Monthly Archives: October 2011

The Precariat: the new dangerous class

The Precariat is infuriatingly interesting. Its author Guy Standing, a Professor of Economic Security at the University of Bath, has set out to explain the rise of a new class, “the precariat”, and explore the social/political implications of this ‘class-in-the-making’. … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world

#OccupyWallStreet will lead to #globalchange and here’s why

I had great fun yesterday during the @OccupyMelbourne protest running around in a chicken suit. Being a B-grade serial pest, I’ve been to a few protests and what not over the years but this one felt different. It wasn’t just … Continue reading

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Filed under The road map to another world

#OccupyOz because Wall St is everywhere

Change might be constant but there will always be haters. And with the growing #occupywallstreet movement, it’s no different. There are those who criticise the Wall St Occupation because there is no clear demand, or that the occupiers are somehow … Continue reading

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Filed under The road map to another world, What a just world looks like

Don’t worry, it will get worse than you think…

Do you want the good news or the bad news? Well, I always like to start with the bad news first. Things are going to get worse than you think. I mean bad, really, really bad. The good news? All … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today