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Biden’s Rescue Plan Will Be a Huge Benefit for Undocumented Workers

This federal sea change in policy comes after years of efforts by Western states to reimagine their social safety nets.

Sasha Abramsky


Harry Breaks Free From the Racial Contract—and Pays the Price

The response to Harry’s abandoning that contract, both in the Buckingham Palace and British media, has been swift, overt and punitive.

Kali Holloway

In the Vicinity of Genius

How a friendship with Glenn Gould created an unlikely cultural critic.

Jeet Heer

So What the Hell Is Race Norming?

Former NFL players accuse the league of racial bias in how it doles out concussion settlement money. Their suit has exposed a practice that belongs in history’s trash can.

Dave Zirin
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Special Issue: Parenting as a radical act of love

Across Prison Walls, I Felt My Parents’ Love

For Chesa Boudin, his mother and father were radical not for their politics but for the extraordinary lengths they took to parent him while incarcerated.

Chesa Boudin

The Long Shadow of Family Separation

For families separated at the border, the trauma remains even after being reunited.

Maritza Lizeth FĂ©lix

Meet the Climate Kids Who Are Mobilizing a Generation of Parents

Across the country and the world, children are waking moms and dads to the urgent need to take climate action.

Angely Mercado


We Need to Rethink Employment in the Biden Era

Joe Biden has campaigned on the promise of “good wages, benefits, and worker protections.” More than that, jobs should contribute to a better life for workers.

Rebecca Gordon

Stacey Plaskett’s �How Dare You?’ Indictment Demolished a Dog-Whistling Republican

After Glenn Grothman claimed advocates for Black lives don’t like “the old-fashioned family,” Plaskett gave him no quarter.

John Nichols

A Fraud, Not a Lincoln

Liberals need a reckoning with the fortune they wasted on Never Trump charlatans.

Jeet Heer


How Pelé Sold Out

A new Netflix documentary revisits the soccer star’s illustrious World Cup career during a pivotal period in Brazilian history.

Miguel Salazar

Mexico Could Soon Become the Largest Legal Marijuana Market in the World

But activists say the law fails to address the widespread pain that decades of militarized enforcement have caused.

Maya Averbuch

France’s New Culture Warriors

The notion that the French state would bolster academic freedom by enhancing oversight of what is considered appropriate research is ludicrous on its face. But there’s a deeper irony as well.

Cole Stangler


�Minari’ Is a Landmark for Asian American Cinema

Lee Isaac Chung’s poignant immigrant drama is the kind of film that can be felt with all five senses. 

Kristen Yoonsoo Kim

The World Lawrence Ferlinghetti Built

As a poet, publisher, and bookstore owner, he helped foster a literary ecosystem where politics and culture for the better seemed possible.

Barry Schwabsky

The Future of Postcolonial Thought

A pair of books—one by Walter Mignolo and Catherine Walsh, another by Achille Mbembe—consider the unfulfilled promise of decolonization.

Arjun Appadurai

Watch and Listen

Listen: Leroy Moore, Krip Hop Nation, and the Politics of the Paralympics

The famed disability rights activist weighs in on the Paralympics.

March 9, 2021

View: Mexico Could Soon Become the Largest Legal Marijuana Market in the World

But activists say the law fails to address the widespread pain that decades of militarized enforcement have caused.

February 25, 2021

Watch: Was the Killing of Ahmad Erekat an Extrajudicial Execution?

Watch Forensic Architecture's detailed investigation of the circumstances of Ahmad Erekat’s killing.

February 26, 2021