The New Social Environment#58

Lynn Crawford with Barry Schwabsky


1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific

Fiction writer and art critic Lynn Crawford and art critic Barry Schwabsky discuss creative life in the context of our new social reality.

A black and white photo of writer and art critic Lynn Crawford.

Fiction writer and art critic Lynn Crawford is a founding board member of Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD), a 2010 Kresge Literary Arts Fellow and a 2016 Rauschenberg Writing Fellow. Her books include Solow, Blow, Fortification Resort, a series of art-related sestinas, Simply Separate People, Simply Separate People, Two, Shankus & Kitto : A Saga and her latest novel, Paula Regossy (2020. Trinosophes) Her work appears in various anthologies (Oulipo Compendium, Fetish, Brooklyn Rail, Fence) and journals (Art in America, Infinite Mile, Detroit Research, Hyperallergic, Tema Celeste, McSweeney’s, Lilies and Cannonballs, Parkett, Bookforum, Metro Times). Lynn earned a MSW from New York University and has worked in various psychiatric, community, hospital, museum and school settings. She lives with her family north of Detroit. (

In the Rail:

A drawing of writer and art critic Barry Schwabsky by Phong Bui

Barry Schwabsky is art critic for The Nation and co-editor of international reviews for Artforum. His recent books includeThe Perpetual Guest: Art in the Unfinished Present(Verso, 2016),Heretics of Language(Black Square Editions, 2017),Landscape Painting Now(D.A.P, 2019) andThe Observer Effect: On Contemporary Painting(Sternberg Press, 2020). Forthcoming are a monograph on the British painter Gillian Carnegie (Lund Humphries, 2020) and a collection of poetry,A Feeling of And(Black Square Editions, 2021).

In the Rail:

John Coletti is the author of Deep Code (City Lights, 2014), Mum Halo (Rust Buckle Books, 2010), Same Enemy Rainbow (fewer & further 2008), and Physical Kind (Yo-Yo-Labs 2005). With Anselm Berrigan, he is the author of the limited edition Skasers (Flowers & Cream, 2012). He has served as editor of The Poetry Project Newsletter and recently worked on a libretto for Excelsior, an opera composed by Caleb Burhans commissioned by Chicago’s Fifth House Ensemble, which premiered in 2013. (