The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

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UN peacekeeping is hamstrung by national rules for its troops

Despite reforms, a system that too often values soldiers’ safety over civilian lives may get worse


The UN’s peacekeepers are under pressure to quit Congo


Baidu turns to personal transport for growth

Will robotaxis and electric cars make up for slowing advertising revenues?


Turkey faces a currency crisis after Erdogan sacks his central banker

With the stockmarket also tumbling, analysts fear worse to come

Middle East & Africa

Binyamin Netanyahu hopes to win yet another election in Israel

But several former allies threaten to knock him off his perch

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Increasingly, Europeans do not trust AstraZeneca’s vaccine

Hesitancy could put the continent’s exit strategy from the pandemic at risk


Bagehot: The disruptive rise of English nationalism

A radical new force is reshaping the country


The Jab: Will America avoid Europe’s pitfalls?

Our weekly podcast at the sharp end of the global vaccination race

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Readers’ favourites

Finance & economics

America used to be behind on digital payments. Not any more

PayPal, Stripe and others are only just getting started


The link between personality and success

Combining introverts and extroverts


The pandemic has changed the shape of global happiness

The old have become happier and the young more miserable

Graphic detail

See how age and illnesses change the risk of dying from covid-19

Our risk model estimates chances of death and hospitalisation based on age, sex and comorbidities


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Special report: The future of shopping

The return of one-to-one commerce

Not since the Industrial Revolution has shopping been in such upheaval, writes Henry Tricks

E-commerce profits may become harder to make

The Amazons and Alibabas are not as impregnable as they might seem

The rise of the rebel brands

Turning backs on Amazon is hard but not impossible

Independent retailers may choose multiple sales channels

Alternatives to big tech are flourishing around the world

The importance of "omnichannel" strategies

Reports of the death of the supermarket have been exaggerated

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