Weekend long read

1) At the Fathom journal, David Hirsh explains ‘The Meaning of David Miller’. “According to Br...

Weekend long read

1) Writing at Unherd, Shany Mor explains ‘How Israel won the vaccine wars’. “Israel’s remark...

Happy Purim!

Wishing all our readers celebrating Purim a very happy holiday.  ...

Weekend long read

1) The ITIC documents the ‘Reaction of the Palestinian Authority to the International Criminal Court (ICC) Decision to Investigate Events in Judea, Samaria, east…

Weekend long read

1) At the INSS Pnina Sharvit Baruch discusses the recent ICC ruling. “On February 5, 2021, the Int...

Weekend long read

1) UN Watch has published a report examining claims made about Israel at the UNHRC. “Every session...