Press releases

February 21, 2021

March is too soon – don’t let reckless Tories destroy a safe and sustainable return

The government looks set to move to reopening schools in some way from 8 March, and then a wider reopening across society. They are talking up a possible ‘big bang’ with most children back in schools on 8 March. That would be a lethal mistake. Ramming 10 million students straight back into schools would cost […]

February 8, 2021

Press release: Tories target left wing groups with new review

Press release: Government targets left wing groups with new review The announcement that the government is to launch a review into the activity of “far left” groups seeks to demonise Extinction Rebellion, the Black Lives Matter movement, anti-fascists and the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). (1) John Woodcock, a peer in the House of Lords, is […]

January 22, 2021

Statement: Facebook bows to pressure – now reinstate the rest of the accounts

Facebook have reinstated the Socialist Workers Party’s (SWP) national Facebook page, some local pages and activists’ profiles, after an online campaign. Within hours of the ban, thousands of organisations and individuals put pressure on Facebook to reverse the decision- which was a clear attempt by social media bosses to shut down voices of resistance. However […]

January 22, 2021

Press release: Facebook shuts down major left wing group in Britain

Press release: Facebook shuts down major left wing group in Britain For immediate release. Facebook has shut down the accounts of one of the biggest left wing organisations in Britain, the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) (1). The Socialist Workers Party Facebook page – as well as account of local pages – have been removed from […]

December 21, 2020

Schools are not safe: enough is enough

Below is a statement in response to the growing crisis around Covid from educators who are members of the Socialist Workers Party: The disastrous handling of the Covid pandemic by this government is plain for all to see. Yet it plumbed even greater depths in the last week. The threat of legal action against Greenwich […]

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