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Yemen is not starving, Yemen is being starved

While the UN calls for international aid to avert famine in Yemen, the UK slashes its contribution. Sam Perlo-Freeman explains what’s at stake for ordinary Yemenis.

Latest issue: March-April 2021

Democracy on the edge

Art is essential to building a better future, writes Nanjala Nyabola.

Not green, in fact: The Petra Nova CSS facility (pictured above) captured carbon from a coal plant in Texas, US... and used the CO2 to boost production at the West Ranch oil field, via a 130-kilometre pipeline. REUTERS/TRISH BADGER

Danny Chivers weighs up the evidence on carbon-capture technologies and finds them wanting.

The abandoned remains of a forklift overgrown with trees, next to a destroyed beachfront house in Futaba, Fukushima. Credit: C.E.J. Simons.

Ten years on from the devastating nuclear disaster, citizens are working together to show that nuclear power and fossil fuels are not the only way. Tina Burrett visits the red zone.

Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini (bottom, centre, in white top) with women peacemakers from conflict zones from around the world at ICAN's 2018 Annual Forum in Sri Lanka. Credit: ICAN

Women in war zones are the best peace-makers, yet they rarely get a place at negotiation tables dominated by men. Iranian gender activist and senior adviser to the UN Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini is working to change that.

Malawi Citizens’ Assembly member Daudi Amidu, a merchant trader, dances alongside fellow participants as they take a pause from considering ways to improve local spending rules in Salima South, Lake Malawi. MADALITSO BANDA/ALL HANDS ON

A kickstart for a habitable future. Claire Mellier and Rich Wilson make the case for citizens’ assemblies.

In the absence of enough trained doctors, reliance on other, less-qualified health workers is growing in the Global South. Physician Neil Singh’s exploration begins with a personal encounter. 

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