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Art In Conversation

JEFF ELROD with Phong H. Bui

Jeff Elrod speaks with Rail publisher, Phong Bui, about his new show The Last Handshake, the evolution of his practice, and the significance of the hand in his work.

Art In Conversation

CATHERINE GUND with Thyrza Nichols Goodeve

On the occasion of her newest film, Aggie, filmmaker Catherine Gund speaks to Rail Editor at Large, Thyrza Nichols Goodeve about her life spent in activism and film making.

Art In Conversation

LESLIE HEWITT with Megan N. Liberty

Leslie Hewitt speaks with Rail Art Books editor, Megan N. Liberty on the occasion of the opening of her project space at Perrotin, NY, Anatomy of a Flower and Other Studio Experiments.

KENT MONKMAN with Amber Jamilla Musser

In this moment of institutional and personal reckoning about the legacy of settler-colonialism and violence against Indigenous people, Kent Monkman’s work invites provocative intersections with the canon of Western European and American art history while exploring themes such as sexuality, colonization, loss, and resilience. Monkman is an interdisciplinary visual artist and member of the Fisher River Cree Nation in Treaty Five territory, Manitoba.

From the Publisher & Artistic Director

Dear Friends and Readers,

Many of us who have read Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (published in two volumes, the first in 1835 and the second in 1840), are forever grateful to his acute observations about, and enthusiasm for America.

Editor's Message

The Prompt

Throughout, the worldview of a (Black) artist’s Times obituary and its expectations of talent, form, worthiness, a show, a gallery, a museum or not—all particular containers—are evident. Present and posthumous success requires a comprehensive identity, a position in terms of the system’s frame.

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Table of Contents

Editor's Message

Publisher's Message



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Art Books

In Memoriam

Field Notes

The Miraculous


The Brooklyn Rail

NOV 2020

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