The New Social Environment#236

Radical Poetry Reading with Pamela Sneed

Featuring political poetry read by Kyle Dacuyan, Devyn Mañibo, Emilio Rojas, and Omotara James.


1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific

Poet Pamela Sneed curates the 25th Radical Poetry Reading, featuring Kyle Dacuyan, Devyn Mañibo, Emilio Rojas, and Omotara James.

Pamela Sneed

Pamela Sneed
Photo by Patricia Silva
A New York-based poet, writer, performer and visual artist, author of Funeral Diva, as well as Imagine Being More Afraid of Freedom than Slavery, KONG and Other Works, Sweet Dreams and two chaplets, Gift by Belladonna and Black Panther. She has been featured in the New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Artforum, Hyperallergic and on the cover of New York Magazine. She is online faculty in SAIC’s low res MFA and has also been a Visiting Artist at SAIC in the program for 4 years. She has performed at the Whitney, Brooklyn Museum, Poetry Project , MCA, The High Line , New Museum and Toronto Biennale. She appears in Nikki Giovanni’s, “The 100 Best African American Poems.” In 2018, she was nominated for two PushCart Prizes in poetry.

Kyle Dacuyan

Kyle Dacuyan
Photo by Amelia Golden
A poet, performer, and translator who writes poems and makes performance. Recent poems appear in Ambit, The Brooklyn Rail, The Offing, and Social Text. He is a 2021 NEA Fellow in Literature and Executive Director of The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s.

Devyn Mañibo

Devyn Mañibo
Courtesy of Devyn Mañibo
An interdisciplinary artist, feeder, and organizer. She is the co-curator of Maracuya Peach Reading Series and the co-editor of the publishing project Already Felt: Poems of Revolt & Bounty with danilo machado and Alexis Aceves Garcia. She makes and breaks bread in Brooklyn.

Emilio Rojas

A multidisciplinary artist working primarily with the body in performance, using video, photography, installation, public interventions and sculpture. As a queer latinx immigrant with indigenous heritage, he engages in the postcolonial ethical imperative to uncover, investigate, and make known undervalued or disparaged sites of knowledge, narratives, and individuals. He utilizes his body as an instrument to unearth removed traumas, embodied forms of decolonization, migration and poetics of space. His research based practice is influenced by queer and feminist archives, border politics, botanical colonialism, and defaced monuments. He is also a translator, community activist, yoga teacher, and anti-oppression facilitator with queer, migrant, and refugee youth.

Omotara James

Omotara James
Courtesy of Omotara James
The author of the poetry collection, Song of My Softening, forthcoming from Alice James Books, April 2022 and the chapbook, “Daughter Tongue,” selected by African Poetry Book Fund, in collaboration with Akashic Books, for the 2018 New Generation African Poets Box Set. James’ poems appear in print and digital journals, including The Poetry Foundation, The Paris Review, The Academy of American Poets Poem-A-Day series, The Believer, Literary Hub, Poetry Society of America. Her work has been recently anthologised and selected for inclusion in Embodied: An Intersectional Feminist Comics Poetry Anthology (A Wave Blue World, 2021), Best Small Fictions (Sonder Press, 2020), Islands Are But Mountains (Platypus Press, 2019).