing people with different features, which were requested to me, so people can see themselves in art and feel valid and seen. more art in #reqbodyposi hashtag.
Requests are closed at this moment because i got too much of them and want to draw them all.

Autistic transmasc guy with chew stimming toy!

A message from wildwitchofthewest

Could biting on the rim of a water bottle be a stim? I sometimes so it, it feels good to my teeth.

A reply from tfw-adhd

It absolutely can be!

And it’s so funny that you sent this ask right now because I’m literally sitting here scrolling through Tumblr whilst biting on the rim of my can of coke….

chewing on the spout on my water bottle is one of my most common stims, because i bring it with me everywhere! just glad i’ve got one with such a durable lid…

A message from Anonymous

I love chewing as a stim but I've got jaw problems at the moment and I'm not meant to chew too much and chew hard things. Anyone have any ideas of alternatives or soft things I can chew without damaging my jaw?

Hey there! i’m sorry to hear about your jaw problem. For some reason the first thing popping into my head is a plastic drinking straw or something similar – you could arrange the straw so it’s along all the back molars of one side of your mouth and just gently chew on it; since it’s so thin it wouldn’t require much jaw movement.

Also – maybe styrofoam, such as a styrofoam cup?

Anyone else have recommendations for chewing stims that work when you have jaw problems and aren’t supposed to be chewing too much?



sum stimmy gifs ft the chewy necklace my bf gave me :3!




image description: a gif of a person with short pink hair, glasses, a red hoodie, and a necklace with a purple chewy ring on it. The gif starts with the person smiling at the camera and hopping while flapping their hands, then picking up the purple chewy and chewing on it, still flapping. / end image description


chew stim!

credit me if you use these gifs


rocking n flapping because i had a super fun, super gay weekend!


✨ This is a very good stim :) (the camera nearly fell but it’s all good)

Twirling the string of my chewy necklace. ✨