
Editor-in-Chief: John Robb please contact c/o twitter johnrobb77 or instagram johnrobb77

You could try the email but with more than 1000 emails a day it may not get seen!

Associate Editor: Phil Newall

Section editors

Exclusives, News & Premiers – please contact John Robb

Interviews & Features Editor – Nigel Carr –

Live reviews/ Book Editor – Melanie Smith –

Head of Photography – Melanie Smith –

Festival Editor – Naomi Dryden Smith –

Head of reviews– (album / EP / single / video)  Wayne Carey –

Assistant reviews editors- Ged Babey –

Nathan Whittle –

Neil Hodge –

For anything else including site related issues please email Nigel.

Write for Louder Than War

If you’re interested in writing for Louder Than War, email the most appropriate editor first, please avoid sending in unsolicited pieces. Our team is incredibly busy so please keep your expectations at a reasonable level.

Please bear in mind we have no budget to pay writers, photographers or contributors to Louder Than War!

Advertise on Louder Than War

If you’d like to advertise on Louder Than War please email Helena Hughes on or contact John Robb.

Louder Than War shop

For enquiries about purchases made through the Louder Than War online shop please email

New artists

Things to include when you get in touch as a potential new artist are:

  • A link to download or stream your music.
  • A short description (ideally one line) describing your band’s “sound”.

Sadly we haven’t enough staff to cover every suggestion we get sent and there aren’t enough days in the week to write about everyone who approaches us, however, we do try to cover as many releases/artists as possible.

The best tip we can give bands who’d like to appear on Louder Than War is to find a review on the site of a band you feel is similar to you, then get in touch with the writer of the review. We often add Twitter handles to writer’s bylines and links to their blogs which have contact details.

Another good tip is to get your stuff to us at least a month before the release date if possible. We receive far too much stuff on or after the release date. Our aim is to keep things fresh, new and exciting, as your aim is to get people listening!

Thanks for your interest in Louder Than War.