Really, Really Well Adjusted – Randolph’s Leap album review

Spirit Level – Randolph’s Leap (Fika Recordings) No matter how good the solo shows and the solo recordings are I’ve always felt that Randolph’s Leap songs are heard to best effect in the context of the full eight-piece band. Yet, for understandable reasons, the number of full band recordings is quite limited with the ‘Real…

Melancholy Psychosis – Pale Saints feature (1990)

Some records truly stand the test of time and sound as fresh to the ears as they did in utterly different times and situations (writes Andy Wood). Pale Saints 1990 debut, The Comforts Of Madness, has always been one of those records for me and it’s one I’ve recommended to numerous people over the years….

2020 Albums

2020 was a weird year in so many ways. But one definite outcome was that I bought fewer albums than I’ve done in previous years, albeit my spend on EPs (and live albums) probably went up significantly. Partly that was down to a lack of visits to record shops. Whilst my pre-order shopping would be…

2020 Singles/ EPs

2020 is the first year that I’ve not concentrated on singles that I’ve bought but have included songs from streaming to compile this list. To qualify a streaming track has had to be released as a single AND received a number of plays as a single in the MPT household . Taking Bob Mould’s singles…

2020 Live

Despite 2020’s gigging being necessarily curtailed, we still squeezed in 8 different shows in to the restricted calendar, 7 before lockdown and an unexpected open air encore in September. Show of the year was undoubtedly Sleater-Kinney at the Barrowlands (above) (even more so if I can count STOOR at Mono the same evening as their…